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# Coding style
Every project should have some consistent coding style in which all contributors write. Bellow you can find our conventions on which we agreed on and which we try to keep.
## C++
**NOTE, that C++ projects have set code linter (`cmake-format`) with custom format. To reformat code run `make format` inside `build` directory of the project (probably not working on Windows).** For quick introduction into our format, see following paragraphs.
In C++ is written worker and broker. Generally it is used underscore style with all small letters. Inspired by [Google C++ style guide]( If something is not defined than naming/formatting can be arbitrary, but should be similar to bellow-defined behaviour.
### Naming convention
* For source codes use all lower case with underscores not dashes. Header files should end with `.h` and C++ files with `.cpp`.
* Typenames are all in lower case with underscores between words. This is applicable to classes, structs, typedefs, enums and type template parameters.
* Variable names can be divided on local variables and class members. Local variables are all lower case with underscores between words. Class members have in addition trailing underscore on the end (struct data members do not have underscore on the end).
* Constants are just like any other variables and do not have any specifics.
* All function names are again all lower case with underscores between words.
* Namespaces if there are ones they should have lower case and underscores.
* Macros are classical and should have all capitals and underscores.
* Comments can be two types documentational and ordinery ones in code. Documentation should start with `/**` and end with `*/`, convention inside them is javadoc documentation format. Classical comments in code are one liners which starts with `//` and end with the end of the line.
### Formatting convention
* Line length is not explicitly defined, but should be reasonable.
* All files should use UTF-8 character set.
* For code indentation tabs (`\t`) are used.
* Function declaration/definition: return type should be on the same line as the rest of the declaration, if line is too long, than particular parameters are placed on new line. Opening parenthesis of function should be placed on new line bellow declaration. Its possible to write small function which can be on only one line. Between parameter and comma should be one space.
int run(int id, string msg);
void print_hello_world()
std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;
int get_five() { return 5; }
* Lambda expressions: same formatting as classical functions
auto hello = [](int x) { std::cout << "hello_" << x << std::endl; }
* Function calls: basically same as function header definition.
* Condition: after if, or else there always have to be one space in front of opening bracket and again one space after closing condition bracket (and in front of opening parenthesis). If and else always should be on separate lines. Inside condition there should not be any pointless spaces.
if (x == 5) {
std::cout << "Exactly five!" << std::endl;
} else if (x < 5 && y > 5) {
std::cout << "Whoa, that is weird format!" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "I dont know what is this!" << std::endl;
* For and while cycles: basically same rules as for if condition.
* Try-catch blocks: again same rules as for if conditions. Closing parentheses of try block should be on the same line as catch block.
try {
int a = 5 / 0;
} catch (...) {
std::cout << "Division by zero" << std::endl;
* Switch: again basics are the same as for if condition. Case statements should not be indented and case body should be intended with 1 tab.
switch (switched) {
case 0: // no tab indent
... // 1 tab indent
case 1:
* Pointers and references: no spaces between period or arrow in accessing type member. No spaces after asterisk or ampersand. In declaration of pointer or reference format should be that asterisk or ampersand is adjacent to name of the variable not type.
number = *ptr;
ptr = &val;
number = ptr->number;
number = val_ref.number;
int *i;
int &j;
// bad format bellow
int* i;
int * i;
* Boolean expression: long boolean expression should be divided into more lines. The division point should always be after logical operators.
if (i > 10 &&
j < 10 &&
k > 20) {
std::cout << "Were here!" << std::endl;
* Return values should not be generally wrapped with parentheses, only if needed.
* Preprocessor directives start with `#` and always should start at the beginning of the line.
* Classes: sections aka. public, protected, private should have same indentation as the class start itself. Opening parenthesis of class should be on the same line as class name.
class my_class {
void class_function();
int class_member_;
* Operators: around all binary operators there always should be spaces.
int x = 5;
x = x * 5 / 5;
x = x + 5 * (10 - 5);
## Python
Python code should correspond to [PEP 8]( style.
## PHP
## JavaScript
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# Overall Architecture
## Description
**ReCodEx** is designed to be very modular and configurable. One such configuration is sketched in the following picture. There are two separate frontend instances with distinct databases sharing common backend part. This configuration may be suitable for MFF UK -- basic programming course and KSP competition. Note, that connections between components are not fully accurate.

