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Exit Code Mappings

For particular runtime environments ReCodEx can provide mappings of result codes to some custom messages. This is possible for example for Java, C# or Python where there can be custom wrappers/runners which might catch exceptions and then provide users more detailed information about evaluations.

Free Pascal

Actually, the FPC itself returns a specific code when a runtime error is encountered. All exit codes on the runtime errors list are translated into corresponding strings according to FPC documentation:



Exit Code Exception Mapping
0 --- OK
1 Throwable Unknown error
2 InvocationTargetException Other invocation target exception
100 OutOfMemoryError Out of memory exception
101 SecurityException Security exception
102 --- Main class not found exception
103 --- Multiple main classes found
104 IllegalAccessException Illegal access exception
105 IllegalArgumentException Illegal argument exception
106 StackOverflowError Stack overflow exception
107 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Array index out of bounds exception
108 IndexOutOfBoundsException Index out of bounds exception
109 NullPointerException Null pointer exception
110 ArithmeticException Arithmetic exception
111 OutOfMemoryError Out of memory error (after invocation)
112 SecurityException Security exception (after invocation)
113 IOException IO exception



Exit Code Exception Mapping
0 --- OK
1 --- User error
101 TargetInvocationException Unhandled exception
102 NullReferenceException Null reference error
103 OutOfMemoryException Memory allocation error
104 IndexOutOfRangeException Index out of range error
105 OverflowException Overflow error
106 IOException IO error
107 FileNotFoundException File not found error
108 InvalidOperationException Invalid operation error
109 DivideByZeroException Division by zero error
200 Exception Internal error
201 --- No main method
202 --- More main methods



Exit Code Exception Mapping
0 --- OK
1 BaseException Unhandled exception
101 AssertionError An assertion failed
102 TypeError Type error (a different type was expected)
103 NameError Name not found error (an undefined name was used)
104 EOFError End of file error (input() encountered an EOF)
105 AttributeError Attribute access failed
106 IOError IO error
107 OSError OS returned an error (including filesystem access errors)
108 LookupError Lookup error (invalid key or index was used in a data structure)
109 ValueError Value error (invalid value of the right type was encountered)
110 ZeroDivisionError Zero division error
111 ArithmeticError Arithmetic error
112 ImportError Import error (an unknown or forbidden module was imported)
113 MemoryError Memory allocation error
114 SyntaxError Syntax error
115 RecursionError Recursion error