Updated Web application (markdown)

Simon Rozsival 8 years ago
parent 8e33e91e9c
commit 834492182e

@ -38,30 +38,50 @@ The implementation of *WebApp* is split across more than a hundred small compone
As was mentioned earlier in the text, there is over a hundred components in the whole application and most of them are very simple. Some of the most important and widely used components and described in the following paragraphs. As was mentioned earlier in the text, there is over a hundred components in the whole application and most of them are very simple. Some of the most important and widely used components and described in the following paragraphs.
#### PageContent #### App
[App](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/containers/App/App.js) container is meant to be the root of the *react-router* tree. It checks whether a user is logged in and loads his profile and settings from the API. App container also handles access token refreshing.
#### LayoutContainer
[LayoutContainer](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/containers/LayoutContainer/LayoutContainer.js) handles the dependency injection of the localized links based on the current language stated in the URL. It also controls the state of the sidebar - collapsing and showing the sidebar.
##### Layout, Header, Sidebar
@todo @todo
#### PageContent
The [PageContent](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/PageContent/PageContent.js) component holds the main content of a page with the common structure for all pages - *title*, *description*, *breadcrumbs*, *content*. The component passes the title and description to the [Helmet](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet) library which reflects these into the `<head>` section of the HTML document.
#### ResourceRenderer #### ResourceRenderer
[ResourceRenderer](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/ResourceRenderer/ResourceRenderer.js) component is given a *resource* managed by the *resourceManager* as a *prop* and displays different content based on the state of the given *resource* - still loading, loading failed, fully loaded. [ResourceRenderer](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/ResourceRenderer/ResourceRenderer.js) component is given a *resource* managed by the *resourceManager* as a *prop* and displays different content based on the state of the given *resource* - still loading, loading failed, fully loaded.
Passing content for the *loading* and *failed* states though *props* is optional; however, the content for the *loaded* state is required and must be passed as a child to the `ResourceManager`. Passing content for the *loading* and *failed* states though *props* is optional; however, the content for the *loaded* state is required and must be passed as a child to the `ResourceManager`.
Multiple resources can be passed as an array to the component and it will wait in the *loading* state until some of the resources are still loading. If one of the resources fails to load the component will switch to the *failed* state. When all the files are fully loaded then the component displays the content for the *loaded* state.
It is worth mentioning that the component is completely stateless and "switching of the states" is the effect of several renderings of the component over time.
#### `Page` #### `Page`
@todo [Page](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/Page/Page.js) combines the two previously described components, since they are often used together for displaying a page content which is dependant on a resource.
#### Bootstrap and AdminLTE theme #### Bootstrap and AdminLTE theme
The UI of the application is built using the stylesheets from the [Bootstrap framework](http://getbootstrap.com/) from Twitter and the [AdminLTE](https://almsaeedstudio.com/) theme from Abdullah Almsaeed. None of the JavaScript plugins from these libraries is used. The UI of the application is built using the stylesheets from the [Bootstrap framework](http://getbootstrap.com/) from Twitter and the [AdminLTE](https://almsaeedstudio.com/) theme from Abdullah Almsaeed. None of the JavaScript plugins from these libraries is used.
A package [react-bootstrap](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/) is used. Components sepcific to the *AdminLTE* theme are implemented and stored in the `src/components/AdminLTE` folder and its subfolders. A package [react-bootstrap](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/) is used. Components specific to the *AdminLTE* theme are implemented and stored in the `src/components/AdminLTE` folder and its subfolders.
#### Forms #### Forms
@todo @todo
### Localization
## Installation ## Installation
Web application requires [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) server as its runtime environment. This runtime is needed for executing JavaScript code on server and sending the pre-render parts of pages to clients, so the final rendering in browsers is a lot quicker and the page is accessible to search engines for indexing. Web application requires [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) server as its runtime environment. This runtime is needed for executing JavaScript code on server and sending the pre-render parts of pages to clients, so the final rendering in browsers is a lot quicker and the page is accessible to search engines for indexing.
