Creating own XKB tweaks @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ :slug: custom-xkb-tweaks :date: 2024-04-17 16:40 :tags: lifehack, software, linux :category: technology :keywords: xkb, wayland, unprivileged tweaks :lang: en :translation: false :status: published Debugging this took me a bit too long, so I want to write about the caveat. My problem: My laptop does not have PageUp and PageDown keys, and many other keyboards I use have similar deficiencies. And I use various environments and various systems, some of which are shared with other people who don't need/want my tweaks. IOW: I want something generic, but it must be confined to my user – no system-wide daemon, no udev remapping. (I mostly ended up with these solutions when I searched for a way to remap keys on Wayland.) Requirements: xkbcommon implementation of XKB with utilities. It is quite common these days (duh…), but you could probably just compile this yourself if you don't have it. The tweaking ============ The `xkbcommon guide `__ tells us that we can inspect the files in [#lazy]_ ``/usr/share/X11/xkb`` for the source files and just write our bits to ``~/.config/xkb/symbols/ledoian``. In particular, I added this snippet to remap keyboard brightness controls to PageUp/Down:: partial xkb_symbols "qs" { key {[ Prior ]}; key {[ Next ]}; }; The key identifiers are taken e.g. from ``xkbcli interactive-wayland``. However, this is KcCGST [#kccgst-vs-rmlvo]_ description, but layouts are configured using RMLVO, so I need to define an option and tell what it should do. The guide wants me to create ``~/.config/xkb/rules/evdev`` with:: ! option = symbols ledoian:qs = +ledoian(qs) ! include %S/evdev Now I just add ``ledoian:qs`` [#option-vs-symbol]_ to my keyboard configuration and… it does not work. For this, at all, but if I remap e.g. the L key, that gets applied. The problem? That included file says that the default keyboard model always includes ``inet(evdev)`` symbols. Those symbols set the default meaning of the keys, but since that got applied later, it overrides my tweak. Solution: first include, then add my option. How to debug: read stuff that ``xkbcli compile-keymap --verbose`` tells you (pass your config as ``--layout``, ``--variant``, ``--options``, …). At the top it says what it does:: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /home/ledoian/.config/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /usr/share/X11/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+inet(evdev)' My option would appear before the ``inet(evdev)`` part. A note about X11 ================ X11 uses a separate implementation of XKB (the original one, in fact), which does _not_ look into the user directory, just the system ones. However, you can compile the keymap yourself using ``xkbcli compile-keymap [KEYMAP OPTIONS] > my_layout.xkb`` and load it into the X server with ``xkbcomp my_layout.xkb $DISPLAY``. ------- .. [#lazy] This is not technically accurate, really the paths reference ``$XDG_something`` variables. I am lazy and just copied my system, so YMMV (probably won't, though). .. [#kccgst-vs-rmlvo] There are two levels of describing the keymap: the lowlevel one is called KcCGST (short for keycodes, compat, geometry, symbols, types) and is considered to be an implementation detail; the user-facing one is RMLVO (rules, model, layout, variant, options) and that is what you use in the configs, with ``setxkbmap`` &c. .. [#option-vs-symbol] While both this example and the `upstream `__ layouts name the symbols and options similarly, I think they don't need to be related – you should be able to put whatever you want in your options to the left of ``=``, the right hand side is the name of the symbol file and if a non-default layout from that file is used, its name is put in the parentheses.