**ReCodEx** is designed to be very modular. In the following picture main components are arranged into one possible configuration. Note, that connections between components are not fully accurate.
**Web app** is main part of whole project for users. It provides nice user interface and is the only part, that interacts with outside world directly. **Web API** contains almost all logic of the app including _user management and authentication_, _storing and versioning files_ (with help of **File server**), _counting and assigning points_ to users etc. **Broker** is essential part of whole architecture and can be marked as single point of failure. It maintains list of available **Workers**, receives submissions from the **Web API** and routes them further and reports progress of evaluations back to the **Web app**. **Worker** securely runs each received job and evaluate it's results. **Monitor** resends evaluation progress messages to the **Web app** in order to be presented to users.
Almost whole communication goes through **Broker** and ZeroMQ messaging middleware. When **Web app** wants to execute submission then all datas are handed over to **Worker** through **Broker**, similar situation is with progress state which start in **Worker** goes through **Broker** then pass **Monitor** and end up in **Web app** (as WebSockets). Only part of communication, which does not include **Broker**, is communication with **File server** which is realized through HTTP commmunication. This communication can be initiated by **Web API** or by **Worker**, other services have no access to **File server**. Detailed view into communication is on separate page [[Communication]].
**Worker's** main role is securely execute given submission and possibly _evaluate_ results against model solutions provided by submitter. **Worker** is logicaly divided into two parts:
- **Listener** - listens and communicates with **Broker** through [ZeroMQ](http://zeromq.org/). It receives new jobs, communicates with **Evaluator** part and sends back results or progress.
- **Evaluator** - gets jobs to evaluate from **Listener** part, evaluate them (possibly in sandbox) and get to know to other part that evaluation ended. This part also communicates with **Fileserver**, downloads needed files and uploads detailed results.
Picture below is overall internal architecture of worker which shows its defined classes with private variables and public functions. Vector version of this picture is available [here](https://github.com/ReCodEx/GlobalWiki/raw/master/images/Worker_Internal_Architecture.pdf).
To meet these requirements, **Storage** and **Database** must be set as bellow.
### Storage
**Storage** is meant as disc space with some commonly used filesystem. We'll use `ext4`, but the other ones should work too. **Storage** file structure is:
- **temp** directory is dedicated to temporary storing outputs of programs on teachers' demand. This directory will be erased by cron job on daily basis.
### Database
For user friendly access and modifying tasks following information should be stored in database:
- list of tasks with their newest version number
- for every task and version list of used files (their hashed names)