@ -1515,7 +1515,28 @@ exercise authors double-check what they upload to the fileserver and solutions
to assignments can be uploaded in a single request, which makes it easy for the
fileserver to create an archive of the solution files.
@todo permission handling, roles, etc.
#### Permissions
In a system storing user data has to be implemented some kind of permission
checking. Previous chapters implies, that each user has to have a role, which
corresponds to his/her privileges. Our research showed, that three roles are
sufficient -- student, supervisor and administrator. The user role has to be
checked with every request. The good points is, that roles nicely match with
granuality of API endpoints, so the permission checking can be done at the
beginning of each request. That is implemented using PHP annotations, which
allows to specify allowed user roles for each request with very little of code,
but all the business logic is the same, together in one place.
However, roles cannot cover all cases. For example, if user is a supervisor, it
relates only to groups, where he/she is a supervisor. But using only roles
allows him/her to act as supervisor in all groups in the system. Unfortunately,
this cannot be easily fixed using some annotations, because there are many
different cases when this problem occurs. To fix that, some additional checks
can be performed at the beginning of request processing. Usually it is only one
or two simple conditions.
With this two concepts together it is possible to easily cover all cases of
permission checking with quite a small amount of code.
#### Solution loading