The process
1. Realization we can fastboot
This was a rather obvious, given I flashed PmOS there in the 1st place. However, fastboot --help does not show too many useful options…
… apart from one: switching slots. I know I had LineageOS (or something similar, I don't remember).
However, the second slot did not work (I got bootloop instead). So, in slot A there is broken PostmarketOS, in B there is absolutely broken Lineage.
2. Recovery
I know about recoveries, but I was not able to boot into one (it just rebooted)
However, after a sleep (and losing access to internet), I realised that the recoveries might be also slotted. And they were, so I got access to a basic LineageOS recovery in slot B. And that means ADB shell
3. Backup
Basically like this:
+adb shell cat /dev/block/by-name/system_a | pv > system-a
+chmod a-w * # to make sure I don't break my own backups
Took quite some time, I think mostly because I only have USB 2.x cables. The good thing is that partitions are named here
Also, the block devices sda to sde can be copied as whole. I don't know whether that does include the recovery…
4. Partitions
fdisk tells me that all of the partitions have 512B sectors and 2TB protective MBR. Really dummy stuff.
After some experimenting, I realised that the sectors are 4096B in fact. dd if=sda bs=4096 skip=1 | file - however tells me that while this is a GPT data structure (in a nonstandard way, since that is at LBA 0), fdisk -l was not willing to tell me the details. Poking it would give me the data (GPT pickle seems to be part of the standard set), but that was quite unpleasant (I have little experience with Poke and wasn't able to convince it to show me the labels as strings and not byte values). hexdump is a friend, though :-)
As for the partitions themselves, I don't understand much, but:
+- boot_a seems to be the thing that the bootloader can load. According to file it is Android bootimg, kernel (0x8000), ramdisk (0x1000000), page size: 4096, cmdline (console=ttyMSM0,115200 pmos_boot_uuid=4724a893-210e-41b4-b89e-464252ae295f pmos_root_uuid=d1c201af-1ece-46f6-8e21-eb89acb494ff), which sounds good
+- userdata contains another DOS partition table (with wrong sector size again) referencing partitions labeled pmOS_boot and a LUKS one. This is well known from the pmOS userspace
+- system_a does not seem of interest, it is an ext2 filesystem with Android-style directory structure. (Maybe recoveries live in here? But I did not try to dis/prove this)
5. Initramfs from pmos
The recovery's shell is minimal, but it has cpio and chroot. (I was hoping for kexec, but to no avail). So we can get at least the initramfs and get hopefully a better environment…
The initramfs is however compressed with zstd and lives on a nested partitions with wrong partition tables, so find the file with a bit of dd-ing, testdisk-ing and get the cpio archive with zstdcat or whatever, then adb push it to /tmp on the phone; there we can do cpio -i < ../initramfs and chroot into a random directory under /tmp. The tmpfs's are quite big (4G), so it is not an issue.
Then the ordinary: fix $PATH, install busybox's utils and try running init:
+busybox --install /bin
+/init # and pray
… didn't work. Somehow, /init has too advanced syntax for the busybox, so that crashes on setting up log :-/
Also: we can run mdev -s to populate /dev, but we don't get partition names. Of course, /dev/block/by-name/* in the recovery fs is just a bunch of symlinks, so we can learn that (in my case) userdata is just /dev/sda17
However. there is cryptsetup in /sbin, so we should be able to do something. The question is: how to open and mount that.
The biggest issue is still with the partition tables: while we do have losetup (actually, two implementations of it, since the recovery also has one), even with partition auto-find, but the tables are wrong, so the loop2p* devices would point to bad places. And the working devices I have are Arch, not Gentoo, so I don't have the source for that.
Writing this paragraph (above) helped me realize one thing: I can do two things: Either I can fix the partition tables (if there is a bit for the size, and that would be written in the Pickles), and I have a PinePhone (since now I am already at home) that is Aarch64, too, so I can copy binaries from that! (It does not have a working modem, so still no internet, lol)
The latter is a nice thing, but I don't think it is much useful because the configuration is still located at the encrypted partition which is still inaccessible and I am not sure whether I can fit all the required stuff into the tmpfs in order to build the kernel without decrypting (once I can chroot into the decrypted partition, I think I have won, so then using other tools would not be an advantage).
6. Fixing (some of) the partition tables
We have xxd, that can be used as a makeshift hex editor: dump what you need, sed or vi` the fix (or just copy that into the PC and use more comfortable tools) and use xxd -r to edit. Hopefully. (Using hex-editor and piping the result into adb shell cat '>' /dev/block/by-name/userdata might also be an option, but transfering the whole partition sounds painful)
Is this safe? Hopefully, because we are only modifying the inner table in userdata, so it should not matter to the bootloader and should not affect the recovery.