**Web app** is main part of whole project from user point of view. It provides nice user interface and it is the only part, that interacts with outside world directly. **Web API** contains almost all logic of the app including _user management and authentication_, _storing and versioning files_ (with help of **File server**), _counting and assigning points_ to users etc. Advanced users may connect to the API directly or may create custom frontends. **Broker** is essential part of whole architecture. It maintains list of available **Workers**, receives submissions from the **Web API** and routes them further and reports progress of evaluations back to the **Web app**. **Worker** securely runs each received job and evaluate its results. **Monitor** resends evaluation progress messages to the **Web app** in order to be presented to users.
## Communication
Detailed communication inside the ReCodEx system is captured in the following
image and described in sections below. Red connections are through ZeroMQ
sockets, blue are through WebSockets and green are through HTTP(S). All ZeroMQ
messages are sent as multipart with one string (command, option) per part, with
no empty frames (unles explicitly specified otherwise).

### Broker - Worker communication
Broker acts as server when communicating with worker. Listening IP address and port are configurable, protocol family is TCP. Worker socket is of DEALER type, broker one is ROUTER type. Because of that, very first part of every (multipart) message from broker to worker must be target worker's socket identity (which is saved on its **init** command).
#### Commands from broker to worker:
- **eval** -- evaluate a job. Requires 3 message frames:
- `job_id` -- identifier of the job (in ASCII representation -- we avoid
endianness issues and also support alphabetic ids)
- `job_url` -- URL of the archive with job configuration and submitted source
- `result_url` -- URL where the results should be stored after evaluation
- **intro** -- introduce yourself to the broker (with **init** command) -- this is
required when the broker loses track of the worker who sent the command.
Possible reasons for such event are e.g. that one of the communicating sides
shut down and restarted without the other side noticing.
- **pong** -- reply to **ping** command, no arguments
#### Commands from worker to broker:
- **init** -- introduce self to the broker. Useful on startup or after reestablishing lost connection. Requires at least 2 arguments:
- `hwgroup` -- hardware group of this worker
- `header` -- additional header describing worker capabilities. Format must
be `header_name=value`, every header shall be in a separate message frame.
There is no limit on number of headers.
There is also an optional third argument -- additional information. If
present, it should be separated from the headers with an empty frame. The
format is the same as headers. Supported keys for additional information are:
- `description` -- a human readable description of the worker for
administrators (it will show up in broker logs)
- `current_job` -- an identifier of a job the worker is now processing. This
is useful when we are reassembling a connection to the broker and need it
to know the worker will not accept a new job.
- **done** -- notifying of finished job. Contains following message frames:
- `job_id` -- identifier of finished job
- `result` -- response result, possible values are:
- OK -- evaluation finished successfully
- FAILED -- job failed and cannot be reassigned to another worker (e.g.
due to error in configuration)
- INTERNAL_ERROR -- job failed due to internal worker error, but another
worker might be able to process it (e.g. downloading a file failed)
- `message` -- a human readable error message
- **progress** -- notice about current evaluation progress. Contains following message frames:
- `job_id` -- identifier of current job
- `state` -- what is happening now.
- DOWNLOADED -- submission successfuly fetched from fileserver
- FAILED -- something bad happened and job was not executed at all
- UPLOADED -- results are uploaded to fileserver
- STARTED -- evaluation of tasks started
- ENDED -- evaluation of tasks is finished
- ABORTED -- evaluation of job encountered internal error, job will be rescheduled to another worker
- FINISHED -- whole execution is finished and worker ready for another job execution
- TASK -- task state changed -- see below
- `task_id` -- only present for "TASK" state -- identifier of task in current job
- `task_state` -- only present for "TASK" state -- result of task evaluation. One of:
- COMPLETED -- task was successfully executed without any error, subsequent task will be executed
- FAILED -- task ended up with some error, subsequent task will be skipped
- SKIPPED -- some of the previous dependencies failed to execute, so this task will not be executed at all
- **ping** -- tell broker I am alive, no arguments
#### Heartbeating
It is important for the broker and workers to know if the other side is still
working (and connected). This is achieved with a simple heartbeating protocol.
The protocol requires the workers to send a **ping** command regularly (the
interval is configurable on both sides -- future releases might let the worker
send its ping interval with the **init** command). Upon receiving a **ping**
command, the broker responds with **pong**.
