Merge branch 'master' of

Teyras 8 years ago
commit addd575b8a

@ -454,9 +454,57 @@ and everybody seems happy about it. There are other communicating channels every
user have available like email or git, but they are totally inappropriate for
designing user interfaces on top of them.
@todo: what type of users there should be, why they are needed
@todo: groups, they can be public and private and why is that, what it solves, explain and discuss threshold and other group features
The application interacts with users. From the project assignment is clear, that
the system has to keep personalized data about users and adapt presented content
according to this knowledge. User data cannot be publicly visible, so that
implies necessity of user authentication. There are several way of
auhtentication user in web applications. HTTP basic authentication has a few
drawbacks like sending plain credentials in every request or no logout option,
so it is not recommended to use. Using cookies is possible, but it is
susceptible to various types of attacks including stealing and also brings state
into stateless protocols as REST. Another option is using tokens, OAuth2 or JWT
(JSON Web Token). Nowadays it is widely used and has only a few cons (need to
make extra effort to mitigate XSS attacks). Additional option is usage of
one-time passwords. These can be time or counter based and are mostly used for
two-factor authentication. Since ReCodEx does not need to have military grade
security, JWT tokens are used for authentication. However, two-factor
authentication may come in next releases.
User data also includes a privilege level. From the assignment it is required to
have at least two roles, _student_ and _supervisor_. However, it is wise to add
_administrator_ level, which takes care of the system as a whole and is
responsible for core setup, monitoring, updates and so on. Student role has the
least power, basically can just view assignments and submit solutions.
Supervisors have more authority, so they can create exercises and assignments,
view results of students etc. From the university organization, one possible
level could be introduced, _course guarantor_. However, from real experience all
duties related with lecturing of labs are already associtated with supervisors,
so this role seems not so useful. In addition, no one requested more than three
level privilege scheme.
School labs are lessons for some students lead by one (or sometimes two or
three) supervisors. Students have the same homeworks and supervisors are
evaluating them. This organization has to be carried into the new system.
Counterpart to real labs are virtual groups. This concept was already discussed
in previous chapter including need for hierarchical structure of groups. Right
for attending labs has only a person, who is student of the university and is
recorded in university information system. To allow restriction of group members
in ReCodEx, there two type of groups -- _public_ and _private_. Public groups
are open for every registered users, but to become a member of private group one
of its supervisors have to add that user. This could be done automatically at
beginning of the term with data from information system, but unfortunately there
is no such API yet. However, creating this API is now considered by university
leadership. Another just as good solution for restricting membership of a group
is to allow anyone join the group with supplementary confirmation of
supervisors. It has no additional benefits, so approach with public and private
groups is implemented.
Supervisors using CodEx in their labs usually set minimum amout of points
required to get a credit. These points can be get by solving assigned exercises.
To visualy show users if they already have enough points, ReCodEx groups
supports setting this limit. There are two equal ways how to set a limit --
absolute value or relative value to maximum. The latter way seems nicer, so it
is implemented. The relative value is set in percents and is called threashold.
@todo: explain instances why they are useful what they solve and also discuss licenses concept
@ -664,13 +712,52 @@ This discussion is a never ending story which is done through the whole
development process. Some of the most important implementation problems or
interesting observations will be discussed in this chapter.
### Backend communication
### General communication
@todo: what type of communication within backend could be used, mention some
frameworks, queue managers, protocols, which was considered - why we don't use
CORBA, RabbitMQ and why is ZeroMQ great
@todo: maybe merge frontend communication into this
Frontend communication follows the choice, that ReCodEx should be primary a web
application. The communication protocol has to reflect client-server
architecture. There are several options:
- *TCP sockets* -- TCP sockets give a reliable means of a full-duplex
communication. All major operating systems support this protocol and there are
libraries which simplify the implementation. On the other side, it is not
possible to initiate a TCP socket from a web browser.
- *WebSockets* -- The WebSocket standard is built on top of TCP. It enables a
web browser to connect to a server over a TCP socket. WebSockets are
implemented in recent versions of all modern web browsers and there are
libraries for several programming languages like Python or JavaScript (running
in Node.js). Encryption of the communication over a WebSocket is supported as
a standard.
- *HTTP protocol* -- The HTTP protocol is a state-less protocol implemented on
top of the TCP protocol. The communication between the client and server
consists of a requests sent by the client and responses to these requests sent
back by the sever. The client can send as many requests as needed and it may
ignore the responses from the server, but the server must respond only to the
requests of the client and it cannot initiate communication on its own.
End-to-end encryption can be achieved easily using SSL (HTTPS).
We chose the HTTP(S) protocol because of the simple implementation in all sorts
of operating systems and runtime environments on both the client and the server
The API of the server should expose basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
operations. There are some options on what kind of messages to send over the
- SOAP -- a protocol for exchanging XML messages. It is very robust and complex.
- REST -- is a stateless architecture style, not a protocol or a technology. It
relies on HTTP (but not necessarily) and its method verbs (e.g., GET, POST,
PUT, DELETE). It can fully implement the CRUD operations.
Even though there are some other technologies we chose the REST style over the
HTTP protocol. It is widely used, there are many tools available for development
and testing, and it is understood by programmers so it should be easy for a new
developer with some experience in client-side applications to get to know with
the ReCodEx API and develop a client application.
### Broker
@ -1055,49 +1142,6 @@ the monitor. To solve this, messages for each job are hold 5 minutes after
reception of last message. The client gets all already received messages at time
of connection with no message loss.
### Frontend communication
The first thing we need to address is the communication protocol of this
client-server architecture. There are several options:
- *TCP sockets* -- TCP sockets give a reliable means of a full-duplex
communication. All major operating systems support this protocol and there are
libraries which simplify the implementation. On the other side, it is not
possible to initiate a TCP socket from a web browser.
- *WebSockets* -- The WebSocket standard is built on top of TCP. It enables a
web browser to connect to a server over a TCP socket. WebSockets are
implemented in recent versions of all modern web browsers and there are
libraries for several programming languages like Python or JavaScript (running
in Node.js). Encryption of the communication over a WebSocket is supported as
a standard.
- *HTTP protocol* -- The HTTP protocol is a state-less protocol implemented on
top of the TCP protocol. The communication between the client and server
consists of a requests sent by the client and responses to these requests sent
back by the sever. The client can send as many requests as needed and it may
ignore the responses from the server, but the server must respond only to the
requests of the client and it cannot initiate communication on its own.
End-to-end encryption can be achieved easily using SSL (HTTPS).
We chose the HTTP(S) protocol because of the simple implementation in all sorts
of operating systems and runtime environments on both the client and the server
The API of the server should expose basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
operations. There are some options on what kind of messages to send over the
- SOAP -- a protocol for exchanging XML messages. It is very robust and complex.
- REST -- is a stateless architecture style, not a protocol or a technology. It
relies on HTTP (but not necessarily) and its method verbs (e.g., GET, POST,
PUT, DELETE). It can fully implement the CRUD operations.
Even though there are some other technologies we chose the REST style over the
HTTP protocolo. It is widely used, there are many tools available for
development and testing, and it is understood by programmers so it should be
easy for a new developer with some experience in client-side applications to get
to know with the ReCodEx API and develop a client application.
### API server
The API server must handle HTTP requests and manage the state of the application
