The fileserver is a simple frontend to a disk storage space that contains auxiliary files for assignments, archives with job configuration and files submitted by users and evaluation results. These files are the only ones required for backend to run, so dedicated fileserver gives the possibility of testing backend separately. Also, one fileserver instance could be shared among multiple API instances (with the same broker), so common files does not need to be duplicated in each API instance.
One exception is that important files with character of database entry (but not stored in database due to size) are stored directly in filesystem of API server. But this fact does not devaluate benefit of separate fileserver. From security point of view, fileserver should be completely isolated from public internet to keep the data safe while API server must be public from its nature.
To install and use the fileserver, it is necessary to have Python3 with `pip` package manager installed. It is needed to install the dependencies. From clonned repository run the following command:
That is it. Fileserver does not need any special installation. It is possible to build and install _rpm_ package or install it without packaging the same way as monitor, but it is only optional. The installation would provide you with script `recodex-fileserver` in you `PATH`. No systemd unit files are provided, because of the configuration and usage of fileserver component is much different to our other Python parts.
Another option is to run fileserver as a standalone app via uWSGI service. Setup is also quite simple, configuration file can be also generated by `` script.