Whenever a heartbeating message doesn't arrive, a counter called _liveness_ is
decreased. When this counter drops to zero, the other side is considered
disconnected. When a message arrives, the liveness counter is set back to its
maximum value, which is configurable for both sides.
When the broker decides a worker disconnected, it tries to reschedule its jobs
to other workers.
If a worker thinks the broker crashed, it tries to reconnect periodically, with
a bounded, exponentially increasing delay.
This protocol proved great robustness in real world testing. Thus whole backend
is reliable and can outlive short term issues with connection without problems.
Also, increasing delay of ping messages does not flood the network when there
are problems. We experienced no issues since we are using this protocol.
### Worker - File Server communication
Worker is communicating with file server only from _execution thread_. Supported
protocol is HTTP optionally with SSL encryption (**recommended**). If supported
by server and used version of libcurl, HTTP/2 standard is also available. File
server should be set up to require basic HTTP authentication and worker is
capable to send corresponding credentials with each request.
#### Worker side
Workers comunicate with the file server in both directions -- they download
student's submissions and then upload evaluation results. Internally, worker is
using libcurl C library with very similar setup. In both cases it can verify
HTTPS certificate (on Linux against system cert list, on Windows against
downloaded one from CURL website during installation), support basic HTTP
authentication, offer HTTP/2 with fallback to HTTP/1.1 and fail on error
(returned HTTP status code is >=400). Worker have list of credentials to all
available file servers in its config file.
- download file -- standard HTTP GET request to given URL expecting file content as response
- upload file -- standard HTTP PUT request to given URL with file data as body -- same as command line tool `curl` with option `--upload-file`
#### File server side
File server has its own internal directory structure, where all the files are stored. It provides simple REST API to get them or create new ones. File server does not provide authentication or secured connection by itself, but it is supposed to run file server as WSGI script inside a web server (like Apache) with proper configuration. Relevant commands for communication with workers:
- **GET /submission_archives/\<id\>.\<ext\>** -- gets an archive with submitted source code and corresponding configuration of this job evaluation
- **GET /exercises/\<hash\>** -- gets a file, common usage is for input files or
reference result files
- **PUT /results/\<id\>.\<ext\>** -- upload archive with evaluation results under specified name (should be same _id_ as name of submission archive). On successful upload returns JSON `{ "result": "OK" }` as body of returned page.
If not specified otherwise, `zip` format of archives is used. Symbol `/` in API description is root of file server's domain. If the domain is for example `` with SSL support, getting input file for one task could look as GET request to ``.
### Broker - Monitor communication
Broker communicates with monitor also through ZeroMQ over TCP protocol. Type of
socket is same on both sides, ROUTER. Monitor is set to act as server in this
communication, its IP address and port are configurable in monitor's config
file. ZeroMQ socket ID (set on monitor's side) is "recodex-monitor" and must be
sent as first frame of every multipart message -- see ZeroMQ ROUTER socket
documentation for more info.
Note that the monitor is designed so that it can receive data both from the
broker and workers. The current architecture prefers the broker to do all the
communication so that the workers do not have to know too many network services.
Monitor is treated as a somewhat optional part of whole solution, so no special
effort on communication realibility was made.
#### Commands from monitor to broker:
Because there is no need for the monitor to communicate with the broker, there
are no commands so far. Any message from monitor to broker is logged and
Commands from broker to monitor:
- **progress** -- notification about progress with job evaluation. See [Progress callback](#progress-callback) section for more info.
### Broker - Web API communication
Broker communicates with main REST API through ZeroMQ connection over TCP. Socket
type on broker side is ROUTER, on frontend part it is DEALER. Broker acts as a
server, its IP address and port is configurable in the API.
#### Commands from API to broker:
- **eval** -- evaluate a job. Requires at least 4 frames:
- `job_id` -- identifier of this job (in ASCII representation -- we avoid endianness issues and also support alphabetic ids)
- `header` -- additional header describing worker capabilities. Format must be `header_name=value`, every header shall be in a separate message frame. There is no maximum limit on number of headers. There may be also no headers at all. A worker is considered suitable for the job if and only if it satisfies all of its headers.
