# Changelog
This change log tracks the releases on our [pilot server ](https://recodex.mff.cuni.cz/ ). Since ReCodEx is in fact composed of many components, we also provide a table of component version which work together in stable releases.
| Date | [web-app ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/releases ) | [api ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/api/releases ) | [worker ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/worker/releases ) | [broker ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/broker/releases ) | [fileserver ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/fileserver/releases ) | [monitor ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/monitor/releases ) | [cleaner ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/cleaner/releases ) |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| 11.6.2018 | v1.9.0 | v1.9.0 | v1.5.0 | v1.2.2 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | v1.1.0 |
| 1.5.2018 | v1.8.1 | v1.8.3 | v1.4.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 29.4.2018 | v1.8.0 | v1.8.2 | v1.4.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 20.4.2018 | v1.7.2 | v1.8.1 | v1.4.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
Older versions are at the bottom of this page.
## 11.6.2018
* New UI for reference solutions which is more similar to UI for regular solutions.
* Points assigned to a submission evaluation by ReCodEx may be overwritten by supervisor.
* Short description of the exercise restricted, so it is not visible to students.
* Text with a hint for students (not synchronized with exercises) added to assignments.
* Exercises (and assignments) may provide external link instead of text in MD. If the external link leads to a page containing plain text or markdown (and it can be fetched by CORS request), a preview is displayed directly in ReCodEx.
* MultiAssign form is more user friendly.
* When assignment is published, an optional switch can prevent from sending notification e-mails.
* SIS codes added to group info.
* JWT tokens (for API scripting) can be generated at User Settings page.
* Compilation logs are carboncopied into files (with much more benevolent size constraints) when solution is re-evaluated in debug mode.
* Affiliation is not mandatory for registration and login using CAS (may improve login via CAS experience for users with strange affiliations).
* Email addresses added to user names in UI. New mailing endpoints were added in API, so they can be used in web app in the future.
* API added and updated several important endpoints which will optimize fetching data in future versions of web app.
* Cleaner released for the first time.
* New token judge added in worker (will be employed soon after due testing).
## 1.5.2018
* Button for downloading best solutions in a ZIP archive added to Group Detail page.
* Fixing multiple bugs.
* Improving appearance and user experience.
## 29.4.2018
* Introducing data-only exercises (the user submits only data which are validated by custom judge).
* Improving Smart-Fill feature in test configuration form.
* Gravatar optimizations — user may disable/enable own gravatar and configure whether gravatars are visible to hir in general
* Results table in Group Detail page is sortable by name and by total points now.
* User may delete own submission comments.
* Performance optimization of various SQL queries, functions, and visualization.
* Displaying judge logs to supervisors.
* Do not allow to create exercises without assigned group.
* Additional API preparations (to be implemented in UI yet)
- Introduce mass list endpoints for users and exercises.
- Add endpoint for downloading best solutions archive of an assignment.
## 20.4.2018
* Various bugfixes and optimizations in REST API
## 17.4.2018
* Switching to Font Awesome 5 icons
* Bug fixes, forgotten UI issues
## 14.4.2018
* Implementing support for organizational groups (organizational groups are meant for creating hierarchy, they cannot hold students nor assignments).
* Adding language/environments list to assignments and exercises.
* Exercise marked as broken on creation and if appropriate on forking
* Create a submission failure when the submission will not even compile
* Add revocation mechanism to authentication tokens and invalidation endpoint for all issued tokens of user (API only)
* Implement issuing of restricted read-only tokens for usage in applications or scripts (API only)
* Deadline of created assignments is further in the future and not now
* Implement endpoint for deletion of comments (API only)
* Refactoring, optimizations, bug fixes
## 28.3.2018
* Group page redesign — splitted into two pages (info and detail), cleaner design and much better performance
* Assignments can restrict the set of runtime environments (as a subset of the RTEs of the exercise)
* Pre-submit files validation with automated environment selection and entry point (bootstrap file) selection
* Entry point selection also added to extra files in the exercise config form
* Completed Czech translations
* Bug fixes and performance optimizations
## 4.3.2018
* Form for assigning exercise in multiple groups at once was debugged and enabled.
* External accounts (accounts mapped to SIS accounts) are prevented from changing their names.
* Supervisors may delete solutions submitted by the students.
## 26.2.2018
* Fixing bugs.
## 25.2.2018
* Test limits were redesigned
- Move to a separate page in the UI
- Changed internally in the API (simple limits endpoints were removed)
* Hardware group selection was added to the limits page
- Second hardware group for long-running exercises added
- Limits constraints are now bound to selected hardware group
* Students can see stats table when enabled in group settings
* Many bugs were fixed; number of submitted solutions reflects correct state (#153)
## 15.2.2018
* CPU/wall time selection in limits form (called "precise time measurement" in UI)
* Extra (additional) files for exercise compilation can be provided by exercise author
* Solution source codes and exercise test files can be downloaded as single ZIP package
* New page for managing SIS interaction (for admins)
* Students who also teach now can see both courses (which they study and which they teach) in SIS mappings
* Exercise configuration is tested when edited and possible errors are reported
* Group tree view improved and filtered, so only groups visible to logged user are shown
* Bug fixes and performance optimizations
## 16.1.2018
* Users registered externally are now able to create local account
* Several modifications in API and default pipelines, which are not apparent from webapp yet:
- All compilation pipelines supports extra source files given by exercise author (so custom frameworks or boilerplates may be used in exercises)
- Added cpu-time alongside wall-time in exercise limits and submission evaluation
* Multiple bugs fixed and minor improvements implemented in the web application frontend
* Refactoring and consolidation of some parts of the frontend in preparation for the modifications of the API
## 3.1.2018
* Added comment statistics to assignment solution list view
* **Pascal** solutions will now accept multiple files
* Added new file/folder existance check after compilation of user solutions (useful for cases when a compiler like **FPC** does not output proper binary file even if told to)
* New loading screen to make sure the javascript bundle is loaded before anything else happens
* Allow proper caching of bundle and static content in browser, which should bring better performance
* Updated **CAS** login process, which should help especially on Android and (possibly desktop) Firefox to handle both authentication phases correctly
* Display point stats in students assignment overview component
* Multirow comment texts at solutions
* Added custom messages for **Pascal** exit codes
## 19.12.2017
* Proper synchronization of assignments which copies all needed items
* Various UX impromevents
# Older Versions
| Date | [web-app ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/web-app/releases ) | [api ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/api/releases ) | [worker ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/worker/releases ) | [broker ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/broker/releases ) | [fileserver ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/fileserver/releases ) | [monitor ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/monitor/releases ) | [cleaner ](https://github.com/ReCodEx/cleaner/releases ) |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| 17.4.2018 | v1.7.2 | v1.8.0 | v1.4.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 14.4.2018 | v1.7.1 | v1.8.0 | v1.4.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 28.3.2018 | v1.7.0 | v1.7.0 | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 4.3.2018 | v1.6.2 | v1.6.2 | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 26.2.2018 | v1.6.1 | v1.6.1 | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 25.2.2018 | v1.6.0 | v1.6.0 | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 15.2.2018 | v1.5.0 | v1.5.0 | v1.3.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 16.1.2018 | v1.4.4 | v1.4.4 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 3.1.2018 | v1.4.3 | v1.4.3 | v1.2.1 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.1 | v1.0.0 | --- |
| 19.12.2017 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.2.0 | v1.0.0 | --- |