/* * trie.c: Trie implementation for storing values */ #include #include #include #include "trie.h" #include "config.h" static struct trie *trie_base; static int indexof(char c) { // ASCII only! if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') { return (c - 'A'); } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { return (c - '0' + 26); } else if (c == '_') { return 36; } else { // Something weird happened syslog(cfg_log_facility|LOG_ERR, "trie: weird input character: %c", c); return -1; } } static bool trie_set_deep(char string[], int64_t val, struct trie *vertex) { // Recursive function to find and set a value if (string[0] = '\0') { vertex -> val = val; vertex -> defined = true; return true; } else { int chld_index = indexof(string[0]); if (chld_index == -1) { return false; //and don't save anything } else if (vertex -> children[chld_index] == NULL) { vertex -> children[chld_index] = (struct trie *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct trie)); if (vertex -> children[chld_index] == NULL) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_ERR, "trie: could not allocate space: %m"); return false; } } return trie_set_deep(string+1, val, vertex->children[chld_index]); } } bool trie_set(char string[], int64_t val) { if (trie_base == NULL) { trie_base = (struct trie *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct trie)); if(trie_base == NULL) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_ERR, "trie: could not allocate any space: %m"); return false; } } return trie_set_deep(string, val, trie_base); } static struct trie_retval trie_lookup_deep(char string[], struct trie *vertex) { if (string[0] == '\0') { return (struct trie_retval) {vertex -> val, vertex -> def}; } else { int chld_index = indexof(string[0]); if (chld_index == -1 || vertex -> children[chld_index] == NULL) { return (struct trie_retval) {0, false}; } else { return trie_lookup_deep(string + 1, vertex->children[chld_index]); } } } struct trie_retval trie_lookup(char string[]) { if (trie_base == NULL) { return (struct trie_retval) {0, false}; } else return trie_lookup_deep(string, trie_base); } bool trie_load(void) { FILE *f = fopen(cfg_trie_file, "r"); if (f == NULL) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_WARNING, "trie: could not load trie from file: %m"); return false; } //FIXME: This is bad. int64_t val; char name[cfg_var_name_max_len+1]; int status; while ((status = fscanf(f, "%s %d\n", name, &val)) != EOF) { if (status != 2) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_ERR, "trie: fscanf matched bad number of items: %d", status); return false; } if(trie_set(name, val) == false) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_WARN, "trie: setting a variable failed: %s = %d", name, val); } } return true; } bool trie_save(void) { FILE *f = fopen(cfg_trie_file, "w"); if (f == NULL) { syslog(cfg_log_facility | LOG_CRIT, "trie: could not open file to save trie in: %m"); return false; } // DFS, write every found variable into f }