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2 years ago
This is a simple template for creating custom envelopes. Every now and
then I need to create my own envelopes (e.g. when I am out of the
bought ones), so this should save me time re-inventing the shapes and cuts.
# Usage
1. Install asymptote
1. Tweak parameters at the top of `envelope.asy`
1. `asy envelope`
1. print `envelope.pdf`
## Parameters explained
- `pgw` and `pgh` are page width and height, respectively. If
`force_output_size` is true, these are used to output a document with
exact dimensions.
- `sqsz` is the length of the edge of the bounding square. At this
moment, we are always creating envelopes out of a square. (Setting
`sqsz = pgw` means that the square will span whole page width.)
- `envh` and `envw` are the size of the resulting envelope. `envfmt` is
the format, for reference and debugging.
- When `with_labels` is true, the output will contain debugging labels
like names of various used points.
# Known bugs
- Undefined behaviour when the envelope does not fit the rectangle (or
fits too tightly).
- Undefined behaviour when the sizes do not follow the ordering
invariants (the page must be in portrait orientation, the envelope in
- Nobody checks the validity of the config. No safeguards whatsoever.
# License
CC0. This is too trivial to have any creative value. Attribution is
welcome though.
# Bugs, suggestions, contibutions, patches, discussion, &c.
Please mail me at
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 LEdoian <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0