# Database Used database schema is generated by ORM framework Doctrine from ReCodEx API code. Tables are directly mapped to _entities_, which are PHP classes annotated with data provided by ORM framework. In the following text there is a brief description of each such entity. There may be some additional database tables for many-to-many relations between entities, but these tables are not discussed in detail because there are only two columns with keys to both related tables in each one. ## Assignment ## Comment ## CommentThread ## Exercise ## ExerciseFile ## ExternalLogin ## ForgottenPassword ## Group ## GroupMembership ## HardwareGroup ## HardwareGroupAvailabilityLog ## Instance ## Licence ## LocalizedAssignment ## Login ## Permission ## ReferenceExerciseSolution ## ReferenceSolutionEvaluation ## ReportedErrors ## Resource ## Role ## RuntimeEnvironment ## Solution ## SolutionEvaluation ## SolutionFile ## SolutionRuntimeConfig ## Submission ## SubmissionFailure ## TestResult ## UploadedFile ## User ## UserAction ## UserSettings User settings belong to some particular user and contains settings mostly for web application. - _darkTheme_ -- dark mode will be used in text editor in web application - _vimMode_ -- turn vim mode on in text editor used by web application - _defaultLanguage_ -- default language which will be used in web application