You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.8 KiB

"""Simple utility to interface with BIRD using the control socket."""
from dataclasses import dataclass,field
import socket as sk
from string import digits
from select import select
class BirdError(Exception):
def __init__(self, code, where, text):
self.code = code
self.start = where[0]
self.end = where[1]
self.text = text
class BirdResponse:
text: str = ''
codes: list[tuple[tuple[int, int], str]] = field(default_factory=list) # List of line ranges (inclusive) and the respective code.
def raise_exceptions(self) -> None:
# If the response contains any errors, raise them as BirdErrors
# TODO Py3.11: use ExceptionGroups?
# Until then, let's just report the first one?
assert len( >= 1, "Not a valid response."
for where, code in
if code.startswith('9'):
# Extract text
start = where[0] - 1
end = where[1]
errorlines = self.text.splitlines(keepends=True)[start:end]
exc = BirdError(code, where, ''.join(errorlines))
raise exc
class BirdSocketConnection:
def __init__(self, sockpath='/run/bird/bird.ctl'):
self.socket = sk.socket(sk.AF_UNIX, sk.SOCK_STREAM)
# Bird announces itself by printing version. We save the response just in case.
self.bird_prologue = self._parse_response()
def request(self, req: str) -> BirdResponse:
if not req.endswith('\n'):
req = req + '\n'
binreq = req.encode()
return self._parse_response()
def _parse_response(self) -> BirdResponse:
# We even read from the socket here in order to have the whole protocol
# described at one place. Therefore other parts of the code do not need
# to know anything about the protocol (maybe apart from the meaning of
# status codes, if they are interested…)
result = BirdResponse()
code : str | None = None # string because of leading zeroes, and it has no numeric interpretation anyway
start = None
cont = True
# The response might not yet be ready
rrdy, wrdy, xrdy = select([self.socket], [], [], 1)
if len(rrdy) == 0:
print('WTF, no response in 1 second?')
f = self.socket.makefile('r')
for i, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
assert cont, "WTF bad format (should not continue)."
if line.startswith(tuple(digits)):
if start is not None:
end = i-1, end), code))
code = line[:4]
start = i
cont = line[4] == '-'
text = line[5:]
assert cont == True
text = line[1:]
result.text += text # Invariant: LF as line terminator
if not cont:
# Finalization. We do not have i after the end of the cycle,
# but this is the last iteration.
end = i, end), code))
return result