Updated Web application (markdown)

Simon Rozsival 8 years ago
parent f0bee07c55
commit 30d440fa76

@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ As was mentioned earlier in the text, there is over a hundred components in the
[LayoutContainer](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/containers/LayoutContainer/LayoutContainer.js) handles the dependency injection of the localized links based on the current language stated in the URL. It also controls the state of the sidebar - collapsing and showing the sidebar.
##### Layout, Header, Sidebar
##### Layout, Header, Sidebar, Footer
The [Layout](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/Layout/Layout.js), [Header](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Header/Header.js), [Header](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Footer/Footer.js), and [Sidebar](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/Sidebar/Sidebar/Sidebar.js) components hold the main HTML structure of the page which is displayed to the user and hold links to different parts of the application.
#### PageContent
The [PageContent](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/PageContent/PageContent.js) component holds the main content of a page with the common structure for all pages - *title*, *description*, *breadcrumbs*, *content*. The component passes the title and description to the [Helmet](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet) library which reflects these into the `<head>` section of the HTML document.
The [PageContent](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/PageContent/PageContent.js) component holds the main content of a page with the common structure for all pages - the *title*, *description*, *[breadcrumbs](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.js),*, *content*. The component passes the title and description to the [Helmet](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet) library which reflects these into the `<head>` section of the HTML document.
#### ResourceRenderer
@ -64,16 +64,36 @@ Multiple resources can be passed as an array to the component and it will wait i
It is worth mentioning that the component is completely stateless and "switching of the states" is the effect of several renderings of the component over time.
#### `Page`
#### Page
[Page](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/Page/Page.js) combines the two previously described components, since they are often used together for displaying a page content which is dependant on a resource.
#### CommentThreadContainer
[CommentThreadContainer](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/containers/CommentThreadContainer/CommentThreadContainer.js) can be used on any page of the *webapp* to create a discussion thread. A unique identification must be assigned to every thread so the comments in the distinct threads do not interleave.
#### Bootstrap and AdminLTE theme
The UI of the application is built using the stylesheets from the [Bootstrap framework](http://getbootstrap.com/) from Twitter and the [AdminLTE](https://almsaeedstudio.com/) theme from Abdullah Almsaeed. None of the JavaScript plugins from these libraries is used.
A package [react-bootstrap](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/) is used. Components specific to the *AdminLTE* theme are implemented and stored in the `src/components/AdminLTE` folder and its subfolders.
##### Box, FormBox
[Box](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Box/Box.js) is a frequently used component for bounding other components like text or tables inside. It is a re-styled `Panel` component from Bootstrap. It can be collapsable and can be displayed in different colors and types. [FormBox](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/FormBox/FormBox.js) is just o wrapper of `Box` adjusted for holding forms inside of the body.
##### CommentThread
[CommentThread](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/CommentThread/CommentThread.js) component is used directly by the `CommentThreadContainer` described earlier and uses the HTML markup introduced by the theme author to achieve nice comment threads.
##### Avatar, LoadingAvatar, FailedAvatar
[Avatar](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Avatar/Avatar.js) component is used on many places for displaying a round profile picture of a user. `LoadingAvatar` and `FailedAvatar` are used to mock the visual appearance of the avatar while the image is being downloaded or if the download failed for some reason.
#### Icons
The free [FontAwesome](http://fontawesome.io/) icon pack is used in the application via the [react-fontawesome](https://github.com/danawoodman/react-fontawesome) library. Many types of [icons](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/blob/master/src/components/AdminLTE/Header/Header.js) are defined as components (e. g. `LoadingIcon`, `WarningIcon`, `SuccessIcon`, `DeleteIcon`, and many others) to be used throughout the application so the same symbols are used for the same purposes.
#### Forms