- empty frame -- frame which contains only empty string and serves only as breakpoint after headers
- `job_url` -- URI location of archive with job configuration and submitted source code
- `result_url` -- remote URI where results will be pushed to
#### Commands from broker to API (all are responses to **eval** command):
- **ack** -- this is first message which is sent back to frontend right after eval command arrives, basically it means "Hi, I am all right and am capable of receiving job requests", after sending this broker will try to find acceptable worker for arrived request
- **accept** -- broker is capable of routing request to a worker
- **reject** -- broker cannot handle this job (for example when the requirements
specified by the headers cannot be met). There are (rare) cases when the
broker finds that it cannot handle the job after it was confirmed. In such
cases it uses the frontend REST API to mark the job as failed.
#### Asynchronous communication between broker and API
Only a fraction of the errors that can happen during evaluation can be detected
while there is a ZeroMQ connection between the API and broker. To notify the
frontend of the rest, we need an asynchronous communication channel that can be
used by the broker when the status of a job changes (it's finished, it failed
permanently, the only worker capable of processing it disconnected...).
This functionality is supplied by the `broker-reports/` API endpoint group --
see its documentation for more details.
### File Server - Web API communication
File server has a REST API for interaction with other parts of ReCodEx. Description of communication with workers is in [File server side](#file-server-side) section. On top of that, there are other commands for interaction with the API:
- **GET /results/\<id\>.\<ext\>** -- download archive with evaluated results of job _id_
- **POST /submissions/\<id\>** -- upload new submission with identifier _id_. Expects that the body of the POST request uses file paths as keys and the content of the files as values. On successful upload returns JSON `{ "archive_path": <archive_url>, "result_path": <result_url> }` in response body. From _archive_path_ the submission can be downloaded (by worker) and corresponding evaluation results should be uploaded to _result_path_.
- **POST /tasks** -- upload new files, which will be available by names equal to `sha1sum` of their content. There can be uploaded more files at once. On successful upload returns JSON `{ "result": "OK", "files": <file_list> }` in response body, where _file_list_ is dictionary of original file name as key and new URL with already hashed name as value.
There are no plans yet to support deleting files from this API. This may change in time.
Web API calls these fileserver endpoints with standard HTTP requests. There are no special commands involved. There is no communication in opposite direction.
### Monitor - Web app communication
Monitor interacts with web application through WebSocket connection. Monitor acts as server and browsers are connecting to it. IP address and port are configurable. When client connects to the monitor, it sends a message with string representation of channel id (which messages are interested in, usually id of evaluating job). There can be multiple listeners per channel, even (shortly) delayed connections will receive all messages from the very beginning.
When monitor receives **progress** message from broker there are two options:
- there is no WebSocket connection for listed channel (job id) -- message is dropped
- there is active WebSocket connection for listed channel -- message is parsed into JSON format (see below) and send as string to that established channel. Messages for active connections are queued, so no messages are discarded even on heavy workload.
Message JSON format is dictionary (associative array) with keys:
- **command** -- type of progress, one of:
- DOWNLOADED -- submission successfuly fetched from fileserver
- FAILED -- something bad happened and job was not executed at all
- UPLOADED -- results are uploaded to fileserver
- STARTED -- evaluation of tasks started
- ENDED -- evaluation of all tasks finished, worker now just have to send results and cleanup after execution
- ABORTED -- evaluation of job encountered internal error, job will be rescheduled to another worker
- FINISHED -- whole execution finished and worker is ready for another job execution
- TASK -- task state changed, further information will be provided -- see below
- **task_id** -- id of currently evaluated task. Present only if **command** is "TASK".
- **task_state** -- state of task with id **task_id**. Present only if **command** is "TASK". Value is one of "COMPLETED", "FAILED" and "SKIPPED".
- COMPLETED -- task was successfully executed without any error, subsequent task will be executed
- FAILED -- task ended up with some error, subsequent task will be skipped
- SKIPPED -- some of the previous dependencies failed to execute, so this task will not be executed at all
### Web app - Web API communication
Provided web application runs as javascript client inside user's browser. It communicates with REST API on the server through standard HTTP requests. Documentation of the main REST API is in separate [document]( due to its extensiveness. Results are returned as JSON payload, which is simply parsed in web application and presented to the users.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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# System configuration
## Worker
Worker should have some default configuration which is applied to worker itself
or may be used in given jobs (implicitly if something is missing, or explicitly
with special variables). This configuration should be hardcoded and can be
rewritten by explicitly declared configuration file. Format of this
configuration is yaml with similar structure to job configuration.
