Red connections are through ZeroMQ sockets, Blue are through WebSockets and Green are through HTTP. All ZeroMQ messages are sent as multipart with one string (command, option) per part, with no empty frames (unles explicitly specified otherwise).
Broker is server when communicating with worker. IP address and port are configurable, protocol is TCP. Worker socket is DEALER, broker one is ROUTER type. Because of that, very first part of every (multipart) message from broker to worker must be target worker's socket identity (which is saved on it's **init** command).
-`header` - additional header describing worker capabilities. Format must be `header_name=value`, every header shall be in a separate message frame. There is no maximum limit on number of headers.
- **done** - job evaluation finished, see **done** command in [[Communication#main-communication]].
- **progress** - evaluation progress report, see **progress** command in [[Communication#progress-callback]]
Worker is communicating with file server only from _execution thread_. Supported is HTTP protocol optionally with SSL encryption (**recommended**, you can get free certificate from [Let's Encrypt]( if you haven't one yet). If supported by server and used version of libcurl, HTTP/2 standard is also available. File server should be set up to require basic HTTP authentication and worker is capable to send corresponding credentials with each request.
### Worker point of view
Worker is cabable of 2 things - download file and upload file. Internally, worker is using libcurl C library with very similar setup. In both cases it can verify HTTPS certificate (on Linux against system cert list, on Windows against downloaded one from their website during installation), support basic HTTP authentication, offer HTTP/2 with fallback to HTTP/1.1 and fail on error (returned HTTP status code is >= 400). Worker have list of credentials to all available file servers in it's config file.
- download file - standard HTTP GET request to given URL expecting content as response
- upload file - standard HTTP PUT request to given URL with file data as body - same as command line tool `curl` with option `--upload-file`
### File server point of view
File server has it's internal directory structure, where all the files are stored. It provides REST API to get them or create new ones. File server doesn't provide authentication or secured connection by itself, but it's supposed to run file server as WSGI script inside a web server (like Apache) with proper configuration. For communication with worker are relevant these commands:
- **PUT /results/\<id\>.\<ext\>** - upload archive with evaluation results under specified name (should be same _id_ as name of submission archive). On successful upload returns JSON `{ "result": "OK" }` as body of returned page.
If not specified otherwise, `zip` format of archives is used. Symbol `/` in API description is root of file server's domain. If the domain is for example `` with SSL support, getting input file for one task could look as GET request to ``.
-`header` - additional header describing worker capabilities. Format must be `header_name=value`, every header shall be in a separate message frame. There is no maximum limit on number of headers. There may be also no headers at all.
File server has a REST API for interaction with other parts of ReCodEx. Description communication with workers is in [[Communication#file-server-point-of-view]]. On top of that, there are other command for interaction with frontend:
- **GET /results/\<id\>.\<ext\>** - download archive with evaluated results of job _id_
- **POST /submissions/\<id\>** - upload new submission with identifier _id_. Expects that the body of the POST request uses file paths as keys and the content of the files as values. On successful upload returns JSON `{ "archive_path": <archive_url>, "result_path": <result_url> }` in response body. From _archive_path_ can be the submission downloaded (by worker) and corresponding evaluation results shouldbe uploaded to _result_path_.
- **POST /tasks** - upload new files, which will be available by names eqal to `sha1sum` of their content. There can be uploaded more files at once. On successful upload returns JSON `{ "result": "OK", "files": <file_list> }` in response body, where _file_list_ is dictionary of original file name as key and new URL with already hashed name as value.
There are no plans yet to support deleting files from this API. This may change in time.
Monitor interacts with browser through WebSocket connection. Monitor acts as server and browsers are connecting to it. IP address and port are also configurable. When client connects to the monitor, it sends a message with string representation of channel id (which messages are interested in, usually id of evaluating job). There can be at most one listener per channel, latter connection replaces previous one.
When monitor receives "progress" message from broker there are two options:
- there is no WebSocket connection for listed channel (job id) - message is dropped
- there is active WebSocket connection for listed channel - message is parsed into JSON format (see below) and send as string to browser. Messages for active connections are queued, so no messages are discarded even on heavy workload.