Updated Architecture (markdown)

Petr Stefan 8 years ago
parent f4ce641714
commit 1a68da0af4

@ -13,6 +13,18 @@
**File API**, where testing inputs and corresponding outputs for each task and
other required files are stored. It's possible to upload files, too.
The worker has to:
- Download the archive containing the submission and an isoeval configuration
- Download any supplementary files based on the configuration file, such as test
inputs or helper programs (This can be done on demand, using a `fetch` command
in the assignment configuration)
- Download the source codes of the student's submission
- Evaluate the submission according to the assignment's configuration
- Upload the results of the evaluation to the file server
- Notify the broker that the evaluation is finished
### Internal Worker architecture
Picture below is overall internal architecture of worker, which shows its defined classes with private variables and public functions. Vector version of this picture is available [here](https://github.com/ReCodEx/GlobalWiki/raw/master/images/Worker_Internal_Architecture.pdf).
![Internal Worker architecture](https://github.com/ReCodEx/GlobalWiki/blob/master/images/Worker_Internal_Architecture.png)
