How to convert CBZ to PDF @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ :slug: cbz-to-pdf :date: 2024-02-17 16:55 :tags: comics, software :category: til :keywords: comics, cbz, pdf, conversion :lang: en :translation: false :status: published 1. Extract the archive (cbz is just a zip, cbr is a rar, …) 2. Convert individual pictures to PDF using ``img2pdf`` - Many other ways including ``convert`` from ImageMagick tend to do weird stuff like breaking aspect ratios or adding margins 3. Merge files into the single PDF, e.g. using ``qpdf --empty --pages *.pdf -- output.pdf``. References ========== - - Why === My eBook reader (PocketBook Touch Lux) does not seem to be able to handle cbz.