# Communication This section gives detailed overview about communication in ReCodEx solution. Basic concept is captured on following image: ![Communication Img](https://github.com/ReCodEx/GlobalWiki/raw/master/images/Backend_Connections.png) Red connections are through ZeroMQ sockets, Blue are through WebSockets and Green are through HTTP. ## Internal worker communication ## Broker - Worker communication When a worker is started, it registers itself with the broker by sending the `init` command followed by its hardware group and headers that describe its capabilities (such as the number of threads it can run simultaneously, languages it can work with...). The headers are expected to be in following format: `header_name=value`. Every header shall be in a separate frame. Whenever the broker receives an assignment suitable for the worker, it just forwards the evaluation request message it originally received from the frontend. The worker has to: - Download the archive containing the submission and an isoeval configuration file - Download any supplementary files based on the configuration file, such as test inputs or helper programs (This can be done on demand, using a `fetch` command in the assignment configuration) - Download the source codes of the student's submission - Evaluate the submission according to the assignment's configuration - Upload the results of the evaluation to the file server - Notify the broker that the evaluation is finished Thanks to this message structure, it's possible to cache the configuration file and only download the student's submissions when the same assignment is evaluated repeatedly for different students (a common case for homeworks and classroom assignments). After finishing the evaluation, worker notifies the broker of this fact by sending: - The `done` command - The job id This allows the broker to reliably distribute messages - if a worker doesn't succeed in processing a request (it doesn't respond in a time limit), the request can be sent to another worker. ## Worker - File Server communication ## Broker - Monitor communication ## Broker - Frontend communication The communication between the frontend and the workers is mediated by a broker that passes jobs to workers capable of processing them. ### Assignment evaluation request The frontend must send a multipart message that contains the following frames: - The `eval` command - The job id (in ASCII representation -- we avoid endianness issues and also support alphabetic ids) - A frame for each header (e.g. `hwgroup=group_1`) - An URL of the archive that contains the submitted files and isoeval configuration - An URL where the worker should store the result of the evaluation If the broker is capable of routing the request to a worker, it responds with `accept`. Otherwise (for example when the requirements specified by the headers cannot be met), it responds with `reject`. Note that we will need to store the job ID and the assignment configuration somewhere close to the submitted files so it's possible to check how a submission was evaluated. The job ID will likely be a part of the submission's path. The configuration could be linked there under some well-known name. ### Notifying the frontend about evaluation progress The script that requested the evaluation will have exited by the time a worker processes the request. This issue remains to be resolved. ## File Server - Frontend communication ## Monitor - Browser communication ## Frontend - Browser communication