API analysis -> implementation

Simon Rozsival 8 years ago
parent d2b59adf29
commit 7f6ccb4799

@ -1526,26 +1526,6 @@ framework is used. The Presenters are used to group the logic of the individual
API endpoints. The routing mechanism is modified to distinguish the actions by API endpoints. The routing mechanism is modified to distinguish the actions by
both the URL and the HTTP method of the request. both the URL and the HTTP method of the request.
#### Request handling
A typical scenario for handling an API request is matching the HTTP request with
a corresponding handler routine which creates a response object, that is then
sent back to the client, encoded with JSON. The `Nette\Application` package can
be used to achieve this with Nette, although it is meant to be used mainly in
MVP applications.
Matching HTTP requests with handlers can be done using standard Nette URL
routing -- we will create a Nette route for each API endpoint. Using the routing
mechanism from Nette logically leads to implementing handler routines as Nette
Presenter actions. Each presenter should serve logically related endpoints.
The last step is encoding the response as JSON. In `Nette\Application`, HTTP
responses are returned using the `Presenter::sendResponse()` method. We decided
to write a method that calls `sendResponse` internally and takes care of the
encoding. This method has to be called in every presenter action. An alternative
approach would be using the internal payload object of the presenter, which is
more convenient, but provides us with less control.
#### Authentication #### Authentication
To make certain data and actions acessible only for some specific users, there To make certain data and actions acessible only for some specific users, there
@ -1582,138 +1562,6 @@ including generating the signature and signature verification is done through a
widely used third-party library which lowers the risk of having a bug in the widely used third-party library which lowers the risk of having a bug in the
implementation of this critical security feature. implementation of this critical security feature.
#### Forgotten password
With authentication and some sort of dealing with passwords is related a problem
with forgotten credentials, especially passwords. There has to be some kind of
mechanism to retrieve a new password or change the old one.
First, there are absolutely not secure and recommendable ways how to handle
that, for example sending the old password through email. A better, but still
not secure solution is to generate a new one and again send it through email.
Mentioned solution was provided in CodEx, users had to write an email to
administrator, who generated a new password and sent it back to the sender. This
simple solution could be also automated, but administrator had quite a big
control over whole process. This might come in handy if there should be some
additional checkups, but on the other hand it can be quite time consuming.
Probably the best solution which is often used and is fairly secure follows. Let
us consider only case in which all users have to fill their email addresses into
the system and these addresses are safely in the hands of the right users.
When user finds out that he/she does not remember a password, he/she requests a
password reset and fill in his/her unique identifier; it might be email or
unique nickname. Based on matched user account the system generates unique
access token and sends it to user via email address. This token should be time
limited and usable only once, so it cannot be misused. User then takes the token
or URL address which is provided in the email and go to the system's appropriate
section, where new password can be set. After that user can sign in with his/her
new password.
As previously stated, this solution is quite safe and user can handle it on its
own, so administrator does not have to worry about it. That is the main reason
why this approach was chosen to be used.
#### Uploading files
There are two cases when users need to upload files using the API -- submitting
solutions to an assignment and creating a new exercise. In both of these cases,
the final destination of the files is the fileserver. However, the fileserver is
not publicly accessible, so the files have to be uploaded through the API.
The files can be either forwarded to the fileserver directly, without any
interference from the API server, or stored and forwarded later. We chose the
second approach, which is harder to implement, but more convenient -- it lets
exercise authors double-check what they upload to the fileserver and solutions
to assignments can be uploaded in a single request, which makes it easy for the
fileserver to create an archive of the solution files.
#### Permissions
In a system storing user data has to be implemented some kind of permission
checking. Previous chapters implies, that each user has to have a role, which
corresponds to his/her privileges. Our research showed, that three roles are
sufficient -- student, supervisor and administrator. The user role has to be
checked with every request. The good points is, that roles nicely match with
granularity of API endpoints, so the permission checking can be done at the
beginning of each request. That is implemented using PHP annotations, which
allows to specify allowed user roles for each request with very little of code,
but all the business logic is the same, together in one place.
However, roles cannot cover all cases. For example, if user is a supervisor, it
relates only to groups, where he/she is a supervisor. But using only roles
allows him/her to act as supervisor in all groups in the system. Unfortunately,
this cannot be easily fixed using some annotations, because there are many
different cases when this problem occurs. To fix that, some additional checks
can be performed at the beginning of request processing. Usually it is only one
or two simple conditions.
