New layout annotators

Now prettier, maybe. Enjoy the ugly code.

But it is more nicely separated, tbh, so that is good progress.

(In this repo, I try to create reasonable commit messages, right? :-D)
LEdoian 2 years ago
parent f2f6784363
commit e8e0538e59

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class TopologyDifference(Annotator):
Currently, we only support the "reference vs. current" comparison, since
that is the most useful case and it is clear which vertices are new and
which old."""
idempotent = True
class Status(Enum):
Missing = 'missing'
New = 'new'
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ class ShortestPathTree(Annotator):
the vertices too. The annotations are of form (metric_type, distance)
If the start vertex is not found, annotates the whole topology with None."""
idempotent = True
def __init__(self, param):
vertex, ancestor = param
self.start_vtxid = vertex

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
from . import Annotator, Annotation
import .analysis as analysis
from ..topo_v3 import VertexID, VertexType
from ..ospffile import load
from import Sequence
from ipaddress import ip_network, IPv4Network
from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6
import math
import random
def _parse_router_id(quaddot):
from ipaddress import IPv4Address
return int(IPv4Address(quaddot))
def _parse_details(det):
result = dict()
for detail, _chld in det:
tag, *d = detail.split()
if False: 'alignment'
elif tag == 'position':
result['position'] = tuple(map(float, d[:2]))
# Put other known directives here. We are deliberately ignoring unknown, since details may include identifiers (designated routers &c.)
return result
class StyleAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Quasi-interface. These annotators promise that they only annotate
vertices and edges with styling dictionaries.
These dictionaries can
consist of following styling properties:
For vertices:
- position (xy; set by PlaceUnplacedVertices)
- highlight_colour (rgba)
For edges:
- colour (rgba)
- width (float)
- highlight_colour (rgba)
Should a StyleAnnotator fail, it should mark the whole Topology as False
and not fill any specific tags."""
pass # Superfluous :-)
class PlaceVerticesFromFile(StyleAnnotator):
"""Annotator to load vertex positions from a file and annotate the vertices with them.
The filename is either given to the Annotator, or ./visualisation.visu is used."""
idempotent = False # The layout file could have changed, this is not covered by a TopologyV3
def __init__(self, filename):
if filename is None:
filename = r'./visualisation.visu'
self.filename = filename
def annotate(self, topo):
self.topo = topo
self.result = Annotation()
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
positions = load(f)
except OSError as e:
print(f'WARN: Could not load positions from {self.filename}: {e}')
self.result.for_topology = False
return self.result
# TODO: cope with multiple presets in one file?
for d, chl in positions:
if d.startswith('visualisation '):
return self.result
def add_positions(chl) -> None:
# level-2 are standard directives like from BIRD. For networks, level-3 may contain details (dr / address, router for stubnets maybe?)
for directive, details in chl:
tag, *det = directive.split()
if False: 'alignment'
elif tag in ['router', 'xrouter']:
router_id = _parse_router_id(det[0])
vtxid = VertexID(router_id=router_id, is_router=True, address=None, family=None, dr_id=None, discriminator=None)
annot = _parse_details(det)
self.result.for_vertex[vtxid] = annot
elif tag == 'vlink':
raise ValueError('Being a virtual link is not a vertex attribute.')