### Configuration items
Mandatory items are bold, optional italic.
- **worker-id** -- unique identification of worker at one server. This id is
used by _isolate_ sanbox on linux systems, so make sure to meet isolate's
requirements (default is number from 1 to 999).
- _worker-description_ -- human readable description of this worker
- **broker-uri** -- URI of the broker (hostname, IP address, including port,
- _broker-ping-interval_ -- time interval how often to send ping messages to
broker. Used units are milliseconds.
- _max-broker-liveness_ -- specifies how many pings in a row can broker miss
without making the worker dead.
- _headers_ -- map of headers specifies worker's capabilities
- _env_ -- list of enviromental variables which are sent to broker in init
- _threads_ -- information about available threads for this worker
- **hwgroup** -- hardware group of this worker. Hardware group must specify
worker hardware and software capabilities and it is main item for broker
routing decisions.
- _working-directory_ -- where will be stored all needed files. Can be the same
for multiple workers on one server.
- **file-managers** -- addresses and credentials to all file managers used (eq.
all different frontends using this worker)
- **hostname** -- URI of file manager
- _username_ -- username for http authentication (if needed)
- _password_ -- password for http authentication (if needed)
- _file-cache_ -- configuration of caching feature
- _cache-dir_ -- path to caching directory. Can be the same for multiple
- _logger_ -- settings of logging capabilities
- _file_ -- path to the logging file with name without suffix.
`/var/log/recodex/worker` item will produce `worker.log`, `worker.1.log`,
- _level_ -- level of logging, one of `off`, `emerg`, `alert`, `critical`,
`err`, `warn`, `notice`, `info` and `debug`
- _max-size_ -- maximal size of log file before rotating
- _rotations_ -- number of rotation kept
- _limits_ -- default sandbox limits for this worker. All items are described in
assignments section in job configuration description. If some limits are not
set in job configuration, defaults from worker config will be used. In such
case the worker's defaults will be set as the maximum for the job. Also,
limits in job configuration cannot exceed limits from worker.
### Example config file
worker-id: 1
broker-uri: tcp://localhost:9657
broker-ping-interval: 10 # milliseconds
max-broker-liveness: 10
- c
- cpp
threads: 2
hwgroup: "group1"
working-directory: /tmp/recodex
- hostname: "http://localhost:9999" # port is optional
username: "" # can be ignored in specific modules
password: "" # can be ignored in specific modules
file-cache: # only in case that there is cache module
cache-dir: "/tmp/recodex/cache"
file: "/var/log/recodex/worker" # w/o suffix - actual names will
# be worker.log, worker.1.log,...
level: "debug" # level of logging
max-size: 1048576 # 1 MB; max size of file before log rotation
rotations: 3 # number of rotations kept
time: 5 # in secs
wall-time: 6 # seconds
extra-time: 2 # seconds
stack-size: 0 # normal in KB, but 0 means no special limit
memory: 50000 # in KB
parallel: 1
disk-size: 50
disk-files: 5
- src: /tmp/recodex/eval_5
dst: /evaluate
### Isolate sandbox
New feature in version 1.3 is possibility of limit Isolate box to one or more
cpu or memory node. This functionality is provided by _cpusets_ kernel mechanism
and is now integrated in isolate. It is allowed to set only `cpuset.cpus` and
`cpuset.mems` which should be just fine for sandbox purposes. As kernel
functionality further description can be found in manual page of _cpuset_ or in
Linux documentation in section `linux/Documentation/cgroups/cpusets.txt`. As
previously stated this settings can be applied for particular isolate boxes and
has to be written in isolate configuration. Standard configuration path should
be `/usr/local/etc/isolate` but it may depend on your installation process.
Configuration of _cpuset_ in there is really simple and is described in example
box0.cpus = 0 # assign processor with ID 0 to isolate box with ID 0
box0.mems = 0 # assign memory node with ID 0
# if not set, linux by itself will decide where should
# the sandboxed programs run at
box2.cpus = 1-3 # assign range of processors to isolate box 2
box2.mems = 4-7 # assign range of memory nodes
box3.cpus = 1,2,3 # assign list of processors to isolate box 3
- **cpuset.cpus:** Cpus limitation will restrict sandboxed program only to
processor threads set in configuration. On hyperthreaded processors this means
that all virtual threads are assignable, not only the physical ones. Value can
be represented by single number, list of numbers separated by commas or range
with hyphen delimiter.