With this two concepts together it is possible to easily cover all cases of
permission checking with quite a small amount of code.
#### Solution loading
When a solution evaluation on the backend is finished, the results are saved to
the fileserver and the API is notified by the broker. Some further steps needs
to be done at that moment before the results can be presented to the users.
Some of these steps are parsing of the results, calculation of the final score,
or saving the structured data into the database. There are two main
possibilities when to process the results:
- immediately after the API server is notified by the backend
- when a user requests the results for the first time
These options are almost equal, none of them provides any kind of a big
advantage. Loading solutions immediately is better, because fetching results
by the client for the first time can be a bit faster as the results are already
processed. On the other hand, processing the results on demand can save some of
the resources when the solution results are not important (e.g., the student
finds a bug in his solution before the submission has been evaluated).
We decided for the lazy loading at the time when the results are requested for
the first time. However, the concept of asynchronous jobs is then introduced.
This type of job is useful for batch submitting of jobs, for example re-running
jobs which failed on a worker hardware issue. These jobs are typically submitted
by different user than the author (an administrator for example), so the
original authors should be notified. In this case it is more reasonable to load
the results immediately and optionally send them a notification via an email.
This is exactly what we do.
It seems with the benefit of hindsight that immediate loading of all jobs could
simplify the code and it has no major drawbacks. In the next version of ReCodEx
we will re-evaluate this decision.
#### Communication with the backend
##### Backend failure reporting
The backend is a separate component which does not communicate with the
administrators directly. When it encounters an error it stores it in a log file.
It would be handy to inform the administrator directly at this moment so he can
fix the cause of the error as soon as possible. The backend does not have any
mechanism for notifying users using for example an email. The API server on the
other hand has email sending implemented and it can easily forward any messages
to the administrator. A secured communication protocol between the backend and
the frontend already exists (it is used for the reporting of a finished job
processing) and it is easy to add another endpoint for bug reporting.
When a request for sending a report arrives from the backend then the type of
the report is inferred and if it is an error which deserves attention of the
administrator then an email is sent to him/her. There can also be errors which
are not that important (e.g., it was somehow solved by the backend itself or it
is only informative, then these do not have to be reported through an email but
can only be stored in the persistent database for further consideration.
On top of that the separate backend component does not have to be exposed to the
outside network at all.
If a job processing fails then the backend informs the API server which
initiated processing of the job. If an error which is not related to
job-processing occurs then the backend must communicate with a given API server
which is configured by the administrator while the other API servers which are
using the same backend are not informed.
##### Backend state monitoring ##### Backend state monitoring
The next thing related to communication with the backend is monitoring its The next thing related to communication with the backend is monitoring its
@ -2791,6 +2639,112 @@ grouping of entities and how they are related:
- submission + solution + reference solution + solution evaluation - submission + solution + reference solution + solution evaluation
- comment threads + comments - comment threads + comments
#### Request handling
A typical scenario for handling an API request is matching the HTTP request with
a corresponding handler routine which creates a response object, that is then
sent back to the client, encoded with JSON. The `Nette\Application` package can
be used to achieve this with Nette, although it is meant to be used mainly in
MVP applications.
Matching HTTP requests with handlers can be done using standard Nette URL
routing -- we will create a Nette route for each API endpoint. Using the routing
mechanism from Nette logically leads to implementing handler routines as Nette
Presenter actions. Each presenter should serve logically related endpoints.
The last step is encoding the response as JSON. In `Nette\Application`, HTTP
responses are returned using the `Presenter::sendResponse()` method. We decided
to write a method that calls `sendResponse` internally and takes care of the
encoding. This method has to be called in every presenter action. An alternative
approach would be using the internal payload object of the presenter, which is
more convenient, but provides us with less control.
#### Authentication
#### Permissions
In a system storing user data has to be implemented some kind of permission
checking. Each user has a role, which corresponds to his/her privileges.
Our research showed, that three roles are sufficient -- student, supervisor
and administrator. The user role has to be
checked with every request. The good points is, that roles nicely match with
granularity of API endpoints, so the permission checking can be done at the
beginning of each request. That is implemented using PHP annotations, which
allows to specify allowed user roles for each request with very little of code,
but all the business logic is the same, together in one place.