elif tag in ['external', 'xnetwork', 'stubnet']:
rid = None
addr = ip_network(det[0])
family = AF_INET if isinstance(addr, IPv4Network) else AF_INET6
if tag == 'stubnet':
for d, _l4 in details:
t, *rid = d.split()
if t == 'router':
rid = _parse_router_id(rid[0])
cand = self.topo.finder.find(address=addr, type=VertexType.StubNet)
if len(cand) != 1:
print(f'Bad number of candidates for {directive}')
continue # Place with other way
rid = cand.pop().router_id
vtxid = VertexID(router_id=rid, is_router=False, address=addr, family=family, dr_if=None, discriminator=None)
annot = _parse_details(det)
self.result.for_vertex[vtxid] = annot
elif tag == 'network':
# We do not know the OSPF version, which is sad. Let us guess
version = 3 if '-' in directive else 2
if version == 3:
net_label = det[0]
rid, discr = net_label.lstrip(r'[').rstrip(r']').split(r'-')
rid = _parse_router_id(rid)
# find networks
family = None
addresses = []
for d, _l4 in details:
t, *addr = d.split()
if t == 'address':
addr = ip_network(addr[0])
family = AF_INET if isinstance(addr, IPv4Network) else AF_INET6
if len(addresses) == 0: fin_addr = None
elif len(addresses) == 1: fin_addr = addresses[0]
else: fin_addr = tuple(addresses)
vtxid = VertexID(dr_id=rid, discriminator=discr, is_router=False, address=fin_addr, family=family, router_id=None)
addr = ip_network(det[0])
# find designated router
for d, _l4 in details:
t, *rid = d.split()
if t == 'dr':
rid = _parse_router_id(rid[0])
# Try using finder
cand = self.topo.finder.find(address=addr, type=VertexType.TransitNetwork)
if len(cand) != 1:
print(f'Bad number of candidates for {directive}')
continue # Place with other way
rid = cand.pop().dr_id
vtxid = VertexID(dr_id=rid, discriminator=None, is_router=False, address=addr, family=AF_INET, router_id=None)
annot = _parse_details(det)
self.result.for_vertex[vtxid] = annot
else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown directive: {directive}')
class PlaceUnplacedVertices(StyleAnnotator):
"""Determine positions for unplaced vertices
Our approach is to add them to random places in proximity of already placed
vertices. This way, the user can easily find the vertex and optionally move
it to their liking."""
def __init__(self, previous):
self.previous = previous # If an annotator to place vertices has been run, this is the reference.
def annotate(self, topo):
# First, try to find existing placements
if self.previous is None:
previous_annotations = list(filter(lambda ann_id: ann_id.annotator == PlaceVerticesFromFile, topo.annotations.keys()))
if len(previous_annotations) > 0:
# Use the most potent previous annotation?
best = max(previous_annotations, key=lambda ann_id: len(topo.annotations[ann_id].for_vertex))
else: best = None
best = self.previous
already_placed: set[VertexID] = set(topo.annotations[best].for_vertex.keys()) if best is not None else set()
to_be_placed: set[VertexID] = topo.topology.vertices.keys() - already_placed
# Let's say that a proximity is any distance shorter than 10% of the current diameter
# TODO: Too many edge cases (no vertices placed, one vertex placed,
# yada yada), screw that, we just say that proximity is 200 px (or whatever the units are.)
# BFS: First place all the known vertices at their coordinates, then their neighbours, …
queue: list[tuple[VertexID, float, float, bool]] = [] # Vertex, x, y, should we randomly move it (i.e. False for already placed)
found_vertices = set()
result = Annotation()
if best is not None:
for vtxid in already_placed:
vtxid = to_be_placed.pop()
queue.append((vtxid, 0, 0, False))
while len(queue) > 0:
vtxid, x, y, move = queue.pop(0) # Maybe bad code? (cf. deque)
if move:
angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
distance = random.randint(20, 200)
dx = distance * math.cos(angle)
dy = distance * math.sin(angle)
x += dx
y += dy
# place
result.for_vertex[vtxid] = {'position': (x, y)}
# add neigh
for e in topo.topology.vertices[vtxid].incoming_edges:
if e.source not in found_vertices:
queue.append((e.source, x, y, True))
for e in topo.topology.vertices[vtxid].outgoing_edges:
if not in found_vertices:
queue.append((, x, y, True))
# If there are any vertices left, we place one of it at random and
# repeat. This is unlikely though, because the discovered topology can
# not be disconnected by definition of OSPF basic algorithm.
# Contrary to programming idioms, we solve this here, so that the
# code is not duplicated and preparation for the BFS is not complicated further
if len(queue) == 0:
remaining_vertices = to_be_placed - found_vertices
if len(remaining_vertices) > 0:
vtxid = remaining_vertices.pop()
random.randint(0, 1000), # Will it blend?
