# This is an override file for wish's settings. # It is pure Python, sourced from the settings. # This file should be the only one to hold instance/deployment specific settings. # This is an example. It may serve as a reasonable start, but do not just # blindly copy it to your production environment and expect it to work. # IMPORTANT: Change permissions to this file prior to copying to the # configuration directory! (Depending on the trustworthiness of your system, it # might be sufficient to change the permissions prior to entering secret # values, but it might not…) DEBUG = False # One method to create SECRET_KEY is the command `cat /dev/random | tr -dc '[ -~]' | tr -d \' | head -c 100` SECRET_KEY = ... ALLOWED_HOSTS = [...] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': ..., ...: ..., }, } EMAIL_BACKEND = ... DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = ... SERVER_EMAIL = ... STATIC_ROOT = ... STATIC_URL = ... SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = [ # Put any irrelevant checks here… ] # MEDIA_ROOT = ... # MEDIA_URL = ... # Maybe configure LOGGING? ADMINS = ... MANAGERS = ...