
Petr Stefan 8 years ago
parent ed2db97b7e
commit 91c854b2c5

@ -1998,80 +1998,79 @@ mechanism for new comment messages.
## Group supervisor
Group supervisor is ordinarily the lecturer of the corresponding course. As such
supervisor can modify group description and properties, assign exercises or
Group supervisor is ordinarily the lecturer of the corresponding course. With
this role user can modify group description and properties, assign exercises or
manage list of students. Further permissions like managing subgroups or
supervisors is available only for group administrators.
On "Dashboard" page you can find "Groups you supervise" section. Here there are
boxes representing your groups with the list of students attending course and
their points. Students names are clickable and will redirect you to students
user's profiles where further information about his/hers assignments and
solution can be found. If you want to quickly jump onto groups page, use "Show
group's detail" button at the bottom of the desired box.
### Manage groups
Locate group you supervise and which you want to manage. All yours supervised
groups are available in sidebar under "Groups - supervisor" collapsable menu. If
you click on one of those you should be redirected to group detail page. In
addition to basic group information you can also see "Supervisor's controls"
section, in this section there should be list of current students and
their points. Student names are clickable with redirection to user's profile
where further information about his/hers assignments and solution can be found.
To quickly jump onto groups page, use "Show group's detail" button at the bottom
of the matching group box.
### Manage group
Locate group you supervise and you want to manage. All your supervised groups
are available in sidebar under "Groups -- supervisor" collapsable menu. If you
click on one of those you will be redirected to group detail page. In addition
to basic group information you can also see "Supervisor's controls" section. In
this section there are lists of current students and assignments.
As a supervisor of group you should be able to see "Edit group settings" button
As a supervisor of group you are able to see "Edit group settings" button
at the top of the page. Following this link will take you to group editation
page with form containing these fields:
- group name which will be visible to other users
- group name which is be visible to other users
- external identification which may be used for ID from school system
- description of group which will be available to users in instance
- set if group is publicly visible and joinable or private
- description of group which will be available to users in instance (in
- set if group is publicly visible (and joinable by students) or private
- options to set if students should be able see statistics of each other
- minimal points threshold which students have to gain to successfully complete
the course
After filling all necessary fields form should be send by clicking on "Edit
After filling all necessary fields the form can be sent by clicking on "Edit
group" button and all changes will be applied.
For students management there are "Students" and "Add student" boxes. The first
one is simple list of all students which are attending course with the
possibility of delete from group. That can be done by hitting "Leave group"
button near particular user. Second box serves to adding students to group.
There is a simple text field to which you can type name of the student, after
that click on the magnifier image and there should appear list of matched users.
At this moment just click on the "Join group" button and student will be signed
to your group.
one is simple list of all students which are attending the course with the
possibility of delete them from the group. That can be done by hitting "Leave
group" button near particular user. Second box serves to adding students to the
group. There is a text field for typing name of the student and after clicking
on the magnifier image or pressing enter key there will appear list of matched
users. At this moment just click on the "Join group" button and student will be
signed in to your group.
### Assigning exercises
Before assigning exercise you obviously have to know what exercises are
available. List of all exercises in system can be found under "Exercises" link
in sidebar. This page contains table with exercises names, difficulties and
names of the authors of exercises. Further information about exercise is
available. List of all exercises in the system can be found under "Exercises"
link in sidebar. This page contains a table with exercises names, difficulties
and names of the exercise authors. Further information about exercise is
available by clicking on its name.
On the exercise details page can be found numerous information about it. There
is box with all possible localized descriptions and also box with some
additional information. Like when was exercise created by whom, what is
difficulty of it, what version is it. There is also description for supervisors
by exercise author under "Exercise overview" option, where some important
information can be found. And most notably there is information in what
programming languages can be exercises solved, this is available under
"Supported runtime environments" row.
If you decide that exercise is suitable for some of your groups, please note
"Groups" box at the bottom of the page. There is list of all groups you
supervise with quick "Assign" button which will assign exercise to some
particular group.
After clicking on "Assign" button you should be redirected to assignment
On the exercise details page are numerous information about it. There is a box
with all possible localized descriptions and also a box with some additional
information of exercise author, its difficulty, version, etc. There is also a
description for supervisors by exercise author under "Exercise overview" option,
where some important information can be found. And most notably there is an
information about available programming languages for this exercise, under
"Supported runtime environments" section.
If you decide that the exercise is suitable for any of your groups, please note
"Groups" box at the bottom of the page. There is a list of all groups you
supervise with quick "Assign" button which will assign the exercise to the
selected group.
After clicking on the "Assign" button you should be redirected to assignment
editation page. In there you can find two forms, one for editation of assignment
meta information and the second one for setting exercise time and memory limits.
In meta information form you can fill these options:
- name of the assignment which will be visible in group
- name of the assignment which will be visible in a group
- visibility, if assignment is under construction then you can mark it as not
visible and students will not see it
- subform for localized descriptions (new localization can be added by clicking
@ -2085,40 +2084,40 @@ In meta information form you can fill these options:
- first submission deadline
- maximum gainable points before first deadline
- second submission deadline, after that students still can submit exercises but
no points for them
no points for them (must be after the first deadline)
- maximum gainable points after first deadline and before second deadline
- submission count limit for students' solutions, after this amount students
cannot submit any other solutions
- visibility of memory and time ratios, if true then students can see for each
test percentage of used memory and time
- minimum percentage of points which submission have to gain otherwise it will
gain no points
- assignment is bonus one and points from it are not included in students
overall score
Form has to be submitted with "Edit settings" button otherwise changes will not
be saved.
cannot submit solutions any more
- visibility of memory and time ratios; if true students can see percentage of
used memory and time for each test
- minimum percentage of points which each submission have to gain otherwise it
will gain no points
- assignment is marked as bonus one and points from solving it are not included
into group threshold limit (that means solving it can get you additional
points over the limit)
The form has to be submitted with "Edit settings" button otherwise changes will
not be saved.
The same editation page serves also for the purpose of assignment editation, not
only creation. That is why on the bottom of the page "Delete the assignment" box
only creation. That is why on bottom of the page "Delete the assignment" box
can be found. Clearly the button "Delete" in there can be used to unassign
exercise from group.
The last unexplored area is time and memory limits form. The whole form is
situated in box with tabs which are leading to particular runtime environments.
If you wish to not use one of these, locate "Remove" button at the bottom of the
box tab which will delete this environment from assignment. Please note that
If you wish not to use one of those, locate "Remove" button at the bottom of the
box tab which will delete this environment from the assignment. Please note that
this action is irreversible.
In general one tab in environments box contains some basic information about
runtime environment and another nested tabbed box. In there you can find all
hardware groups which are available for exercise and you can set here particular
limits for all test cases. Time and memory limits can be set to all test cases,
time limits have to be filled in seconds (float), memory limits are in bytes
(int). If you are interested in some reference values to particular test case
then you can take a peek on collapsable "Reference solutions' evaluations" item.
If you are satisfied with changes you made to limits save form with "Change
limits" button right under environments box.
hardware groups which are available for exercise and set limits for all test
cases. The time limits have to be filled in seconds (float), memory limits are
in bytes (int). If you are interested in some reference values to particular
test case then you can take a peek on collapsable "Reference solutions'
evaluations" items. If you are satisfied with changes you made to the limits,
save form with "Change limits" button right under environments box.
### Students' solutions management