random.randint(0, 1000),
return result
def _default_width_for_cost(cost):
from math import log2
if cost <= 2: return 1
return int(log2(cost))
class EdgeWidthByCost(StyleAnnotator):
idempotent = True
def __init__(self, param):
# The param is a function mapping the costs to widths.
# This _is_ hashable, but also it _is_ ugly. But convenient :-)
self.width_for_cost = param if param is not None else _default_width_for_cost
def annotate(topo):
result = Annotation()
result.for_edge = {e: self.width_for_cost(e.cost) for e in topo.topology.edges}
return result
class HighlightTopoDiff(StyleAnnotator):
idempotent = True
def __init__(self, _param): pass
def annotate(topo):
topodiff = AnnotatorID(annotator=analysis.TopologyDifference)
topo.run_annotator(topodiff) # make sure
td_result = topo.annotations[topodiff]
result = Annotation()
S = analysis.TopologyDifference.Status
for k, v in td_result.for_vertex.items():
result.for_vertex[k] = {'highlight_colour': {
S.Missing: (255, 0, 0, 255),
S.New: (0, 192, 0, 255),
S.Discrepant: (0, 0, 255, 255),
for k, v in td_result.for_edge.items():
result.for_edge[k] = {'colour': {
S.Missing: (255, 0, 0, 255),
S.New: (0, 192, 0, 255),
S.Discrepant: (0, 0, 255, 255),
return result
class HighlightCurrent(StyleAnnotator):
idempotent = False
def __init__(self, what):
self.what = what
def annotate(topo):
result = Annotation()
if self.what is None:
# Not going to guess.
result.for_topology = False
return result
# We got an annotator, make sure it has run
current = topo.annotations[self.what]
if False: 'alignment'
elif self.what.annotator = analysis.ShortestPathTree:
# Highlight edges
result.for_edge = {e: {'highlight_colour': (200, 200, 0, 128)} for e in current.for_edge.keys()}
return result
# Add highlights for other tools here.
class MegaStyler(StyleAnnotator):
"""This Annotator summarizes various previous StyleAnnotators into styles of graphics items.
Either it gets a Sequence of annotators to consider as the parameter, or we
try to utilize most of the existing Annotations. The notable exception is
the ShortestPathTree, since that is only relevant when it is explicitly selected.
We depend on StyleAnnotators' Annotations being the correct dictionaries.
Also, there are not enough Annotators currently shipped with Birdvisu.
Therefore, we do not implement any priority-based colouring, but rather
just apply styles in order, overriding the previous ones. While not
future-proof, it is simple enough to be implemented now and substituted in the
It is almost like a MetaStyler, but sounds much cooler with a G!""" #lol
idempotent = False
def __init__(self, param):
# The boolean determines whether we should run this annotator when it has not been run previously
self.annotator_order: Sequence[tuple[StyleAnnotator, bool]] = [
(PlaceVerticesFromFile, False),
(PlaceUnplacedVertices, True),
(EdgeWidthByCost, True),
(HighlightTopoDiff, True),
(HighlightCurrent, True),
if param is not None:
self.detect = False
self.relevant_annotators = param
self.detect = True
def annotate(topo):
# First, set some base styles
edge_style = defaultdict(lambda: {
'width': 1,
'colour': (0,0,0,255),
'highlight_colour': (0,0,0,0), # "None"
vertex_style = defaultdict(lambda: {
'position': (0,0), # Fallback to have consistent output, PLEASE OVERRIDE!
'highlight_colour': (0,0,0,0), # "None"
# Walk the annotators and collect the annotations
if not detect:
relevant_annotators = self.relevant_annotators
# We will be iterating over this often, so this time it is not a set.
relevant_annotators = list(filter(
lambda ann_id: ann_id.annotator != analysis.ShortestPathTree,
for ann_cls, should_run in self.annotator_order:
# Could this code be better?
runs = list(filter(lambda ann_id: ann_id.annotator == ann_cls, relevant_annotators))
if len(runs) > 0:
annot = runs[0] # If there is not only one, we lack a hint what to choose.
elif len(runs) == 0 and should_run:
param = None
# This is sooo ugly: PlaceUnplacedVertices should get a
# parameter if a relevant placement annotator has been run.
# HighlightCurrent needs to know the right current tool.
if False: 'alignment'
elif ann_cls == PlaceUnplacedVertices:
param = next(filter(lambda ann_id: ann_id.annotator == PlaceVerticesFromFile, relevant_annotators), None)
elif ann_cls == HighlightCurrent:
# We hope that relevant_annotators contain a single ShortestPathTree:
param = next(filter(lambda ann_id: ann_id.annotator == analysis.ShortestPathTree, relevant_annotators), None)
annot = AnnotatorID(annotator=ann_cls, param=param)
else: continue
data = topo.annotations[annot]
for k, v in data.for_vertex.items():
vertex_style[k] |= v
for k, v in data.for_edge.items():
edge_style[k] |= v
result = Annotation()
for v in topo.topology.vertices.keys():
result.for_vertex[v] = vertex_style[v]
for e in topo.topology.edges:
result.for_edge[e] = edge_style[e]
return result

@ -1,146 +1,4 @@
"""Annotators for visualising.
