Following text describes how to set up and run broker program. It is supposed to have required binaries installed. Also, using systemd is recommended for best user experience, but it is not required. Almost all modern Linux distributions are using systemd now.
- _address_ -- hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any)
- _port_ -- desired port
- _workers_ -- specifies address and port to bind for workers
- _address_ -- hostname or IP address as string (`*` for any)
- _port_ -- desired port
- _max_liveness_ -- maximum amount of pings the worker can fail to send before it is considered disconnected
- _max_request_failures_ -- maximum number of times a job can fail (due to e.g. worker disconnect or a network error when downloading something from the fileserver) and be assigned again
- _monitor_ -- settings of monitor service connection
- _address_ -- IP address of running monitor service
- _port_ -- desired port
- _notifier_ -- details of connection which is used in case of errors and good to know states
- _address_ -- address where frontend API runs
- _port_ -- desired port
- _username_ -- username which can be used for HTTP authentication
- _password_ -- password which can be used for HTTP authentication
- _logger_ -- settings of logging capabilities
- _file_ -- path to the logging file with name without suffix. `/var/log/recodex/broker` item will produce `broker.log`, `broker.1.log`, ...
- _level_ -- level of logging, one of `off`, `emerg`, `alert`, `critical`, `err`, `warn`, `notice`, `info` and `debug`
- _max-size_ -- maximal size of log file before rotating