part of database implementation chapter

Teyras 8 years ago
parent cde0dbb161
commit 7aeabd226e

@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ The Nette framework is an MVP (Model, View, Presenter) framework. It has many
tools for creating complex websites and we need only a subset of them or we use tools for creating complex websites and we need only a subset of them or we use
different libraries which suite our purposes better: different libraries which suite our purposes better:
- **Model** - the model layer is implemented using the Doctrine 2 ORM insead of - **Model** - the model layer is implemented using the Doctrine 2 ORM instead of
Nette Database Nette Database
- **View** - the whole view layer of the Nette framework (e.g., the Latte engine - **View** - the whole view layer of the Nette framework (e.g., the Latte engine
used for HTML template rendering) is unnecessary since we will return all the used for HTML template rendering) is unnecessary since we will return all the
@ -3078,6 +3078,10 @@ in the configuration file of the cleaner.
The REST API is a PHP application run in an HTTP server. Its purpose is
providing controlled access to the evaluation backend and storing the state of
the application.
@todo: what to mention @todo: what to mention
- basic - GET, POST, JSON, Header, ... - basic - GET, POST, JSON, Header, ...
- endpoint structure, Swager UI - endpoint structure, Swager UI
@ -3089,27 +3093,153 @@ in the configuration file of the cleaner.
### Used Technologies ### Used Technologies
@todo: PHP7 how it is used for typehints, Nette framework how it is We chose to use PHP in version 7.0, which was the most recent version at the
used for routing, Presenters actions endpoints, exceptions and time of starting the project. The most notable new feature is optional static
ErrorPresenter, Doctrine 2 database abstraction, entities and typing of function parameters and return values. We use this as much as possible
repositories + conventions, Communication over ZMQ describe the to enable easy static analysis with tools like PHPStan. Using static analysis
problem with the extension and how we reported it and how to treat it in leads to less error-prone code that does not need as many tests as code that
the future when the bug is solved. Relational database we use MariaDB, uses duck typing and relies on automatic type conversions. We aim to keep our
Doctine enables us to switch the engine to a different engine if needed codebase compatible with new releases of PHP.
To speed up the development and to make it easier to follow best practices, we
decided to use the Nette framework. The framework itself is focused on creating
applications that render HTML output, but a lot of its features can be used in a
REST application, too.
Doctrine 2 ORM is used to provide a layer of abstraction over storing objects in
a database. This framework also makes it possible to change the database server.
The current implementation uses MariaDB, an open-source fork of MySQL.
To communicate with the evaluation backend, we need to use ZeroMQ. This
functionality is provided by the `php_zmq` plugin that is shipped with most PHP
### Data model ### Data model
@todo: Describe the code-first approach using the Doctrine entities, how We decided to use a code-first approach when designing our data model. This
the entities map onto the database schema (refer to the attached schemas approach is greatly aided by the Doctrine 2 ORM framework, which works with
of entities and relational database models), describe the logical entities -- PHP classes for which we specify which attributes should be
grouping of entities and how they are related: persisted in a database. The database schema is generated from the entity
classes. This way, the exact details of how our data is stored is a secondary
- user + settings + logins + ACL concern for us and we can focus on the implementation of the business logic
- instance + licences + groups + group membership instead.
- exercise + assignments + localized assignments + runtime
environments + hardware groups The rest of this section is a description of our data model and how it relates
- submission + solution + reference solution + solution evaluation to the real world. All entities are stored in the `App\Model\Entity` namespace.
- comment threads + comments There are repository classes that are used to work with entities without calling
the Doctrine `EntityManager` directly. These are in the `App\Model\Repository`
#### User Account Management
The `User` entity class contains data about users registered in ReCodEx. To
allow extending the system with additional authentication methods, login details
are stored in separate entities. There is the `Login` entity class which
contains a user name and password for our internal authentication system, and
the `ExternalLogin` entity class, which contains an identifier for an external login
service such as LDAP. Currently, each user can only have a single authentication
method (account type). The entity with login information is created along with
the `User` entity when a user signs up. If a user requests a password reset, a
`ForgottenPassword` entity is created for the request.
