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LEdoian's Blog

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UCW keyboard layout on XWayland


This is a story/writeup of how I debugged UCW layout on XWayland. You may learn +here how keyboard layouts work on Linux.


Background: The UCW layout


The UCW keyboard layout is one of the interesting methods of typing Czech +letters on a rather American keyboard. The main idea is having a classic US +(QWERTY) layout, but without the CapsLock, which serves as a key to add +diacritics, so that e.g. Caps+s creates "š". It is naturally possible to +combine Caps with Shift to create uppercase letters, and because not all +letters can have diacritics in Czech (e.g. there is no "ǩ"), it also manages to +cover all the German and Slovak letters. (Sometimes, there are multiple +diacritics for a single letter, then the additional diacritics are nearby: +Caps+e is "é", Caps+w is "ě".) The CapsLock can still be pressed by using +Alt+Caps.


The layout has some nice features like avoiding deficiencies with the Czech +layout (diacritics on number row are too far, both round parentheses are on the +same key, other parentheses only with AltGr at random places, no asterisk, for +some reason we have "§" though, …). Another nice feature is that it is rather +interoperable: I am able to type on any computer with the "most standard" +layout and when writing in Czech I can just not press the CapsLock key and only +lose my diacritics, computers can have this layout system-wide even when +foreign people use it,…


I would not say many people use the layout but at least several my friends do +and I have come across several random people on the Internet who do also. More +on this below :-)


The important part is how the layout is set up. Fortunately, it is contained in +the xkeyboard-config database, so the following command just enables it in Xorg:

+setxkbmap us,cz -variant ,ucw -option grp:caps_switch

Technically, this sets two layouts (or groups), which are switched by +pressing the CapsLock key. This has some disadvantages (I have managed a few +times to have the order accidentally swapped and layout switchers (or their +users) are sometimes confused), but actual issues are rare. Under X11, that is…


Corollary 1: I want UCW to work differently.


My custom keyboard layout?


I didn't like fact that UCW layout is in fact just an overlay and not a +"proper" level 3, so I started studying how to create a custom keyboard layout. +Few notable resources: XKB page on ArchWiki, manpages for +xkeyboard-config(7), setxkbmap(1) and xkbcomp(1) and looking into +/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/cz (found by grepping /usr/share/X11 for +"ucw").


Another reason for creating my own layouts is various tweaks esp. on laptop +keyboards. For example, the laptop I am typing this sentence on has broken the +up arrow key, so I would like to map it somewhere. I use xmodmap for that, +but if this could be contained in a single layout, it would make stuff simpler +for me. (And as I will later learn, xmodmap does not work well with xkb +layouts…)


Also, I have another tweak on my keyboards: Compose key. This really calls for +the custom layout! And when at it, I should create one for the ttys as well…


But this had quite a low priority (the kbd.sh script in all my homes does +the job well enough), so I didn't get to it in time. Luckily, maybe – if I were +quicker I would not end up in this rabbit hole. At this point, I knew the basic +stuff and was reasonably sure that I could hack it together, at least somehow; +what was stopping me was lack of time and not being sure how I want to manage +machine-specific tweaks in two different layout syntaxes (xkb for X11 and kbd +for ttys).


Aside: A few notes about xkb layouts for completeness


This all has been described elsewhere in more detail, but it is useful to +know when debugging layouts, so I will mention it here again.


There are two forms xkb layouts may be specified. The low-level one is called +KcCGST (keycodes, compat, geometry, symbols, types) and describes very much +everything that should happen on any keypress. These actions are described in +subdirectories of /usr/share/X11/xkb/ of the same name.


The high-level descriptions are called RMLVO (rules, model, layout, variant, +option) and are what you usually configure, either with setxkbmap or using +GUI tools. Files in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/ describe the translation of +RMLVO to KcCGST (the XML files add human-readable names for the GUIs and the +like). Maybe confusingly, the RMLVO names of options and layouts are very +similar to the names of KcCGST compat and symbols, but are generally a +different thing AFAIK.


