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This page will hold the answers for Frequently Asked Questions.

Browser Issues

First, make sure you are using a modern web browser, preferably Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Although our objective is to support all modern browsers, rapid development prevents us doing extensive testing across many platforms; hence, we stick with the mentioned two browsers now.

Make sure you refresh your browser cache (Ctrl+F5) before logging in, especially if new version has been deployed. The refresh will prevent older pieces of the application to linger in your cache. This is just a precaution.

Sometimes, a component on a page does not refresh itself correctly. The application is a complex system of components and still under development. If you make an action and do not see the results in a reasonable while, refresh the page.

How to register into ReCodEx and what method should I use?

ReCodEx can provide multiple way how to register and login users. Currently there are two options: local ReCodEx account or account binded to CAS service. Prefered way of registration and authentication is using CAS service and using local account only on special circumstances. CAS authentication provides more features, such as automatic binding of users to SIS groups.

I registered using local account but I want to use also CAS and its advantages

Login mechanism of the system is prepared for this option. The only prerequisite is that your email address in local account is the same as the one in CAS service. If this is the case, binding of accounts is quite easy, just login using CAS service and system will automatically bind those two accounts. Also please note that during binding your local account password will be cleared and if you want to use it further, you have to change it.

I registered using CAS account but I want to use also local one

This feature is currently not supported directly. If need be, we can create associated local credentials manually.

As a supervisor I want to see more detailed logs of user submission

Before we start let us define some needed information. Results of debug submissions contains evaluation results, execution log and outputs of executed programs. And results of regular submission contains only results needed for proper assignment of points (aka. evaluation results).

With this being said, all submissions made by students for an assignment are regular ones and even submissions of reference exercise solutions are regular. As a supervisor you should be able to do something called resubmit of user solution, this feature should be available on every page of particular submission. On resubmit debug outputs and execution log are turned on by default and can be found in results archive. Please note that resubmit of all solutions for assignment is just regular submission without debug information.