@ -554,10 +554,36 @@ Click on `Edit` button on the right, scroll down to *Supplementary files* box
and upload the compiled `javarun.class`.
#### Java Maven (for larger projects)
This environment requires OpenJDK to be installed (see Java environment), but
you do not have to have Java environment itself enabled in ReCodEx.
Install Apache Maven manually by extracting `tar.gz` binaries into `/opt/maven`.
Most manuals will have you install Maven into something like `/opt/apache-maven-3.8.4`,
but the version in the path would make it difficult for upgrades (and the pipelines
are already configured for `/opt/maven`).
Maven requires cache for dependencies pre-built, since the sandbox is not allowed
to modify it and it would be tedious to reload everything with every project.
Checkout/download [utility for building `.m2` cache](https://github.com/ReCodEx/utils/tree/master/maven-m2-builder).
There is a reference project (hello world), which is built and executed by the
`build.sh` script. It populates `.m2` directory and then moves it to `/opt/maven-repo`
(`sudo` is used for moving, so the current user must be a sudoer). The `pom.xml` of the reference
project contains some dependencies we find useful, feel free to add your own
(note that you need to edit the `pom.xml.template`).
Finally, add the following variables to `environ-variable` list in the worker configuration:
MAVEN_HOME: /opt/maven
M2_HOME: /opt/maven-repo
#### Kotlin
This environment requires Java runtime to be installed as well (please do before
venturing forth).
This environment requires OpenJDK to be installed (see Java environment), but
you do not have to have Java environment itself enabled in ReCodEx.
Download latest Kotlin compiler release from [GitHub](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin)
and unzip it to `/opt/kotlin`.