Red connections are through ZeroMQ sockets, Blue are through WebSockets and Green are through HTTP. All ZeroMQ messages are sent as multipart with one string (command, option) per part, with no empty frames (unles explicitly specified otherwise).
Communication between the two worker threads is split into two separate parts, each one holding dedicated connection line. These internal lines are realized by ZeroMQ inproc PAIR sockets. For this section assume that the thread of the worker which communicates with broker is called _listening thread_ and the other one, which is evaluating incoming jobs is called _job thread_. _Listening thread_ is at both cases server (here is called `bind()` method), but because of ZeroMQ function it's not much important (`connect()` call in clients can precede server `bind()` call with no issue).
### Main communication
Main communication is on `inproc://jobs` sockets. _Listening thread_ is waiting for any messages (from broker, jobs and progress sockets) and handle incoming requests properly.
Commands from _listening thread_ to _job thread_:
- **eval** - evaluate a job. Requires 3 arguments:
-`job_id` - identifier of this job
-`job_url` - URI location of archive with job configuration and submitted source code
-`result_url` - remote URI where results will be pushed to
Commands from _job thread_ to _listening thread_:
- **done** - notifying of finished job. Requires 2 arguments:
-`job_id` - identifier of finished job
-`result` - response result, one of "OK" and "ERR"
### Progress callback
Progress messages are sent through `inproc://progress` sockets. This is only one way communication from _job thread_ to the _listening thread_.
- **progress** - notice about evaluation progress. Requires 2 or 4 arguments:
-`job_id` - identifier of current job
-`state` - what is happening now. One of "DOWNLOADED" (submission successfuly fetched), "UPLOADED" (results are uploaded to fileserver), "STARTED" (evaluation started), "ENDED" (evaluation is finnished) and "TASK" (task state changed - see below)
-`task_id` - only present for "TASK" state - identifier of task in current job
-`task_state` - only present for "TASK" state - result of task evaluation. One of "COMPLETED" and "FAILED".
Broker is server when comminicating with worker. IP address and port are configurable, protocol is TCP. Worker socket is DEALER, broker one is ROUTER type.
Commands from broker to worker:
- **eval** - evaluate a job. See **eval** command in [[Communication#main-communication]].
- **intro** - introduce yourself to the broker (with **init** command)
- **pong** - reply to **ping** command, no arguments
Commands from worker to broker:
- **init** - introduce yourself to the broker. Useful on startup or after reestablishing lost connection. Requires at least two arguments:
-`hwgroup` - hardware group of this worker
-`header` - additional header describing worker capabilities. Format must be `header_name=value`, every header shall be in a separate message frame. There is no maximum limit on number of headers.
- **done** - job evaluation finished, see **done** command in [[Communication#main-communication]].
- **progress** - evaluation progress report, see **progress** command in [[Communication#progress-callback]]
Broker communicates with monitor also through ZeroMQ over TCP protocol. Type of socket is same on both sides, ROUTER. Monitor is set as server in this communication, it's IP address and port are configurable in monitor's config file. ZeroMQ socket ID (set on monitor's side) is "recodex-monitor" and must be sent as first frame of every multipart message - see ZeroMQ ROUTER socket documentation for more info.
Monitor is treated somehow as optional part of whole solution, so no special effort on communication realibility was made.
Commands from monitor to broker:
There are none commands yet. Any message from monitor to broker is logged and discarded.
Commands from broker to monitor:
- **progress** - notification about progress with job evaluation. See [[Communication#progress-callback]] for more info.
Monitor interacts with browser through WebSocket connection. Monitor acts as server and browsers are connecting to it. IP address and port are also configurable. When client connects to the monitor, it sends a message with string representation of channel id (which messages are interested in, usually id of evaluating job). There can be at most one listener per channel, latter connection replaces previous one. After establishing the connection, the message "Connection established" is sent from monitor to browser.
When monitor receives "progress" message from broker there are two options:
- there is no WebSocket connection for listed channel (job id) - message is dropped
- there is active WebSocket connection for listed channel - message is parsed into JSON format (see below) and send as string to browser. Messages for active connections are queued, so no messages are discarded even on heavy workload.
Message JSON format is dictionary with keys:
- **command** - type of progress. One of "STARTED" (evaluation started), "DOWNLOADED" (submission source downloaded), "TASK" (progress on one of the tasks), "UPLOADED" (results are uploaded), "ENDED" (evaluation ended)
- **task_id** - id of currently evaluated task. Present only if **command** is "TASK".
- **task_state** - state of task with id **task_id**. Present only if **command** is "TASK".