%%% The main file. It contains definitions of basic parameters and includes all other parts.
%% Settings for single-side (simplex) printing
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% (but beware, LaTeX adds 1in implicitly)
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% \openright makes the following text appear on a right-hand page
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%% Settings for two-sided (duplex) printing
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%% Character encoding: usually latin2, cp1250 or utf8:
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%% Prefer Latin Modern fonts
\usepackage { lmodern}
%% Further useful packages (included in most LaTeX distributions)
\usepackage { amsmath} % extensions for typesetting of math
\usepackage { amsfonts} % math fonts
\usepackage { amsthm} % theorems, definitions, etc.
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\usepackage { bm} % boldface symbols (\bm)
\usepackage { graphicx} % embedding of pictures
\usepackage { fancyvrb} % improved verbatim environment
\usepackage { natbib} % citation style AUTHOR (YEAR), or AUTHOR [NUMBER]
\usepackage [nottoc] { tocbibind} % makes sure that bibliography and the lists
% of figures/tables are included in the table
% of contents
\usepackage { dcolumn} % improved alignment of table columns
\usepackage { booktabs} % improved horizontal lines in tables
\usepackage { paralist} % improved enumerate and itemize
\usepackage [usenames] { xcolor} % typesetting in color
% Parts marked as SPECIMEN are used for building the example PDF.
% When the official template is generated by ./mkdist, all such parts
% are deleted, as well as all calls of \X and \XXX macros.
\def \X #1{ \textcolor { red} { [#1]} }
\def \XXX #1{ \par \smallskip \noindent \textcolor { red} { [#1]} }
%%% Basic information on the thesis
% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
\def \ThesisTitle { Thesis title \X { as in the formal assignment} }
% Author of the thesis
\def \ThesisAuthor { Name Surname}
% Year when the thesis is submitted
\def \YearSubmitted { YEAR}
% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
\def \Department { Name of the department \X { as per Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English} }
% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
\def \DeptType { Department}
% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
\def \Supervisor { Supervisor's Name \X { +titles} }
% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
\def \SupervisorsDepartment { department}
% Study programme and specialization
\def \StudyProgramme { study programme}
\def \StudyBranch { study branch}
% An optional dedication: you can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor,
% consultant, a person who lent the software, etc.)
\def \Dedication { %
% Abstract (recommended length around 80-200 words; this is not a copy of your thesis assignment!)
\def \Abstract { %
Abstract. \X { Recommended length around 80--200 words. This is not a~copy of your thesis assignment!}
% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces
\def \Keywords { %
{ key} { words} \X { usually 3 to~5 key words or phrases}
%% The hyperref package for clickable links in PDF and also for storing
%% metadata to PDF (including the table of contents).
%% Most settings are pre-set by the pdfx package.
\hypersetup { unicode}
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% Definitions of macros (see description inside)
\include { macros}
% Title page and various mandatory informational pages
\begin { document}
\include { title}
%%% A page with automatically generated table of contents of the bachelor thesis
%%% Each chapter is kept in a separate file
\include { preface}
\include { chap01}
\include { chap02}
\include { epilog}
%%% Bibliography
\include { bibliography}
%%% Figures used in the thesis (consider if this is needed)
%%% Tables used in the thesis (consider if this is needed)
%%% In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of tables to the beginning of the thesis.
\XXX { In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of tables to the beginning of the thesis.}
%%% Abbreviations used in the thesis, if any, including their explanation
%%% In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of abbreviations to the beginning of the thesis.
\chapwithtoc { List of Abbreviations}
\XXX { In mathematical theses, it could be better to move the list of abbreviations to the beginning of the thesis.}
%%% Attachments to the bachelor thesis, if any. Each attachment must be
%%% referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments
%%% are numbered.
%%% The printed version should preferably contain attachments, which can be
%%% read (additional tables and charts, supplementary text, examples of
%%% program output, etc.). The electronic version is more suited for attachments
%%% which will likely be used in an electronic form rather than read (program
%%% source code, data files, interactive charts, etc.). Electronic attachments
%%% should be uploaded to SIS and optionally also included in the thesis on a~CD/DVD.
\chapwithtoc { Attachments}
\XXX { Attachments to the bachelor thesis, if any. Each attachment must be referred to at least once from the text of the thesis. Attachments are numbered.}
\XXX { The printed version should preferably contain attachments, which can be read (additional tables and charts, supplementary text, examples of program output, etc.). The electronic version is more suited for attachments which will likely be used in an electronic form rather than read (program source code, data files, interactive charts, etc.). Electronic attachments should be uploaded to SIS and optionally also included in the thesis on a~CD/DVD.}
\end { document}