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# Job configuration
Following description will cover configuration as seen from API point of view,
worker may have some optional items mandatory (they are filled by API
automatically). Bold items in lists describing the values are mandatory, italic
ones are optional.
## Configuration items
- **submission** -- information about this particular submission
- **job-id** -- textual ID which should be unique in whole recodex
- _file-collector_ -- address from which fetch tasks will download data (API
will fill)
- _log_ -- default is false, can be omitted, determines whether job
execution will be logged into one shared log
- **hw-groups** -- list of hardware groups for which are specified limits in
this configuration
- **tasks** -- list (not map) of individual tasks
- **task-id** -- unique identifier of task in scope of one submission
- _priority_ -- higher number, higher priority, defaults to 1
- _fatal-failure_ -- if true, than execution of whole job will be stopped
after failing of this one, defaults to false
- _dependencies_ -- list of dependencies which have to be fulfilled before
this task, can be omitted if there is no dependencies
- **cmd** -- description of command which will be executed
- **bin** -- the binary itself (full path of external command or name of
internal task)
- _args_ -- list of arguments which will be sent into execution unit
- _test-id_ -- ID of the test this task is part of -- must be specified for
tasks which the particular test's result depends on
- _type_ -- type of the task, can be omitted, default value is _inner_ --
possible values are: _inner_, _initiation_, _execution_, _evaluation_.
Each logical test must contain 0 or more _initiation_ tasks, at least one
task of type _execution_ (time and memory limits exceeded are presentet to
user) and exactly one of type _evaluation_ (typicaly judge). _Inner_ task
type is mainly for internal tasks, but can be used for external tasks,
which are not part of any test.
- _sandbox_ -- wrapper for external tasks which will run in sandbox, if
defined task is automatically external
- **name** -- name of used sandbox
- _stdin_ -- file to which standard input will be redirected, can be
- _stdout_ -- file to which standard output will be redirected, can be
- _stderr_ -- file to which error output will be redirected, can be
- _limits_ -- list of limits which can be passed to sandbox, can be
omitted, in that case defaults will be used
- **hw-group-id** -- determines specific limits for specific
- _time_ -- time of execution in second
- _wall-time_ -- wall time in seconds
- _extra-time_ -- extra time which will be added to execution
- _stack-size_ -- size of stack of executed program in kilobytes
- _memory_ -- overall memory limit for application in kilobytes
- _parallel_ -- integral number of processes which can run
simultaneously, time and memory limits are merged from all
potential processes/threads
- _disk-size_ -- size of all IO operations from/to files in
- _disk-files_ -- number of files which can be opened
- _environ-variable_ -- wrapper for map of environmental variables,
union with default worker configuration
- _chdir_ -- this will be working directory of executed application
- _bound-directories_ -- list of structures representing directories
which will be visible inside sandbox, union with default worker
configuration. Contains 3 suboptions: **src** -- source pointing
to actual system directory, **dst** -- destination inside sandbox
which can have its own filesystem binding and **mode** --
determines connection mode of specified directory, one of values:
RW (allow read-write access), NOEXEC (disallow execution of
binaries), FS (mount device-less filesystem like `/proc`), MAYBE
(silently ignore the rule if the bound directory does not exist),
DEV (allow access to character and block devices).
## Configuration example
This configuration example serves only for demonstration purposes. Some items
can be omitted and defaults from worker configuration will be used.
submission: # happy hippoes fence
job-id: hippoes
file-collector: http://localhost:9999/exercises
log: true
- group1
- task-id: "compilation"
priority: 2
fatal-failure: true
bin: "/usr/bin/gcc"
- "solution.c"
- "-o"
- "a.out"
name: "isolate"
- hw-group-id: group1
parallel: 0
chdir: ${EVAL_DIR}
- src: ${SOURCE_DIR}
dst: ${EVAL_DIR}
mode: RW
- task-id: "fetch_test_1"
priority: 4
fatal-failure: false
- compilation
bin: "fetch"
- ""
- "${SOURCE_DIR}/"
- task-id: "evaluation_test_1"
priority: 5
fatal-failure: false
- fetch_test_1
bin: "a.out"
name: "isolate"
- hw-group-id: group1
time: 0.5
memory: 8192
chdir: ${EVAL_DIR}
- src: ${SOURCE_DIR}
dst: ${EVAL_DIR}
mode: RW
- task-id: "fetch_test_solution_1"
priority: 6
fatal-failure: false
- evaluation_test_1
bin: "fetch"
- "1.out"
- "${SOURCE_DIR}/1.out"
- task-id: "judging_test_1"
priority: 7
fatal-failure: false
- fetch_test_solution_1
bin: "${JUDGES_DIR}/recodex-judge-normal"
- "1.out"
- "plot.out"
name: "isolate"
- hw-group-id: group1
parallel: 0
chdir: ${EVAL_DIR}
- src: ${SOURCE_DIR}
dst: ${EVAL_DIR}
mode: RW
- task-id: "rm_junk_test_1"
priority: 8
fatal-failure: false
- judging_test_1
bin: "rm"
- "${SOURCE_DIR}/"
- "${SOURCE_DIR}/plot.out"
- "${SOURCE_DIR}/1.out"
## Job variables
Because frontend does not know which worker gets the job, its necessary to be a
little general in configuration file. This means that some worker specific
things has to be transparent. Good example of this is that some (evaluation)
directories may be placed differently across all workers. To provide a solution,
variables were established. There are of course some restrictions where
variables can be used. Basically whenever filesystem paths can be used,
variables can be used.
