# Alpine Linux installation answers # Doc: https://docs.alpinelinux.org/user-handbook/0.1a/Installing/setup_alpine.html#_answer_files # Serve e.g. with "ncat -e '/bin/cat alpine_install' -l -p 2222 -k" # Get in alpine e.g. using "sleep 1 | nc … > file" and use with "yes | setup-alpine -e -f file" # After installation, boot the VM from the disk and run alpine_postinst script # (serve similarly to this file). This script performs a few tweaks to the # installation, like installing BIRD. # Use US layout with US variant KEYMAPOPTS="us us" # Set hostname to alpine-test HOSTNAMEOPTS="-n dummy-install" # Contents of /etc/network/interfaces # We will overwrite this later, so it does not matter much # While preparing, network is useful to share files with VM. INTERFACESOPTS="auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp " DNSOPTS="-d whatever.invalid" # Set timezone to UTC TIMEZONEOPTS="-z UTC" # This seems to work, somehow. PROXYOPTS="none" APKREPOSOPTS="-1 -c" # Install Openssh SSHDOPTS="-c openssh" NTPOPTS="-c busybox" DISKOPTS="-m sys -s 0 /dev/sda" BOOTLOADER=syslinux