Reorganise the repo to allow extracting the hardcover page
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Charles University
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
\hbox to \hsize{\YearSubmitted\hfil \ThesisAuthor}
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%%% Basic information on the thesis
% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
\def\ThesisTitle{Visualizing OSPF topology}
% Author of the thesis
\def\ThesisAuthor{Pavel Turinský}
% Year when the thesis is submitted
% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
\def\Department{Department of Applied Mathematics}
% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
\def\Supervisor{Mgr. Martin Mareš, Ph.D.}
% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
\def\SupervisorsDepartment{Department of Applied Mathematics}
% Study programme and specialization
\def\StudyProgramme{Computer Science}
\def\StudyBranch{General Computer Science}
% An optional dedication: you can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor,
% consultant, a person who lent the software, etc.)
% Abstract (recommended length around 80-200 words; this is not a copy of your thesis assignment!)
Abstract. \X{Recommended length around 80--200 words. This is not a~copy of your thesis assignment!}
% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces
{key} {words} \X{usually 3 to~5 key words or phrases}
%% The hyperref package for clickable links in PDF and also for storing
%% metadata to PDF (including the table of contents).
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% Definitions of macros (see description inside)
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