Updated Major Release: ReCodEx 2.0 (markdown)

Martin Kruliš 3 years ago
parent a78a40c717
commit 491f40fb75

@ -22,31 +22,13 @@ $> systemctl start recodex-core.service
## New Features ## New Features
WiP! Release in progress! - Completely new look caused by migration to Bootstrap 4 and AdminLTE 3.
- Unified page navigation, group selection moved to the top panel, home page redesigned, dashboard simplified, and many more improvements in UI controls were realized.
from API - Implementing asynchronous operations (jobs) executed in background worker. Resubmit-all operation was changed to asynchronous job.
- Implementing async operations (jobs) executed in background worker (as a service). - File uploads are now managed by client and performed in small chunks, so they will not timeout even in case of large files and slow network connection.
- Resubmit all operation re-implemented as an async job. - Linear interpolation of assignment maximal points between two deadlines was added along with appropriate visualization in web app.
- Per-partes file upload so that large files may be handled (despite the limitations of PHP upload handler). - Group membership relation refactored and unified (both in core module and in group info page), new membership type "observer" added.
- Optimizing archiving flags for groups. - A separate page that displays solutions of one student from all assignments in a group added.
- Refactoring group memberships and introducing new "observer" membership type (corresponding endpoints refactored in backwards incompatible way). - Files table in solution detail page redesigned. Furthermore, solutions where a single ZIP archive was submitted were optimized (in storage) and direct access to individual compressed entries (for download and preview) is now possible (preparation for more complex solutions like Maven projects).
- Implementing linear interpolation for assignment max. points between the first and the second deadline. - Interpreted languages now duly visualize entry point (main execution script) of solutions.
- Optimizing storage for submissions containing single ZIP archive (will be necessary for Maven). - Significant refactoring, performance optimizations, and updates of dependencies.
- Endpoints for retrieving files were modified to allow direct retrieval compressed files from ZIP archives (backwards incompatible changes).
- Solution files are now marked with entry-point flags (actual main file of the solution for interpreted languages).
- New endpoint for retrieving all solutions of a single user from all assignments of a group.
- Extensive refactoring and dependency updates.
- Async jobs monitoring and management for superadmin.
- Resubmit all button modified to handle async job waiting.
- Migration to new Bootstrap and AdminLTE (new look).
- Implementing per-partes file upload using new API endpoints.
- Home page redesigned.
- Improving appearance of solution files table and letting it list contents of ZIP archives where appropriate.
- Assignment max. points interpolation and its visualization (graph, info markers).
- Adding observer as new group-membership type, updating visualization and modification of non-student members management (to reflect API changes).
- New navigation controls: unified heading navigation at every page, group selector moved to the top panel.
- New page with list of all solutions of one user from one group.
- User profile page reconstructed, dashboard simplified and optimized.
- Updating all lib dependencies to the latest versions, significant refactoring.