- **cpuset.mems:** This value is particularly handy on NUMA systems which has
several memory nodes. On standard desktop computers this value should always
be zero because only one independent memory node is present. As stated in
`cpus` limitation there can be single value, list of values separated by comma
or range stated with hyphen.
## Broker
### Configuration items
Description of configurable items in broker's config. Mandatory items are bold,
optional italic.
- _clients_ -- specifies address and port to bind for clients (frontend
- _address_ -- hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any)
- _port_ -- desired port
- _workers_ -- specifies address and port to bind for workers
- _address_ -- hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any)
- _port_ -- desired port
- _max_liveness_ -- maximum amount of pings the worker can fail to send
before it is considered disconnected
- _max_request_failures_ -- maximum number of times a job can fail (due to
e.g. worker disconnect or a network error when downloading something from
the fileserver) and be assigned again
- _monitor_ -- settings of monitor service connection
- _address_ -- IP address of running monitor service
- _port_ -- desired port
- _notifier_ -- details of connection which is used in case of errors and good
to know states
- _address_ -- address where frontend API runs
- _port_ -- desired port
- _username_ -- username which can be used for HTTP authentication
- _password_ -- password which can be used for HTTP authentication
- _logger_ -- settings of logging capabilities
- _file_ -- path to the logging file with name without suffix.
`/var/log/recodex/broker` item will produce `broker.log`, `broker.1.log`,
- _level_ -- level of logging, one of `off`, `emerg`, `alert`, `critical`,
`err`, `warn`, `notice`, `info` and `debug`
- _max-size_ -- maximal size of log file before rotating
- _rotations_ -- number of rotation kept
### Example config file
# Address and port for clients (frontend)
address: "*"
port: 9658
# Address and port for workers
address: "*"
port: 9657
max_liveness: 10
max_request_failures: 3
address: ""
port: 7894
address: ""
port: 8080
username: ""
password: ""
file: "/var/log/recodex/broker" # w/o suffix - actual names will be
# broker.log, broker.1.log, ...
level: "debug" # level of logging
max-size: 1048576 # 1 MB; max size of file before log rotation
rotations: 3 # number of rotations kept
## Monitor
Configuration file is located in subdirectory `monitor` of standard ReCodEx
configuration folder `/etc/recodex/`. It is in YAML format as all of the other
configurations. Format is very similar to configurations of broker or workers.
### Configuration items
Description of configurable items, bold ones are required, italics ones are
- _websocket_uri_ -- URI where is the endpoint of websocket connection. Must be
visible to the clients (directly or through public proxy)
- string representation of IP address or a hostname
- port number
- _zeromq_uri_ -- URI where is the endpoint of zeromq connection from broker.
Could be hidden from public internet.
- string representation of IP address or a hostname
- port number
- _logger_ -- settings of logging
- _file_ -- path with name of log file. Defaults to
- _level_ -- logging level, one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error" and
- _max-size_ -- maximum size of log file before rotation in bytes
- _rotations_ -- number of rotations kept
### Example configuration file
- ""
- 4567
- ""
- 7894
file: "/var/log/recodex/monitor.log"
level: "debug"
max-size: 1048576 # 1 MB
rotations: 3
## Cleaner
### Configuration items
- **cache-dir** -- directory which cleaner manages
- **file-age** -- file age in seconds which are considered outdated and will be deleted
### Example configuration
cache-dir: "/tmp"
file-age: "3600" # in seconds
The API can be configured in `config.neon` and `config.local.neon` files in
`app/config` directory. The first file is predefined by authors and should not
be modified. The second one is not present and could be created by copying
`config.local.neon.example` template in the config directory. Local
configuration have higher precedence, so it will override default values from
### Configurable items
Description of configurable items. All timeouts are in milliseconds if not
stated otherwise.
- accessManager -- configuration of access token in [JWT
standard]( Do **not** modify
unless you really know what are you doing.