However, roles cannot cover all cases. For example, if user is a supervisor, it
relates only to groups, where he/she is a supervisor. But using only roles
allows him/her to act as supervisor in all groups in the system. Unfortunately,
this cannot be easily fixed using some annotations, because there are many
different cases when this problem occurs. To fix that, some additional checks
can be performed at the beginning of request processing. Usually it is only one
or two simple conditions.
With this two concepts together it is possible to easily cover all cases of
permission checking with quite a small amount of code.
#### Uploading files
There are two cases when users need to upload files using the API -- submitting
solutions to an assignment and creating a new exercise. In both of these cases,
the final destination of the files is the fileserver. However, the fileserver is
not publicly accessible, so the files have to be uploaded through the API.
Each file is uploaded separately and is given a unique ID. The uploaded file
can then be attached to an exercise or a submitted solution of an exercise.
Storing and removing files from the server is done through the
`App\Helpers\UploadedFileStorage` class which maps the files to their records
in the database using the `App\Model\Entity\UploadedFile` entity.
#### Forgotten password
When user finds out that he/she does not remember a password, he/she requests a
password reset and fills in his/her unique email. A temporary access token is
generated for the user corresponding to the given email address and sent to this
address encoded in a URL leading to a client application. User then goes
to the URL and can choose a new password.
The temporary token is generated and emailed by the
`App\Helpers\ForgottenPasswordHelper` class which is registered as a service
and can be injected into any presenter.
This solution is quite safe and user can handle it on its own, so administrator
does not have to worry about it.
#### Job configuration parsing and modifying
@todo how the YAML is parsed
@todo how it can be changed and where it is used
@todo how it can be stored to a new YAML
#### Solution loading
When a solution evaluation is finished by the backend, the results are saved to
the fileserver and the API is notified by the broker. The results are parsed and
stored in the database.
For results of reference solutions' evaluations and for asynchronous solution
evaluations (e.g., resubmitted by the administrator) the result is processed
right after the notification from backend is received and the author of the
solution will be notified by an email.
When a student submits his/her solution directly through the client application
we do not parse the results right away but we postpone this until the student
(or a supervisor) wants to display the results for the first time. This may save
save some resources when the solution results are not important (e.g., the
student finds a bug in his solution before the submission has been evaluated).
##### Parsing of the results
The results are stored in a YAML file. We map the contents of the file to the
classes of the `App\Helpers\EvaluationResults` namespace. This process
validates the file and gives us access to all of the information through
an interface of a class and not only using associative arrays. This is very
similar to how the job configuration files are processed.
### API endpoints ### API endpoints
@todo: Tell the user about the generated API reference and how the @todo: Tell the user about the generated API reference and how the
@ -3024,18 +2978,24 @@ as a server, its IP address and port is configurable in the API.
specified by the headers cannot be met). There are (rare) cases when the specified by the headers cannot be met). There are (rare) cases when the
broker finds that it cannot handle the job after it was confirmed. In such broker finds that it cannot handle the job after it was confirmed. In such
cases it uses the frontend REST API to mark the job as failed. cases it uses the frontend REST API to mark the job as failed.
#### Asynchronous communication between broker and API #### Asynchronous communication between broker and API
Only a fraction of the errors that can happen during evaluation can be detected Only a fraction of the errors that can happen during evaluation can be detected
while there is a ZeroMQ connection between the API and broker. To notify the while there is a ZeroMQ connection between the API and broker. To notify the
frontend of the rest, we need an asynchronous communication channel that can be frontend of the rest, the API exposes an endpoint for the broker for this purpose.
used by the broker when the status of a job changes (it's finished, it failed Broker uses this endpoint whenever the status of a job changes (it's finished,
permanently, the only worker capable of processing it disconnected...). it failed permanently, the only worker capable of processing it disconnected...).
When a request for sending a report arrives from the backend then the type of
the report is inferred and if it is an error which deserves attention of the
administrator then an email is sent to him/her. There can also be errors which
are not that important (e.g., it was somehow solved by the backend itself or it
is only informative), then these do not have to be reported through an email but
they are stored in the persistent database for further consideration.
This functionality is supplied by the `broker-reports/` API endpoint group -- For the details of this interface please refer to the attached API documentation
see its documentation for more details. and the `broker-reports/` endpoint group.
### File Server - Web API communication ### File Server - Web API communication
