Add the old state-parser

It's ugly, not layered at all and even more PoC :-)
LEdoian 2 years ago
parent a5f83863c9
commit 28489ce10a

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Simple as of now.
import re
def _dumbload(f) -> list[tuple[int, str]]:
"""Loads file into list of lines with their indentations"""
tabs = re.compile(r'^\t*')
return [(tabs.match(line).end(), line[tabs.match(line).end():]) for line in f]
def _load(f):
"""Loads state file into tuples of the sections"""
dumb = _dumbload(f)
maxdepth = max(x[0] for x in dumb)
state = [None] * (maxdepth+1)
result = []
for depth, line in dumb:
line = line.strip()
if line == '': continue
state[depth] = line
for x in range(depth+1, maxdepth+1):
state[x] = None
result.append(state.copy()) # It's all strings, so OK.
return result
def load(f) -> dict[tuple[str, str], list[str]]:
"""Loads state file into dictionaries area+router/network -> list of parameters"""
# FIXME: Shouldn't we just create a ton of ordered dictionaries?
# i.e. area -> router -> param -> None; all string.
params = _load(f)
result = {}
for x in params:
if x[-1] is None: continue # FIXME: Not working for general output.
k = (x[0], x[1])
if k not in result:
result[k] = []
result[k].append(' '.join(x[2:]))
return result
def create_graph(d):
"""takes the dict from load() and returns list of edges.
The graph is bipartite, one part is the routers, other is the networks"""
edges = []
names = {}
for k, v in d.items():
v1 = k[1]
for l in v:
if v1.startswith('router') and l.startswith(('network', 'stubnet', 'external')):
m = re.match(r'^([^ ]+ [^ ]+) metric ([0-9]+)$', l)
v2 =
metric = int(
edges.append((v1, v2, metric))
if v1.startswith('network') and l.startswith('address'):
names[v1] = l
# NOTE: Not all networks have reasonable address (external, stubnets), so they will not be listed.
return edges, names
if __name__ == '__main__':
#from pprint import pprint
edges, names = create_graph(load(open('state')))
# Prologue:
print(r'graph "Visualisation" {')
for edge in edges:
print(f'"{edge[0]}" -- "{edge[1]}" [label={edge[2]}];')
for ident,name in names.items():
print(f'"{ident}" [label="{name}"]')
# Dot falls back to vertex name, so this solves the missing keys in names.
# Epi: