User doc: student

Martin Polanka 8 years ago
parent b7e745c845
commit d8f673603b

@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ application will not work properly there.
Usage of the web application is divided into the sections concerning the
particular user roles. Under these sections all possible use cases can be found.
Used roles are:
Described roles are:
- Student
- Group supervisor
@ -1835,31 +1835,109 @@ If you sign in through CAS UK, then please follow the instructions
provided by the administrators of the service described on their
### Dashboard
## Student
@todo: describe what it means to be a “student” and what are the
students rights
### Join group and start solving assignments
@todo: describe dashboard and what is visible there... maybe?
@todo: How to join a specific group
@todo: Where can the user see groups description and details, what
information is available.
@todo: Where the student can find the list of the assignment he is
expected to solve, what is the first and second deadline.
## Student
@todo: How does a student submit his solution through the web app
Student is a default role used in web application every newly registered user
has it. As a student you have a quite limited range what to do in ReCodEx.
Generally you can only submit your solutions of exercises in some particular
groups. These groups should correspond to courses you attent at college.
@todo: When the results are ready and what the results mean and what to
do about them, when the user is convinced, that his solution is correct
although the results say different
### Join group and start solving assignments
@todo: Describe the comments thread behavior (public/private comments),
who else can see the comments, how notifications work (*not implemented
To be able to submit solutions you have to be member of the right group. Groups
as such has hierarchy and belongs to some particular instance which you chose
during registration. That is why if you want to join group you have to visit
your instance link located in sidebar. After that you will be redirected
instance detail page.
In there you can see some description of intance and most importantly in "Groups
hierarchy" box there can be found hierarchical list of all public groups in
instance. Please note that groups with plus sign are collapsable and can be
further extended. If you successfully located instance which you would like to
join continue by clicking on "See group's page" link.
**Note:** Some groups can be marked as private these groups are not visible in
hierarchy and cannot be joined by students themselves. Management of students
is then in the hands of supervisors.
On the group detail page there multiple things which might concern you. First
one is brief overview with information describing the group, there is list with
supervisors and also hierarchy of subgroups. Most importantly there is
"Student's dasboard" section. This section contains list of assignments and list
of fellow students. If supervisors of groups allowed students to see each others
statistics there will also be points which particular students gained.
In the "Assignments" box on the group detail page there is list of assigned
exercises which are students supposed to solve. Assignments are displayed with
their names and deadlines. There are two deadlines, the first one means that
till this datetime student will receive full amount of points in case of
successful solution. Second deadline does not have to be set but if it is, then
number of points which are gainable for successful solution within first and
second deadline can be different.
If you follow assignment link it will lead you to assignment detail page. In
there you can found all possible details which might interest you. There are of
course particular deadlines but also limit of submissions which you can make and
full-range description of assignment. Description of assignment can be localized
and you can switch between all language variants in tab like box.
Further on the page you can found "Submitted solutions" box where list of
submissions can be found with links to result details. But most importantly
there is "Submit new solution" button on the assignment page which makes it
possible to submit solution of the assignment.
After clicking on submit button, dialog window should show up. In here you can
upload files representing your solution, you can even add some notes to your
supervisor if you thing they are needed. After you successfully uploaded all
files necessary for the right execution of your solution then click on "Submit
your solution" button and let ReCodEx do its thing.
During execution ReCodEx backend might send to your browser evaluation progress
state which will be displayed in another dialog window. When whole execution is
finished then "See the results" button will appear and you can look at the
results of your solution.
On the results details page there are lot of information. Apart assignment
description which is not connected to your results you can found here when the
solution was submitted and by whom (supervisor can submit solution on your
behalf), further there are files which were uploaded on submission and most
importantly "Evaluation details" and "Test results".
Evalation details contains overall results of your solution. There are
information such as if solution was provided before deadlines if the evaluation
process succesfully finished or if compilation succeeded. After that you can
find a lot of numbers, most important one is the last one "Total score" where
first number is your score and second one the maximum number of points.
Interestingly the first number in total score can be higher than second one,
that is because of "Bonus points" item above. If your solution is nice and
supervisor will notice it he/she can assign you additional points for effort.
In test results box you can find table of results from particular exercise test
cases. In columns you can find these information:
- test case overall result, yes/no option
- test case name
- percentage of correctness of this particular test
- evaluation status, if test was successfully executed or failed
- memory limit, if supervisor allowed it then percentual memory usage is
- time limit, if supervisor allowed it then percentual time usage is displayed
New feature of web application is "Comments and notes" box where you can
communicate with your supervisors or just write random private notes to your
submission. Adding note is quite simple you just write it to text field in the
bottom of box and click on "Send" button. Note the lock image underneath, by
click on it you can set visibility of the comment.
If you think your solution is correct but ReCodEx evaluated as wrong one. You
may consider to use comments system described above, but for now there are no
notifications which will alert supervisors in case of new comments. So please
use another mechanism to contact your supervisor.
## Group supervisor
