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Build and Deployment

This page contains steps how to set up a computer and how to successfully build and run ReCodEx. Most steps are listed in two variants, for Red Hat based distributions (like RHEL, Centos or Fedora) and Debian based distibutions. Before starting, make sure you have completed basic OS installation and set up, including users and logins, SSH, Git, firewall, etc.

Table of Content



Add testing repositories to Debian OS

  • Create file /etc/apt/apt.conf with content
APT::Default-Release "stable";
  • Add testing repos to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing contrib non-free
  • Install packages with -t testing option. For example
$ sudo apt-get -t testing install gcc

Add EPEL repository to RHEL

  • See this for instructions.

Installation of dependencies

Install as new version of each package as possible, so mostly Debian packages are from testing repositories and RHEL packages are the newest ones from EPEL repositories.

Basic development tools

  • g++
  • cmake
  • make
  • git

Install ZeroMQ in version at least 4.0

  • Debian package is libzmq3-dev.
  • RedHat packages are zeromq and zeromq-devel.

Install YAML-CPP library

  • Debian packages: libyaml-cpp0.5v5 and libyaml-cpp-dev.
  • RedHat packages are yaml-cpp and yaml-cpp-devel.

Install libcurl library

  • Debian package is libcurl4-gnutls-dev.
  • RedHat package is libcurl-devel.