Usage of variables in configuration is simple and kind of shell-like. Name of
variable is put inside braces which are preceded with dollar sign. Real usage is
then something like this: ${VAR}. There should be no quotes or apostrophes
around variable name, just simple text in braces. Parsing is simple and whenever
there is dollar sign with braces job execution unit automatically assumes that
this is a variable, so there is no chance to have this kind of substring
anywhere else.
List of usable variables in job configuration:
- **WORKER_ID** -- integral identification of worker, unique on server
- **JOB_ID** -- identification of this job
- **SOURCE_DIR** -- directory where source codes of job are stored
- **EVAL_DIR** -- evaluation directory which should point inside sandbox. Note,
that some existing directory must be bound inside sanbox under **EVAL_DIR**
name using _bound-directories_ directive inside limits section.
- **RESULT_DIR** -- results from job can be copied here, but only with internal
- **TEMP_DIR** -- general temp directory which is not dependent on operating
- **JUDGES_DIR** -- directory in which judges are stored (outside sandbox)
## Directories and Files
For each job execution unique directory structure is created. Job is not
restricted to use only specified directories (tasks can do whatever is allowed
on system), but it is advised to use them inside a job. Following directories
are created under working directory of the worker for a job execution. This
directory is configurable and can be the same for multiple worker instances.
- `downloads/${WORKER_ID}/${JOB_ID}` -- where the downloaded archive is saved
- `submission/${WORKER_ID}/${JOB_ID}` -- decompressed submission is stored here
- `eval/${WORKER_ID}/${JOB_ID}` -- this directory is accessible in job
configuration using variables and all execution should happen here
- `temp/${WORKER_ID}/${JOB_ID}` -- directory where all sort of temporary files
can be stored
- `results/${WORKER_ID}/${JOB_ID}` -- again accessible directory from job
configuration which is used to store all files which will be upload on
fileserver, usually there will be only yaml result file and optionally log,
every other file has to be copied here explicitly from job
## ReCodEx judges
Below is list of judges which are packed with ReCodEx project.
- **recodex-judge-normal** is base judge used by most of exercises. This judge
compares two text files. It compares only text tokens regardless on amount of
whitespace between them.
Usage: recodex-judge-normal [-r | -n | -rn] <file1> <file2>
- file1 and file2 are paths to files that will be compared
- switch options `-r` and `-n` can be specified as a 1st optional argument.
- `-n` judge will treat newlines as ordinary whitespace (it will ignore
line breaking)
- `-r` judge will treat tokens as real numbers and compares them
accordingly (with some amount of error)
- **recodex-judge-filter** can be used for preprocess output files before real
judging. This judge filters C-like comments from a text file. The comment
starts with double slash sequence (`//`) and finishes with newline. If the
comment takes whole line, then whole line is filtered.
Usage: recodex-judge-filter [inputFile [outputFile]]
- if `outputFile` is ommited, std. output is used instead.
- if both files are ommited, application uses std. input and output.
- **recodex-judge-shuffle** is for judging results with semantics of set, where
ordering is not important. This judge compares two text files and returns 0
if they matches (and 1 otherwise). Two files are compared with no regards for
whitespace (whitespace acts just like token delimiter).
Usage: recodex-judge-shuffle [-[n][i][r]] <file1> <file2>
- `-n` ignore newlines (newline is considered only a whitespace)
- `-i` ignore items order on the row (tokens on each row may be permutated)
- `-r` ignore order of rows (rows may be permutated); this option has no
effect when `-n` is used
## Results
Results of tasks are sent back in YAML format compressed into archive. This
archive can contain further files, such as job logging information and files
which were explicitly copied into results directory. Results file contains job
identification and results of individual tasks.
### Results items
- **job-id** -- identification of job to which this results belongs
- **hw-group** -- Hardware group identifier of worker which performed the
- _error_message_ -- present only if whole execution failed and none of tasks
were executed
- **results** -- list of tasks results
- **task-id** -- unique identification of task in scope of this job
- **status** -- three states: OK (execution of task was successful;
sandboxed program could be killed, but sandbox exited normally), FAILED
(error while executing task), SKIPPED (execution of task was skipped)
- _error_message_ -- defined only in internal tasks on failure
- _sandbox_results_ -- if defined than this task was external and was run in
- **exitcode** -- integer which executed program gave on exit
- **time** -- time in seconds in which program exited
- **wall-time** -- wall time in seconds
- **memory** -- how much memory program used in kilobytes
- **max-rss** -- maximum resident set size used in kilobytes
- **status** -- two letter status code: OK (success), RE (runtime
error), SG (program died on signal), TO (timed out), XX (internal
error of the sandbox)
- **exitsig** -- description of exit signal
- **killed** -- boolean determining if program exited correctly or was
- **message** -- status message on failure
### Example result file
job-id: 5
hw-group: "group1"
- task-id: compile1
status: OK
exitcode: 0
time: 5
wall-time: 5
memory: 50000
max-rss: 50000
status: RE
exitsig: 1
killed: true
message: "Time limit exceeded"
- task-id: eval1
status: FAILED
error_message: "Task failed, something very bad happend!"
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