# Assignments Assignments are programming tasks that can be tested by a worker after a user submits their solution. ## Configuration format An assignment is described by a YAML file that contains information on how to build, run and test it. The testing process is divided into stages. ### Tests ### Stages A stage is a logical unit of the testing process. It specifies how to do a step in the build process and how to test if it behaves correctly. The following is contained in its configuration: - **Name** - a unique string identifier of the stage - **Build command** (optional) - used to prepare the submitted files for this test stage - **Test list** - specifies the tests to be run during this stage - **Test command** - used to run one specific test - **Error policy** (optional) - what should we do when a test fails? - **interrupt** the stage (default) - **continue** with the next test - **jump** to another stage (TODO cycle detection?) - **Success policy** (optional) - what to do when all tests pass? - **jump** to another stage (the next one by default) - **end** the evaluation, even if there are still unprocessed stages ## Case study We present some of the courses that might use ReCodEx to evaluate homework assignments and outline the setup of the evaluation with respect to the concept of stages. ### Simple programming exercises For example introductory programming courses such as Programming I or Programming in Java. In the simplest case we only need one stage that builds the program and passes the test inputs to its standard input. We will use the C language for this example. The build command is `gcc source.c`, the test command is `./a.out`. ### Compiler principles This course uses multiple tools in a pipeline-like fashion - for example `flex` and `bison`. We create a stage for each of the steps of this pipeline - we run flex and test the output, then we run bison and do the same. ### XML technologies In this course, students choose a topic they model using XML - for example a library or a bulletin board. During the semester, they expand this project by adding XSLT transformations, XQuery scripts, XPath queries, etc. These are tested against fixed requirements (e.g. using some particular language constructs). This course already has a rather sophisticated application for testing homework assignments, so we only include it for demonstration purposes. Because every assignment focuses on a different technology, we would need a new type of stage for each one. These stages would only run some checker programs against the submitted sources (and possibly try to check their syntax etc.). ### Non-procedural programming This course is different from other programming courses, because it only teaches input/output manipulation by the end of the semester. In their assignments, students are mostly required to write a function/predicate that behaves according to a specification (e.g. appends an item at the end of a list). Due to this, we need to take the function submitted by a student and combine it with a snippet of code that reads the standard input and calls the submitted function. This could be achieved by setting the build command. ### Operating systems The operating systems course requires students to work on a simple OS kernel that is then run in a MIPS simulator called `msim`. There are various tests that check if the student's implementation of core OS mechanisms is correct. These tests are compiled into the kernel. Each of these tests could be represented by a stage that compiles the kernel with the test and then runs it against different configurations of `msim`.