@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ This application is designed and implemented in a way which should be suitable f
The whole project is written using the next generation of JavaScript referred to as *ECMAScript 6* (also known as *ES6*, *ES.next*, or *Harmony*). Since not all the features introduced in this standard are implemented in today's modern web browsers (like classes and spread operators) and hardly any are implemented in older versions of web browsers which are currently still in use, the source code is transpiled into the older standard *ES5* using [Babel.js](https://babeljs.io/) transpiler and bundled into a single script file using the [webpack](https://webpack.github.io/) moudle bundler. The need for a transpiler also arises from the usage of the *JSX* syntax for declaring React components. To read more about these these tools and their usage please refer to the [installation section](#Installation). The whole bundling process takes place at deployment and is not repeated afterwards.
### Redux middleware and helpers
- @todo: apiMiddleware
- @todo: resourceManager
### Declarative UI components
The implementation of *WebApp* is split across more than a hundred small components which are composed together. There are two basic types of React components - presentational and stateful components.
@ -35,10 +40,18 @@ As was mentioned earlier in the text, there is over a hundred components in the
This component is given a *resource* managed by the *resourceManager* as a *prop* and displays different content based on the state of the given *resource* - still loading, loading failed, fully loaded.
Passing content for the *loading* and *failed* states though *props* is optional; however, the content for the *loaded* state is required and must be passed as a child to the `ResourceManager`.
#### `Page`
#### Bootstrap and AdminLTE theme
The UI of the application is built using the stylesheets from the [Bootstrap framework](http://getbootstrap.com/) from Twitter and the [AdminLTE](https://almsaeedstudio.com/) theme from Abdullah Almsaeed. None of the JavaScript plugins from these libraries is used.
@ -47,11 +60,7 @@ A package [react-bootstrap](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/) is used. Compone