This change log tracks the releases on our [pilot server]( Since ReCodEx is in fact composed of many components, we also provide a table of component version which work together in stable releases.
* Exercise, User, and Pipeline lists on Exercises, Users, Pipelines, and Group Detail pages are now displayed paginated with improved loading and optional filters.
* Exercise - Group relations can be modified on Exercise page.
* Solution evaluations can be deleted.
* Applying permission hints on multiple places to correctly display/hide controls based on privileges.
* Replaced markdown renderer to support inline KaTeX, adding Markdown Math.
* Download group results as CSV file.
* Improving appearance of solutions and ref. solutions tables.
* Improving appearance of date-time values and deadlines.
* Restricting deadlines, how far in future they can be.
* Fixing erratic behavior of submission progress bars. Adding refresh buttons to solution and ref. solution page, so the user may reload relevant data (if the progress bar was closed prematurely).
* Python exit codes translated to error messages.
* User may be in multiple instances (UI selects the instance automatically at the moment).
* Shadow assignments (similar to global bonus points in old CodEx) implemented in API.
* New roles supervisor-student (those who both teach and study) and empowered-supervisor (more powerful teacher who would be able to create custom exercise configurations with private pipelines).
* Users may have one local login at most. Improving checks and security regarding credentials creation.
* New UI for reference solutions which is more similar to UI for regular solutions.
* Points assigned to a submission evaluation by ReCodEx may be overwritten by supervisor.
* Short description of the exercise restricted, so it is not visible to students.
* Text with a hint for students (not synchronized with exercises) added to assignments.
* Exercises (and assignments) may provide external link instead of text in MD. If the external link leads to a page containing plain text or markdown (and it can be fetched by CORS request), a preview is displayed directly in ReCodEx.
* MultiAssign form is more user friendly.
* When assignment is published, an optional switch can prevent from sending notification e-mails.
* SIS codes added to group info.
* JWT tokens (for API scripting) can be generated at User Settings page.
* Compilation logs are carboncopied into files (with much more benevolent size constraints) when solution is re-evaluated in debug mode.
* Affiliation is not mandatory for registration and login using CAS (may improve login via CAS experience for users with strange affiliations).
* Email addresses added to user names in UI. New mailing endpoints were added in API, so they can be used in web app in the future.
* API added and updated several important endpoints which will optimize fetching data in future versions of web app.
* Cleaner released for the first time.
* New token judge added in worker (will be employed soon after due testing).
* **Pascal** solutions will now accept multiple files
* Added new file/folder existance check after compilation of user solutions (useful for cases when a compiler like **FPC** does not output proper binary file even if told to)
* New loading screen to make sure the javascript bundle is loaded before anything else happens