Martin Polanka 8 years ago
parent 9c50fb3119
commit abb9b997ad

@ -50,51 +50,62 @@ Assignment table represents exercise assignment in a group. It holds keys of the
## ReferenceSolutionEvaluation
- _referenceSolution_ -- solution to which this evaluation belongs to
- _hwGroup_ -- hardware group which was used during execution on worker
- _resultsUrl_ -- filserver address from which results of reference evaluation can be internally accessed
- _evaluation_ -- associated general evaluation
## ReportedErrors
- _type_ -- textual description of error type
- _recipients_ -- list of email addresses to which error was sent
- _subject_ -- subject as it was sent in email
- _sentAt_ -- datetime when email with error report was sent
- _description_ -- message as it was sent in email
## Resource
- _id_ --
- _permissions_ --
- _id_ -- textual identification of resource
- _permissions_ -- permissions associated with this resource
## Role
- _id_ --
- _parentRole_ --
- _childRoles_ --
- _permissions_ --
- _id_ -- role textual identification
- _parentRole_ -- reference to parent role
- _childRoles_ -- array of roles which have this one as parent
- _permissions_ -- permissions which are connected to this role
## RuntimeEnvironment
- _name_ --
- _language_ --
- _extensions_ --
- _platform_ --
- _description_ --
- _name_ -- human readable name of runtime environment
- _language_ -- language which can be used in this environment
- _extensions_ -- list of extensions in yaml format
- _platform_ -- textual description of platform
- _description_ -- some further description concerning this environment
## Solution
- _user_ --
- _files_ --
- _solutionRuntimeConfig_ --
- _evaluated_ --
- _user_ -- user to whom this solution belongs to
- _files_ -- exercise solution files which user uploaded and are associated with solution
- _solutionRuntimeConfig_ -- runtime configuration which was used during execution on worker
- _evaluated_ -- true if solution was evaluated and results were processed
## SolutionEvaluation
- _evaluatedAt_ --
- _initFailed_ --
- _score_ --
- _points_ --
- _bonusPoints_ --
- _isValid_ --
- _evaluationFailed_ --
- _resultYml_ --
- _testResults_ --
- _evaluatedAt_ -- datetime of evaluation creation
- _initFailed_ -- if true then one of the initiation tasks failed thus solution cannot be even compiled
- _score_ -- overall score of user solution
- _points_ -- points which were assigned to user for this solution
- _bonusPoints_ -- bonus points assigned by some of the supervisors
- _isValid_ -- can be used to ban user solution of exercise due to various reasons
- _evaluationFailed_ -- true if whole evaluation failed on worker
- _resultYml_ -- whole YAML file with evaluation results acquired indirectly from worker
- _testResults_ -- results of all tests associated with user solution
## SolutionFile
- _solution_ --
- _solution_ -- associated solution to which file belongs to
## SolutionRuntimeConfig
