Note that `rpm` and `deb` packages are build in the same time. You may need to have `rpmbuild` command (usually as `rpmbuild` or `rpm` package) or edit CPACK_GENERATOR variable _CMakeLists.txt_ file in root of source code tree.
- Install generated package through your package manager (`yum`, `dnf`, `dpkg`).
_Note:_ If you don't want to generate binary packages, you can just install the project with `make install` (as root). But installation through your distribution's package manager is preferred way to keep your system clean and manageable in long term horizon.
## Configuration and usage
Following text describes how to set up and run **broker** program. It's supposed to have required binaries installed. For instructions see [[Installation|Broker#installation]] section. Also, using systemd is recommended for best user experience, but it's not required. Almost all modern Linux distributions are using systemd now.