Reading into the pickle (/usr/share/poke/pickles/mbr.pk on my machine), we see that there is no field for sector size, everything just is 512B big :-/ And also CHS, not LBA. But DOS partition table means we can just extract the MBR (dd if=userdata of=userdata.mbr bs=512 count=1) and hack on that without needing the rest. And since there is nothing of interest in the header, we only need to change the Partition Table Entries (PTEs)
So let's poke the partition table:
+shell$ poke userdata.mbr
+(poke) .set obase 16
+(poke) load mbr
+(poke) var ptes = (MBR @ 0#B).pte
+(poke) ptes[0].lba *= 8
+(poke) ptes[0].sector_count *= 8
+(poke) ptes[1].lba *= 8
+(poke) ptes[1].sector_count *= 8
Poke applies that right away, so we can check with fdisk -x userdata.mbr the final sizes and do sth like dd if=userdata bs=512 skip=START count=SECTORS | file - to check that the rest is OK. We will silently hope that the CHS data is just not used anyway, so we will not touch that.
Also note how we changed just the extracted MBR but checked against the original read-only backup.
Push that to the device and use recovery's dd to patch the partition table:
+pc$ adb push userdata.mbr /tmp
+recovery# dd if=/tmp/userdata.mbr of=/dev/block/by-name/userdata
Fun fact: initramfs's fdisk does assume 4k sectors correctly, but losetup somehow still uses 512B ones, leading to mismatches… Tip: for ext* filesystem (like pmOS_boot), there is a block of 0x400 zeroes at the start and the label is at offset 0x479 from the start of the filesystem, LUKS2 has LUKS magic at the start and a JSON config at offset 0x1000
Set up the loop device, run mdev to detect it and verify the partitions got detected correctly:
+initramfs# losetup -P -f /dev/sda17
+initramfs# mdev -s
+initramfs# losetup -a
+/dev/loop4: 0 /dev/sda17
+initramfs# xxd /dev/loop4p1 | less
+initramfs# xxd /dev/loop4p2 | less
7. Final touches^W^W Generating the correct-er initramfs
Whoo! But this is the part I actually got most paranoid: the postmarketOS v24.12 uses kernel 6.12 (ish, it differs a bit across devices, the Oneplus 6 actually uses a -rc kernel), but the recovery has 4.9.337. That means that pmOS's userspace might be using too new system calls and random stuff might start failing at random stages. (So far we have been mostly treating the partitions like data, so everything was using the 4.9 calls and was more-or-less compatible)
+# cryptsetup open /dev/loop4p2 cry
+Enter passphrase for /dev/sda17:
+# mdev -s
+# mkdir /mnt
+# mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/cry /mnt
+mount: mounting /dev/mapper/cry on /mnt failed: Invalid argument
… fuck.
+# dmesg
+[100726.519997] EXT4-fs (dm-0): couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (10000)
Oh, here come the incompatibilities. OK, then:
+# mount -t ext4 -o ro /dev/mapper/cry /mnt
There we go! And the usual:
+# for x in proc sys dev; do mount --rbind /$x /mnt/$x; done
+# chroot /mnt /bin/bash
We're in!
+# mount -a
+mount: /boot: /dev/loop1 already mounted or mount point busy.
+ dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
Uh, the single partition I need… Oh, that was a previous attempt that lead nowhere, so I can just umount that and retry successfully.
+# export PATH=/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
+# mount -t tmpfs none /tmp
+# export TMPDIR=/tmp
+# mkinitfs
+==> Not flashing boot in chroot
Ugh, so, did this work or not? I think the pmOS_boot partition is correct, but I cannot tell whether it failed before or after loading this partition from boot_a. But anyway, we can check that the boot_a partition and /boot/boot.img are in fact the same thing, so we can flash it with dd from the recovery later. (And it is likely that the actual kernel will not like our changes to the partition table anyway, so we might be doing a second round of the process…)
8. Let's boot, take 1
A quick sync and reboot, followed by the slot switching trickery, and…
… the situation is still the same, just penguins and nothing more.
Let me just quickly flash the boot partition and revert the partition table (both from recovery shell using dd and some of the magic from above)
9. Let's boot, take 2
And… wait for it… it worked!
Now, naturally, I regenerate the initramfs again just in case the ad-hoc environment had some issues, and be done.