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57 lines
2.4 KiB

pkgbase = sway
pkgdesc = Tiling Wayland compositor and replacement for the i3 window manager
pkgver = 1.8.1
9 months ago
pkgrel = 5
epoch = 1
url =
install = sway.install
arch = x86_64
license = MIT
makedepends = meson
makedepends = ninja
makedepends = scdoc
makedepends = setconf
makedepends = wayland-protocols
depends = cairo
depends = gdk-pixbuf2
depends =
depends = libinput
depends =
depends =
depends =
10 months ago
depends =
depends = libxcb
depends =
depends = pango
depends = pcre2
depends = ttf-font
optdepends = bemenu: Wayland-native alternative to dmenu
optdepends = dmenu: Application launcher used in default config
optdepends = foot: Terminal emulator used in the default configuration
optdepends = i3status: Status line generation
optdepends = mako: Lightweight notification daemon
optdepends = polkit: System privilege control. Required if not using seatd service
optdepends = swaybg: Wallpaper tool for sway
optdepends = swayidle: Idle management daemon
optdepends = swaylock: Screen locker
optdepends = waybar: Highly customizable bar
optdepends = xorg-xwayland: X11 support
optdepends = xdg-desktop-portal-gtk: Default xdg-desktop-portal for file picking
optdepends = xdg-desktop-portal-wlr: xdg-desktop-portal backend
backup = etc/sway/config
backup = etc/sway/config.d/50-systemd-user.conf
source =
source =
source = 50-systemd-user.conf
source = sys_nice_user_xkb_configs.patch
source = sway-portals.conf
validpgpkeys = 34FF9526CFEF0E97A340E2E40FDE7BE0E88F5E48
validpgpkeys = 9DDA3B9FA5D58DD5392C78E652CB6609B22DA89A
sha512sums = 1504312a199608532e22336c5031e8f4749f5102ab321d13d97a1f93d49c8ec435e9097af729d8f7dfa81e2e96cee7de91cf4c04b6a7b7151ea740a1e43eb086
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = d5f9aadbb4bbef067c31d4c8c14dad220eb6f3e559e9157e20e1e3d47faf2f77b9a15e52519c3ffc53dc8a5202cb28757b81a4b3b0cc5dd50a4ddc49e03fe06e
sha512sums = 156719e93d0213d1b54ce6e3a9b2dcc9246da5689dd2d3281546f9c042cbc69072f99b087e112fe777dcd786d2b9d1be1e1c9200feddffb5e2d16f8dfb27515d
9 months ago
sha512sums = b9e708c775825c8124d8e154e523c90b8a32715050ba06f6dbcdd08d109eed484d128ccc8dcd6a49dc9cd51a0c9035779c2706b4d7a139115e85c4f54226b775
pkgname = sway