# Broker Broker is essential part of ReCodEx solution which maintaines almost all communication. ## Description ## Architecture ## Installation ### Dependencies Broker has no special dependencies only the ones written in [[Common install|Overall architecture#common-install]] chapter. ### Clone broker source code repository ``` $ git clone https://github.com/ReCodEx/broker.git $ git submodule update --init ``` ### Install broker It's supposed that your current working directory is that one with clonned worker source codes. - Prepare environment running `mkdir build && cd build` - Build sources by `cmake ..` following by `make -j#` where '#' symbol refers to number of your CPU threads. - Build binary package by `make package` (may require root permissions). Note that `rpm` and `deb` packages are build in the same time. You may need to have `rpmbuild` command (usually as `rpmbuild` or `rpm` package) or edit CPACK_GENERATOR variable _CMakeLists.txt_ file in root of source code tree. - Install generated package through your package manager (`yum`, `dnf`, `dpkg`). _Note:_ If you don't want to generate binary packages, you can just install the project with `make install` (as root). But installation through your distribution's package manager is preferred way to keep your system clean and manageable in long term horizon. ## Configuration and usage Following text describes how to set up and run **broker** program. It's supposed to have required binaries installed. For instructions see [[Installation|Broker#installation]] section. Also, using systemd is recommended for best user experience, but it's not required. Almost all modern Linux distributions are using systemd now. Installation of **broker** program does following step to your computer: - create config file `/etc/recodex/brokerr/config.yml` - create _systemd_ unit file `/etc/systemd/system/recodex-broker.service` - put main binary to `/usr/bin/recodex-broker` - create system user and group `recodex` with nologin shell (if not existing) - create log directory `/var/log/recodex` - set ownership of config (`/etc/recodex`) and log (`/var/log/recodex`) directories to `recodex` user and group ### Default broker configuration #### Configuration items Mandatory items are bold, optional italic. - _clients_ - specifies address and port to bind for clients (eq. frontends) - _address_ - hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any) - _port_ - desired port - _workers_ - specifies address and port to bind for workers - _address_ - hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any) - _port_ - desired port - _monitor_ - settings of monitor service connection - _address_ - IP address of running monitor service - _port_ - desired port - _notifier_ - details of connection which is used in case of errors and good to know states - _address_ - address where frontend API runs - _port_ - desired port - _username_ - username which can be used for HTTP authentication - _password_ - password which can be used for HTTP authentication - _logger_ - settings of logging capabilities - _file_ - path to the logging file with name without suffix. `/var/log/recodex/broker` item will produce `broker.log`, `broker.1.log`, ... - _level_ - level of logging, one of `off`, `emerg`, `alert`, `critical`, `err`, `warn`, `notice`, `info` and `debug` - _max-size_ - maximal size of log file before rotating - _rotations_ - number of rotation kept #### Example config file ```{.yml} # Address and port for clients (frontend) clients: address: "*" port: 9658 # Address and port for workers workers: address: "*" port: 9657 monitor: address: "" port: 7894 notifier: address: "" port: 8080 username: "" password: "" logger: file: "/var/log/recodex/broker" # w/o suffix - actual names will be broker.log, broker.1.log, ... level: "debug" # level of logging max-size: 1048576 # 1 MB; max size of file before log rotation rotations: 3 # number of rotations kept ``` ### Running broker Running broker is very similar to the worker setup. There is only one broker per whole ReCodEx solution, so there is no need for systemd templates. So running broker is just: ``` # systemctl start recodex-broker.service ``` For more info please refer to worker part of this page or systemd documentation.