Petr Stefan 8 years ago
commit 6807b5057c

@ -457,18 +457,10 @@ designing user interfaces on top of them.
The application interacts with users. From the project assignment is clear, that
the system has to keep personalized data about users and adapt presented content
according to this knowledge. User data cannot be publicly visible, so that
implies necessity of user authentication. There are several way of
authentication user in web applications. HTTP basic authentication has a few
drawbacks like sending plain credentials in every request or no logout option,
so it is not recommended to use. Using cookies is possible, but it is
susceptible to various types of attacks including stealing and also brings state
into stateless protocols as REST. Another option is using tokens, OAuth2 or JWT
(JSON Web Token). Nowadays it is widely used and has only a few cons (need to
make extra effort to mitigate XSS attacks). Additional option is usage of
one-time passwords. These can be time or counter based and are mostly used for
two-factor authentication. Since ReCodEx does not need to have military grade
security, JWT tokens are used for authentication. However, two-factor
authentication may come in next releases.
implies necessity of user authentication. The application also has to support
multiple ways of authentication (university authentication systems, a company
LDAP server, an OAuth server...) and permit adding more security measures in the
future, such as two-factor authentication.
User data also includes a privilege level. From the assignment it is required to
have at least two roles, _student_ and _supervisor_. However, it is wise to add
@ -1404,6 +1396,9 @@ We considered several technologies which could be used:
servers. It is a suitable technology for this kind of a project. It has all
the features we need when some additional extensions are installed (to support
LDAP or ZeroMQ).
- Ruby on Rails, Python (Django), etc. -- popular web technologies that appeared
in the last decade. Both support ZeroMQ and LDAP via extensions and have large
developer communities.
- ASP.NET (C#), JSP (Java) -- these technologies are very robust and are used to
create server technologies in many big enterprises. Both can run on Windows
and Linux servers (ASP.NET using the .NET Core).
@ -1420,21 +1415,45 @@ technologies superior to PHP in all other aspects - PHP 7 is a mature language
with a huge community and a wide range of tools, libraries, and frameworks.
We decided to use an ORM framework to manage the database, namely the widely
used PHP ORM Doctrine 2. This framework has a robust abstraction layer DBAL so
the database engine is not very important and it can be changed without any need
for changing the code. We chose an open-source database MariaDB.
used PHP ORM Doctrine 2. Using an ORM tool means we do not have to write SQL
queries by hand. Instead, we work with persistent objects, which provides a
higher level of abstraction. Doctrine also has a robust database abstraction
layer so the database engine is not very important and it can be changed without
any need for changing the code. MariaDB was chosen as the storage backend.
To speed up the development process of the PHP server application we decided to
use an MVC framework. After evaluating and trying several frameworks, such as
Lumen, Laravel, and Symfony, we ended up using the framework Nette. This
framework is very common in the Czech Republic -- its main developer is a
well-known Czech programmer David Grudl -- and we were already familiar with the
patterns used in this framework (e.g., dependency injection, authentication,
routing). There is a good extension for the Nette framework which makes usage of
Doctrine 2 very straightforward.
@todo: authentication, some possibilities and describe used jwt (mentioned in
basic concepts, maybe elaborate more or just remove this item from todo list)
use a web framework. After evaluating and trying several frameworks, such as
Lumen, Laravel, and Symfony, we ended up using Nette. This framework is very
common in Czech Republic -- its lead developer is a well-known Czech programmer
David Grudl -- and we were already familiar with the patterns used in this
framework, such as dependency injection, authentication, routing. These concepts
are useful even when developing a REST application, which might be a surprise
considering that Nette focuses on "traditional" web applications. There is also
a Nette extension which makes integartion of Doctrine 2 very straightforward.
#### Request handling
@todo Nette Router, how we exploit presenters to act as api endpoints
#### Authentication
Because Nette is focused on building web applications that render a new
page for (almost) every request, it uses PHP sessions (based on cookies) for
authentication. This method is unsuitable for REST APIs where clients do not
typically store cookies. However, it is common that RESTful services provide
access tokens that are then sent with every request by the client.
JWT (JSON web tokens), an open standard for access tokens, was chosen for our
authentication implementation. Support libraries exist for all major languages
used in web developments that facilitate straightforward usage. The tokens use
asymmetric cryptography for signing, which provides a satisfactory level of
To implement JWT in Nette, we have to implement some of its security-related
interfaces such as IAuthenticator and IUserStorage, which is rather easy
thanks to the simple authentication flow. Replacing these services in a Nette
application is also straightforward, thanks to its dependency injection
container implementation.
@todo: solution of forgotten password, why this in particular
@ -1448,6 +1467,8 @@ basic concepts, maybe elaborate more or just remove this item from todo list)
within instance and how it is implemented and how it could be implemented
(describe only implementation if it is something what to say)
@todo permission handling, roles, etc.
@todo: where is stored which workers can be used by supervisors and which runtimes are available, describe possibilities and why is not implemented automatic solution
@todo: on demand loading of students submission, in-time loading of every other submission, why
