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# mimeapps.list tools: a set of simple scripts to manage `mimeapps.list` files
Setting system-wide default applications is actually not very easy in current
Linux distributions. This aims to [help fix it](https://xkcd.com/927/).
<!-- You can read the rationale in my [blogpost](TODO: create a blog). -->
Quality: hacked together to get basic work done, may be buggy, works for me :-)
Breaking changes expected, please read diffs or pin your versions.
## What is here
Two main scripts:
- `defaulter` takes patterns for default apps and outputs a `mimeapps.list` to stdout
- `combiner` can merge multiple `mimeapps.list`-style files by applying one after another
There is currently little documentation. All scripts support `--help` option to
give usage, and have a large docstring at the top, which explains what they do.
The file `example.patterns` serves as an example of the pattern file. It too
has a few comments.
Proper documentation, tests, etc: not currently implemented. Patches wanted.
Also see the `TODO` file.
## License
## Contributing
Send any feedback, bug reports or patches to