Many of these should be somewhere else, because they make assumptions not
related to visualisation. Also, only the currently needed annotators were
from enum import Enum, auto
from dataclasses import dataclass
import re
import random
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from .qt_widgets import MyGraphicsRectItem
# Classification
class DifferenceStatus(Enum):
"""Describes differences between two topologies"""
NORMAL = auto()
MISSING = auto()
EXTRA = auto()
def difference_annotator(at, reference_src='reference', actual_src='actual'):
"""Adds DifferenceStatuses according to which sources provided which part
of topology"""
topo = at.topology
for data, annot in [
(topo.routers, at.router_annotations),
(topo.networks, at.network_annotations),
(topo.links, at.link_annotations),
for k, v in data.items():
verdict = DifferenceStatus.NORMAL
if actual_src not in v.sources:
verdict = DifferenceStatus.MISSING
if reference_src not in v.sources:
verdict = DifferenceStatus.EXTRA
# Nodes currently cannot have discrepant information (provided the
# Topology.is_valid())
if data is topo.links:
if v.metric < 0:
verdict = DifferenceStatus.DISCREPANCY
# TODO: We should probably disallow mutating previous AnnotatedTopologies.
return at
# TODO: annotator for routing trees
# Layouting
class Position:
x: float
y: float
def extract_positions(at, directive='visualisation default'):
topo = at.topology
for data, annot in [
(topo.routers, at.router_annotations),
(topo.networks, at.network_annotations),
for k, v in data.items():
visu_directive = None
for details in v.all_details:
visu_directives = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == directive, details[1]))
if len(visu_directives) > 0:
visu_directive = visu_directives[-1] # Use the last one found.
position = None
if visu_directive is not None:
for pos in visu_directive[1]:
m = re.match(r'position \[([0-9.]+) ([0-9.]+)\]', pos[0])
if pos is not None:
x, y = m.groups()
position = Position(x = float(x), y = float(y))
if position is not None:
return at
def random_position(at):
# Fallback when no position could be extracted
# TODO: this should use some kind of heuristic or existing layout engine.
topo = at.topology
for data, annot in [
(topo.routers, at.router_annotations),
(topo.networks, at.network_annotations),
for k, v in data.items():
if len(annot[k]) > 0 and not isinstance(annot[k][-1], Position):
# This is really last resort, so expecting the canvas to be
# FullHD is as good assumption as any.
x = float(random.randint(0, 1920)),
y = float(random.randint(0, 1080)),
return at
# Rendering
def assign_brushes(at):
for annot in [
for tags in annot.values():
statuses = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, DifferenceStatus), tags))
status = statuses[-1] if len(statuses) > 0 else DifferenceStatus.DISCREPANCY # should always have something.
color = {
DifferenceStatus.NORMAL: 'black',
DifferenceStatus.EXTRA: 'green',
DifferenceStatus.MISSING: 'red',
DifferenceStatus.DISCREPANCY: 'blue',
return at
def create_qgritems(at):
# qgritem = QGraphicsItem
# TODO: reasonable visualisation, not just squares :-)
# - this probably involves creatin custom qgritems
# - We will need own qgritems anyway to handle interaction (e.g.
# resolving to Router objects)
topo = at.topology
for rk, r in topo.routers.items():
size = 30
brush = None
for tag in at.router_annotations[rk][-1::-1]:
if isinstance(tag, QtGui.QBrush):
brush = tag
pos = None
for tag in at.router_annotations[rk][-1::-1]:
if isinstance(tag, Position):
pos = tag
x = pos.x
y = pos.y
shape = MyGraphicsRectItem(-size/2, -size/2, size, size)
shape.setPos(x, y)
@ -199,11 +57,4 @@ def create_qgritems(at):
npos = tag
line = QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem(rpos.x, rpos.y, npos.x, npos.y)
ritem.setData(0, line)
nitem.setData(0, line)
line.setData(0, nitem)
line.setData(1, ritem)
return at
