nitpicks of Basic concepts

Teyras 8 years ago
parent 6af5cd85d8
commit 6048f50293

@ -473,82 +473,87 @@ of the system.
## Basic concepts
The system is designed as a web application. The requirements say that the user
interface must be accessible from students' computers without the need to
install additional software. This immediately implies that users have to be
connected to the internet, so it is used as communication medium. Today, there
are two main ways of designing graphical user interface -- as a native
application or a web page. Creating a nice and multi-platform application with
graphical interface is almost impossible because of the large number of
different environments. Also, these applications often requires installation or
at least downloading its files (sources or binaries). On the other hand,
distributing a web application is easier, because every personal computer has an
internet browser installed. Also, browsers support an (mostly) unified and
standardized environment of HTML5 and JavaScript. CodEx is also a web
application and everybody seems satisfied with it. There are other communicating
channels most programmers have available, such as e-mail or git, but they are
inappropriate for designing user interfaces on top of them.
interface must be accessible for students without the need to install additional
software. This immediately implies that users have to be connected to the
internet, so it is used as communication medium. Today, there are two main ways
of designing graphical user interfaces -- as a native application or a web page.
Creating a user-friendly and multi-platform application with graphical interface
is almost impossible because of the large number of different environments.
Also, these applications typically require installation or at least downloading
its files (sources or binaries). On the other hand, distributing a web
application is easier, because every personal computer has an internet browser
installed. Also, browsers support a (mostly) unified and standardized
environment of HTML5 and JavaScript. CodEx is also a web application and
everybody seems satisfied with this fact. There are other communicating channels
most programmers use, such as e-mail or git, but they are inappropriate for
designing user interfaces on top of them.
The application interacts with users. From the project assignment it is clear,
that the system has to keep personalized data about users and adapt presented
content according to this knowledge. User data cannot be publicly visible, so
that implies necessity of user authentication. The application also has to
support multiple ways of authentication (university authentication systems, a
company LDAP server, an OAuth server...) and permit adding more security
measures in the future, such as two-factor authentication.
content according to this knowledge. User data cannot be publicly visible, which
implies necessity of user authentication. The application also has to support
multiple ways of authentication (university authentication systems, a company
LDAP server, an OAuth server...) and permit adding more security measures in the
future, such as two-factor authentication.
User data also includes a privilege level. From the assignment it is required to
User data also include a privilege level. From the assignment it is required to
have at least two roles, _student_ and _supervisor_. However, it is wise to add
_administrator_ level, which takes care of the system as a whole and is
_administrator_ level for users who take care of the system as a whole and is
responsible for core setup, monitoring, updates and so on. Student role has the
least power, basically can just view assignments and submit solutions.
Supervisors have more authority, so they can create exercises and assignments,
view results of students etc. From the university organization, one possible
level could be introduced, _course guarantor_. However, from real experience all
duties related with lecturing of labs are already associated with supervisors,
so this role seems not so useful. In addition, no one requested more than three
so this role does not seem useful. In addition, no one requested more than three
level privilege scheme.
School labs are lessons for some students lead by supervisors. Students have the
same homework and supervisors are evaluating its solutions. This organization
has to be carried into the new system. Counterpart to real labs are virtual
groups. This concept was already discussed in previous chapter including need
for hierarchical structure of groups. Right for attending labs has only a
person, who is student of the university and is recorded in university
information system. To allow restriction of group members in ReCodEx, there two
type of groups -- _public_ and _private_. Public groups are open for every
registered users, but to become a member of private group one of its supervisors
have to add that user. This could be done automatically at beginning of the term
with data from information system, but unfortunately there is no such API yet.
However, creating this API is now considered by university leadership. Another
School labs are lessons for some students lead by supervisors. All students ina
lab have the same homework and supervisors evaluate their solutions. This
organization has to be carried over into the new system. Virtual groups are a
counterpart to real-life labs. This concept was already discussed in the
previous chapter including the need for a hierarchical structure of groups. Only
students of the university recorded in the university information system have a
right to attend labs.
To allow restriction of group members in ReCodEx, there are two types of groups
-- _public_ and _private_. Public groups are open for all registered users, but
to become a member of private group, one of its supervisors have to add the
user. This could be done automatically at the beginning of the term with data
from information system, but unfortunately there is no API for this yet.
However, creating this API is now being considered by university staff. Another
just as good solution for restricting membership of a group is to allow anyone
join the group with supplementary confirmation of supervisors. It has no
additional benefits, so approach with public and private groups is implemented.
Supervisors using CodEx in their labs usually set minimum amount of points
required to get a credit. These points can be get by solving assigned exercises.
To visually show users if they already have enough points, ReCodEx groups
supports setting this limit. There are two equal ways how to set a limit --
absolute value or relative value to maximum. The latter way seems nicer, so it
is implemented. The relative value is set in percents and is called threshold.
Our university has a few partner grammar schools. There were an idea, that they
required to get a credit. These points can be acquired by solving assigned
exercises. To show users whether they already have enough points, ReCodEx also
supports setting this limit for individual groups. There are two equal ways how
to set a limit -- absolute value or relative value to maximum. The latter way
seems nicer, so it is implemented. The relative value is set in percents and is
called threshold.
Our university has a few partner grammar schools. There was an idea, that they
could use CodEx for teaching informatics classes. To make the setup simple for
them, all the software and hardware would be provided by the university as a
completely ready-to-use remote service. However, CodEx were not prepared to
support this kind of usage and no one had time to manage a separate instance.
With ReCodEx it is possible to offer hosted environment as a service to other
subjects. The concept we figured out is based on user and group separation
inside the system. There are multiple _instances_ in the system, which means
unit of separation. Each instance has own set of users and groups, exercises can
be optionally shared. Evaluation backend is common for all instances. To keep
track of active instances and paying customers, each instance must have a valid
completely ready-to-use remote service. However, CodEx is not prepared for this
kind of usage and no one has the time to manage a separate instance. With
ReCodEx it is possible to offer hosted environment as a service to other
The concept we came up with is based on user and group separation inside the
system. There are multiple _instances_ in the system, which means unit of
separation. Each instance has own set of users and groups, exercises can be
optionally shared. Evaluation backend is common for all instances. To keep track
of active instances and paying customers, each instance must have a valid
_licence_ to allow users submit their solutions. licence is granted for defined
period of time and can be revoked in advance if the subject do not keep approved
terms and conditions.
The main work for the system is to evaluate programming exercises. The exercise
is quite similar to homework assignment during school labs. When a homework is
assigned, two things are important to know for users:
The primary task of the system is to evaluate programming exercises. The
exercise is quite similar to homework assignment during school labs. When a
homework is assigned, two things are important to know for users:
- description of the problem
- metadata -- when and whom to submit solutions, grading scale, penalties, etc.