- fileServer -- connection to fileserver
- address -- URI of fileserver
- auth -- _username_ and _password_ for HTTP basic authentication
- timeouts -- _connection_ timeout for establishing new connection and
_request_ timeout for completing one request
- broker -- connection to broker
- address -- URI of broker
- auth -- _username_ and _password_ for broker callback authentication back
to API
- timeouts -- _ack_ timeout for first response that broker receives the
message, _send_ timeout how long try to send new job to the broker and
_result_ timeout how long to wait for confirmation if job can be processed
or not
- monitor -- connection to monitor
- address -- URI of monitor
- CAS -- CAS external authentication
- serviceId -- visible identifier of this service
- ldapConnection -- parameters for connecting to LDAP, _hostname_,
_base_dn_, _port_, _security_ and _bindName_
- fields -- names of LDAP keys for informations as _email_, _firstName_ and
- emails -- common configuration for sending email (addresses and template
- apiUrl -- base URL of API server including port (for referencing pictures
in messages)
- footerUrl -- link in the message footer
- siteName -- name of frontend (ReCodEx, or KSP for unique instance for KSP
- githubUrl -- URL to GitHub repository of this project
- from -- sending email address
- failures -- admin messages on errors
- emails -- additional info for sending mails, _to_ is admin mail address,
_from_ is source address, _subjectPrefix_ is prefix of mail subject
- forgottenPassword -- user messages for changing passwords
- redirectUrl -- URL of web application where the password can be changed
- tokenExpiration -- expiration timeout of temporary token (in seconds)
- emails -- additional info for sending mails, _from_ is source address and
_subjectPrefix_ is prefix of mail subject
- mail -- configuration of sending mails
- smtp -- using SMTP server, have to be "true"
- host -- address of the server
- port -- sending port (common values are 25, 465, 587)
- username -- login to the server
- password -- password to the server
- secure -- security, values are empty for no security, "ssl" or "tls"
- context -- additional parameters, depending on used mail engine. For
examle self-signed certificates can be allowed as _verify_peer_ and
_verify_peer_name_ to false and _allow_self_signed_ to true under _ssl_
key (see example).
Outside the parameters section of configuration is configuration for Doctrine.
It is ORM framework which maps PHP objects (entities) into database tables and
rows. The configuration is simple, required items are only _user_, _password_
and _host_ with _dbname_, i.e. address of database computer (mostly localhost)
with name of ReCodEx database.
### Example local configuration file
leeway: 60
expiration: 86400 # 24 hours in seconds
usedAlgorithm: HS256
- HS256
verificationKey: "recodex-123"
username: "user"
password: "pass"
connection: 500
address: tcp://
username: "user"
password: "pass"
ack: 100
send: 5000
result: 1000
address: wss://
serviceId: "cas-uk"
hostname: ""
base_dn: "ou=people,dc=cuni,dc=cz"
port: 389
security: SSL
bindName: "cunipersonalid"
email: "mail"
firstName: "givenName"
lastName: "sn"
siteName: "ReCodEx"
from: "ReCodEx <>"
to: "Admin Name <>"
from: %emails.from%
subjectPrefix: "ReCodEx Failure Report - "
redirectUrl: "
tokenExpiration: 600 # 10 minues
from: %emails.from%
subjectPrefix: "ReCodEx Forgotten Password Request - "
smtp: true
host: ""
port: 587
username: "user"
password: "pass"
secure: "tls"
verify_peer: false
verify_peer_name: false
allow_self_signed: true
user: "user"
password: "pass"
host: localhost
dbname: "recodex-api"
## Web application
### Configurable items
Description of configurable options. Bold are required values, optional ones are
in italics.
- **NODE_ENV** -- mode of the server
- **API_BASE** -- base address of API server, including port and API version
- **PORT** -- port where the app is listening
- _WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_PORT_ -- port for webpack dev server when running in
development mode. Default one is 8081, this option might be useful when this
port is necessary for some other service.
### Example configuration file
// vim: set formatoptions=tqn flp+=\\\|^\\*\\s* textwidth=80 colorcolumn=+1:
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
### [[Home]]
### Content
* [[Introduction]]
* [[User documentation]]
* [[Overall architecture]]
* [[Assignments]]
* [[Submission flow]]
* [[Installation]]
* [[Worker]]
* [[Broker]]
* [[Monitor]]
* [[Fileserver]]
* [[Web API]]
* [[Web application]]
* [[Database]]
* [[Conclusion]]
### Separated pages
* [[FAQ]]
* [[Logo]]
* [[Coding style]]
* [[Database schema]]
Reference in New Issue