A user needs a way to adjust settings such as their preferred language or theme.
This is the purpose of the `UserSettings` entity class. Each possible option has
its own attribute (database column). Current supported options are `darkTheme`,
`defaultLanguage` and `vimMode`
Every user has a role in the system. The basic ones are student, supervisor and
administrator, but new roles can be created by adding `Role` entities. Roles can
have permissions associated with them. These associations are represented by
`Permission` entitites. Each permission consists of a role, resource, action and
an `isAllowed` flag. If the `isAllowed` flag is set to true, the permission is
positive (lets the role access the resource), and if it is false, it denies
access. The `Resource` entity contains just a string identifier of a resource
(e.g., group, user, exercise). Action is another string that describes what the
permission allows or denies for the role and resource (e.g., edit, delete,
The `Role` entity can be associated with a parent entity. If this is the case,
the role inherits all the permissions of its parent.
All actions done by a user are logged using the `UserAction` entity for
debugging purposes.
#### Instances and Groups
Users of ReCodEx are divided into groups that correspond to school lab groups
for a single course. Each group has a textual name and description. It can have
a parent group so that it is possible to create tree hierarchies of groups.
Group membership is realized using the `GroupMembership` entity class. It is a
joining entity for the `Group` and `User` entities, but it also contains
additional information, most importantly `type`, which helps to distinguish
students from group supervisors.
Groups are organized into instances. Every `Instance` entity corresponds to an
organization that uses the ReCodEx installation, for example a university or a
company that organizes programming workshops. Every user and group belong to
exactly one instance (users choose an instance when they create their account).
Every instance can be associated with multiple `Licence` entities. Licences are
used to determine whether an instance can be currently used (access to those
without a valid instance will be denied). They can correspond to billing periods
if needed.
#### Exercises
The `Exercise` entity class is used to represent exercises -- programming tasks
that can be assigned to student groups. It contains data that does not relate to
this "concrete" assignment, such as the name, version and a private description.
Some exercise descriptions need to be translated into multiple languages.
Because of this, the `Exercise` entity is associated with the
`LocalizedAssignment` entity, one for each translation of the text.
An exercise can support multiple programming runtime environments. These
environments are represented by `RuntimeEnvironment` entities. Apart from a name
and description, they contain details of the language and operating system that
is being used. There is also a list of extensions that is used for detecting
which environment should be used for student submissions.
`RuntimeEnvironment` entities are not linked directly to exercises. Instead,
the `Exercise` entity has an M:N relation with the `SolutionRuntimeConfig`,
which is associated with `RuntimeEnvironment`. It also contains a path to a job
configuration file template that will be used to create a job configuration file
for the worker that processes solutions of the exercise.
Resource limits are stored outside the database, in the job configuration file
#### Reference Solutions
To make setting resource limits objectively possible for a potentially diverse
set of worker machines, there should be multiple reference solutions for every
exercise in all supported languages that can be used to measure resource usage
of different approaches to the problem on various hardware and platforms.
Reference solutions are contained in `ReferenceSolution` entities. These
entities can have multiple `ReferenceSolutionEvaluation` entities associated
with them that link to evaluation results (`SolutionEvaluation` entity). Details
of this structure will be described in the section about student solutions.
#### Assignments
The `Assignment` entity is created from an `Exercise` entity when an exercise is
assigned to a group. Most details of the exercise can be overwritten (see the
reference documentation for a detailed overview). Additional information such as
deadlines or point values for individual tests is also configured for the
assignment and not for an exercise.
Assignments can also have their own `LocalizedAssignment` entities. If the
assignment texts are not changed, they are shared between the exercise and its
Runtime configurations can be also changed for the assignment. This way, a
supervisor can for example alter the resource limits for the tests.
#### Student Solutions
#### Comment threads
### Request Handling ### Request Handling