KcCGST also come in two forms: the readable one and the complete one. The +readable one does not determine everything in one file, instead including +others. The complete description is, well, complete. It is kind of similar to +the C preprocessing.


The readable KcCGST are what is stored in the filesystem as well as what you +get from setxkbmap -print and may serve as a good starting point for +tweaks. To get the complete ones one can use xkbcomp $DISPLAY -.


The processing of these description is different in Xorg and in Wayland. If +I were to bet where the bug is before digging into it, this sounds like a very +likely culprit.


A wild friend has appeared


… and he had a problem and asked me if I would have a look into it. Apparently, +group switching didn't work in XWayland. At first, I wanted to work it around +by finally creating the Unified UCW keymap™, but I wanted to learn more about +XKB (from TODO GUIDES), which took me quite long, again. (Studying, working, +helping with camps and fixing layouts takes some time…)


Also, since the issue is apparently bigger, solving all group switches would be +a better and more useful solution than just hacking up the Unified UCW keymap +(even though I want my tweaks to eventually be xkb-based anyway).


I had very little experience with Wayland until then, mostly because X11 worked +for me rather well. I tried running Sway few times before, but usually quickly +reverted to using Xorg for various reasons (Nvidia GPU in laptop, very laggy +mouse, maybe this exact issue with UCW layout) which I didn't feel like +solving at that moment.


I wanted to help my friend, though, so I started looking more into using Sway +on another laptop and reading about internals of input system on Peter +Hutterer's blog TODO NAME SPELLING? Occasionally I would randomly google +(with DuckDuckGo :-D) for the issue with group switching, just in case…


The nerd snipe issue


TODO SOMEONE on GitHub found out an interesting workaround: when they +disabled the group switch, the UCW layout started working. Complete "huh?" +moment, I knew I wanted to know more about why that worked. The +xkeyboard-common(7) manpage says about more group switching options, so I +randomly tried switching by Menu key in XWayland (using setxkbmap even +though it complained and was supposed to do nothing), and ended up with both +CapsLock and Menu adding diacritics.


After a bit of mathematic thinking (more in my comment of the main issue) I +concluded that it was actually working fine, just that the SetGroup action +was evaluated twice, which would overflow back to the first group when two +layouts are set (probably the most common case). Mathematic term for this issue +is "arithmetic in the Z_2 group" :-)


Corollary 2: A simple workaround is adding the UCW overlay twice, e.g. +setxkbmap us,cz,cz -variant ,ucw,ucw (and thus changing the algebraic group +to be Z_3).


I think that another workaround would be to change the compat rules for +XWayland, but it feels nasty to have such a quirk in xkeyboard-config database. +Changing them for everyone (in compat/evdev directly) might break other +systems, so that also does not seem to be a good way.


Corollary 3: We are fixing XWayland (or the way it processes events from Wayland).


Learning what happens


I continued reading, this time mostly who-t's post series about custom +layouts, core Wayland protocol as well as the source code of various +tools (xev, wev, xkbcli interactive-wayland &c.) Given that I knew +very little about the inner workings of the stack, I wanted to find some code +that would be run and "enhance" it with so many debug prints that I would +understand what was the state of various parts of the Xwayland's "stacked xkb". +I kind of knew that one part of this is somewhere in the XWayland server, +whose code felt intimidating, so I wanted to determine where to start nudging +it from what APIs the clients use.




Downloading various packages in Linux is rather simple, as well as their +rebuilding. In Arch, I can get the package's PKGBUILD just with yay -G +package, build it with makepkg and install it using yay -U +package-….pkg.tar. Makepkg also has some options which allow me to tweak +the source code after downloading it and before building it.


Other distros are probably similar, e.g. for Debian-based distros one can +use apt source, debuild and apt install to do the same.


One interesting observation is that contrary to my expectation, XWayland does +not seem to use libxkbcommon (according to the /proc/PID/maps file). This +can have several reasons, but its source code also contains a slightly tweaked +version of (Xorg-style) xkb, which might mean I will be dealing with the ugly +code :-/ (Actually, XWayland might not process key events itself, instead +just passing them to clients, but this seems inconsistent with the issue – what +else would be introducing the second group switch?)

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