A simple tool for visualising OSPF network topology as seen by BIRD ==== Birdvisu is a library and a graphical app to visualize routing topologies of OSPF. It does not implement OSPF on its own, but rather exports current state from [BIRD](https://bird.network.cz/) – that's where the name comes from. The main use case is comparing a reference topology (e.g. a known good one) to the current state. This allows Birdvisu to show failed links and other anomailes in the network. Also, this is the project for my Bachelor thesis. ## Installation Run `pip install -e .`. You can use a virtualenv if you wish (recommended). A demo is located in `./poor_mans_visualisation.py`, if that runs, everything should be working. ## Documentation Documentation is built using [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/) by running `make` in the `docs/` directory. ## Licence I have not decided yet, so please ask for terms if you want to use this in some non-trivial way. Obviously this is source available :-)