Progress state shortened

Petr Stefan 8 years ago
parent 21eb77aed1
commit 998c151875

@ -666,47 +666,18 @@ arbitrary number of tasks with other types.
### Evaluation progress state
Users surely want to know progress state of their submitted solution this kind
of functionality comes particularly handy in long duration exercises. Because of
reporting progress users have immediate knowledge if anything goes wrong, not
mention psychological effect that whole system and its parts are working and
doing something. That is why this feature was considered from beginning but
there are multiple ways how to look at it in particular.
The very first idea would be to provide progress state based on done messages
from compilation, execution and evaluation. Which is something what a lot of
evaluation systems are providing. These information are high level enough for
users and they probably know what is going on and executing right now. If
compilation fails users know that their solution is not compilable, if execution
fails there were some problems with their program. The clarity of this kind of
progress state is nice and understandable. But as we learnt ReCodEx has to have
more advanced execution pipeline there can be more compilations or more
executions. And in addition parts of the system which ensure execution of users
solutions do not have to precisely know what they are executing at the moment.
This kind of information may be meaningless for them.
That is why another solution of progress state was considered. As we know right
now one of the best ways how to ensure generality is to have jobs with
single-purpose tasks. These tasks can be anything, some internal operation or
execution of external and sandboxed program. Based on this there is one very
simple solution how to provide general progress state which should be
independent on task types. We know that job has some number of tasks which has
to be executed so we can send state info after execution of every task. And that
is how we get percentual completion of an execution. Yes, it is kind of boring
and standard way but on top of that there can be built something else and more
appealing to users.
So displaying progress to users can be done numerous ways. We have percentual
completion which is of course begging for simple solution which is displaying
only the percentage or some kind of standard graphical progress bar. But that is
too mainstream lets try something else. Very good idea is to have some kind of
puzzled image or images which will be composed together according to progress.
Nice way but kind of challenging if we do not have designer around. Another
original solution is to have database of random kind-of-funny statements which
will be displayed every time task is completed. It is easy enough for
implementation and even for making up these messages and it is quite new and
original. That is why this last solution was chosen for displaying progress
Users surely want to know a progress state of their submitted solution. The very
first idea would be to report state based on done messages from compilation,
execution and evaluation as a lot of evaluation systems are already providing.
However the ReCodEx have more advanced execution pipeline where there can be
more compilations or more executions per test and also other technical tasks
controlling the job execution flow. The users do not know about these technical
details and data from this tasks may confuse them. A solution is to show users
only percentual completion of the job as a plain progress bar without additional
information about task types. This solution works well for all of the jobs and
is very user friendly. To make the output more interesting, there is a database
of random kind-of-funny statements and a random new one is displayed every time
a task is completed.
### Results of evaluation
