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135 lines
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// Just random stdlib (and POSIX) so I don't have to think about these
#include "config.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <time.h>
// Wayland includes
#include "wayland-client.h"
#include "session-lock.h"
#define LOCK_MANAGER_NAME "ext_session_lock_manager_v1"
// global state
struct wl_display * wl = NULL;
struct wl_registry * reg = NULL;
struct ext_session_lock_manager_v1 * lockmgr = NULL;
struct ext_session_lock_v1 * lock = NULL;
enum lock_state {LOCKED, FINISHED, UNSET} lock_state = UNSET;
static void registry_global_handler(void * data, struct wl_registry * wl_registry, uint32_t name, const char * interface, uint32_t version) {
printf("UwU, iface %s (name %d) appeared!\n", interface, name);
if (strcmp(interface, LOCK_MANAGER_NAME) == 0) {
// fire the bind outright
lockmgr = wl_registry_bind(wl_registry, name, &ext_session_lock_manager_v1_interface, 1/*version, we don't know anything newer*/);
static void registry_global_remove_handler(void * data, struct wl_registry * wl_registry, uint32_t name) {
printf("OwO, iface %d disappeared, should destroy!\n", name);
static void callback_done_handler(void * data, struct wl_callback * wl_callback, uint32_t callback_data) {
printf("Heh, callback done!\n");
static void lock_locked_handler(void * data, struct ext_session_lock_v1 * lock) {
enum lock_state * state = (enum lock_state *)data;
*state = LOCKED;
static void lock_finished_handler(void * data, struct ext_session_lock_v1 * lock) {
enum lock_state * state = (enum lock_state *)data;
*state = FINISHED;
int main(void) {
// get wl_display, the core object
wl = wl_display_connect(NULL);
2 months ago
if (wl == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to compositor, no wayland?\n");
return 1;
// prepare listeners for
struct wl_registry_listener reg_listener = {
.global = &registry_global_handler,
.global_remove = &registry_global_remove_handler,
reg = wl_display_get_registry(wl);
wl_registry_add_listener(reg, &reg_listener, NULL);
// add the barrier to the end
struct wl_callback * cbk = wl_display_sync(wl);
struct wl_callback_listener cbk_l = {
.done = &callback_done_handler,
wl_callback_add_listener(cbk, &cbk_l, NULL);
// process the queue
if (lockmgr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "No support for un/locking, no fun.\n");
return 1;
lock = ext_session_lock_manager_v1_lock(lockmgr);
struct ext_session_lock_v1_listener lock_l = {
.locked = &lock_locked_handler,
.finished = &lock_finished_handler,
ext_session_lock_v1_add_listener(lock, &lock_l, &lock_state);
// process the queue
if (lock_state == UNSET) {
fprintf(stderr, "BUG!\n");
return 1;
} else if (lock_state == FINISHED) {
2 months ago
printf("Cannot get lock either another lock is running or not lockable.\n");
// nothing to do, just destroy stuff
} else if (lock_state == LOCKED) {
printf("Waiting %d s before unlocking…\n", CONFIG_WAIT_PERIOD);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "DAFUQ?\n");
return 1;
// just for completeness: destroy the objects we created. Also, set NULL for safety.
printf("Cleaning up…\n");
// lock is destroyed already
lock = NULL;
lockmgr = NULL;
reg = NULL;
// Display is special, that is diconnected and not destroyed.
// Also, make the roundtrip beforehand
// FIXME: is wl_display_roundtrip the thing we want? What does it return?
wl = NULL;
printf("Done lol\n");
return 0;